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Expedition against Penobscot-Night Surprisal of Paulus Hook-
Washington fortifies West Point-His style of living there-
Table at Head-quarters-Sir Henry Clinton reinforced-Arrival
of D'Estaing on the Coast of Georgia-Plans in consequence-
The French Minister at Washington's Highland Camp-Letter
to Lafayette D'Estaing co-operates with Lincoln-Repulsed at
Savannah-Washington reinforces Lincoln-Goes into Winter-
quarters—Sir Henry Clinton sends an Expedition to the South - 1071

- 1081

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Andre's Conduct as a Prisoner-His Conversations with Colonel
Tallmadge-Story of Nathan Hale-André's Prison at Tappan-
Correspondence on his behalf-His Trial-Execution-Reward
of the Captors-Reward of Arnold-His Proclamation-After
Fortunes of Mrs. Arnold


- 1176

. 1195

The Marquis Lafayette and his Light Infantry-Proposes a brilliant
Stroke-Preparations for an Attack on the British Posts of New
York Island-Visit of the Marquis of Chastellux to the American
Camp-Washington at Head-Quarters-Attack on the British
Posts given up-Stark forages Westchester County-Exploit of
Tallmadge on Long Island


- 1202

Hostile Embarkations to the South-Arnold in command-Neces-
sitous State of the Country-Washington urges a Foreign Loan
-Mission of Colonel Laurens to France to seek Aid in Men and
Money-Grievances of the Pennsylvania Line-Mutiny-Negoti-
ations with the Mutineers-Articles of Accommodation-Policy
doubted by Washington-Rigorous course adopted by him with
other Malcontents-Successful-Ratification of the Articles of
Confederation of the States




Arnold at Portsmouth in Virginia-Expeditions sent against him—
Instructions to Lafayette-Washington at Newport-Consulta-
tions with De Rochambeau-Sailing of the French Fleet-Pur-
sued by the English-Expedition of Lafayette to Virginia-En-
gagement between the English and French Fleets-Failure of
the Expedition against Arnold-Letter of Washington to Colonel
Laurens-Measures to reinforce Greene- General Philips in com-
mand at Portsmouth-Marauds the Country-Checked by La-
fayette-Mount Vernon menaced-Death of Phillips


- 1276

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