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her to heaven, in the brazen or iron ages, when she left the earth in disgust, and our ingenious astronomers ranked her in the zodaic, under the name of Virgo. This sign enters in August, and leaves in September, when our best and most useful fruits are ripening, and the peasants are working" under the sweat of their brow," to hasten the harvest home, (to burn the faggot), at length it arrives; and the beverage which Ceres has ripened, crown their happiness-it is nectar, the surloin and plum pudding, the terrestrial ambrosia. The equinoctial points are the beginning of Aries and Libra, called the vernal and autumnul equinoxes.


to the fleecy star that bears

The fleecy star, Aries, emblem of the ram. The figures of the twelve signs are supposed by Dr. Jennings and other astronomers to be Egyptian hieroglyphics, by which they designed to exhibit some natural occurrence in each month: thus the first three months beginning from the vernal equinox were remarkable for the fleecy kind, namely sheep and goats, first the lamb, represented by their parent the ram. Andromeda was after death made a constellation; she was the daughter of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia. The marine god, Neptune, was displeased with Cassiope, Andromeda's mother, and would not be appeased unless she was exposed to the sea monster on a rock. Perseus on his return from the conquest of the Gorgons, proposed to release her, if as a reward he might receive her in

marriage. Cepheus consented, and Perseus
released Andromeda, and changed the sea monster
into a rock.

Minerva thus to Perseus lent her shield,
Secure of conquest sent him to the field;
The hero acted what the queen ordain'd,

So was his fame complete, and Andromeda

560 Beyond th' horizon ;

Is that circle which bounds the sight of any person, who being placed either in a large plain, or in the midst of the sea, looks round about ; and by which the earth and heavens seem to be join'd, as it were, with a kind of closure. It is also called the sensible or visible horizon. 568 Like these Hesperian gardens fam'd of old


Hesperia, an Island of Africa, this celebrated garden abounded with fruits of the most delicious kind, which was guarded by a dragon that never slept. It was one of the twelve labours of Hercules, to destroy the monster, and to bring away some golden apples. The fable of this mythology is supposed to have arisen from an ambiguous word signifying sheep, and an apple. The Hesperides were persons who kept an immense number of flocks.

where the great luminary

The sun, which seems to perform its daily stages through the sky, is, in this respect, fixed and immoveable. 'Tis the great axle of heaven, about which the globe we inhabit, and other more spacious orbs, wheel their stated courses. The sun, though seemingly smaller than the dial it


illuminates, is abundantly larger a hundred thousand times, according to the lowest reckoning, than the whole earth; on which so many lofty mountains rise, and such vast oceans roll.

Beyond that sun,

Afar, ten thousand thousand systems roll,
And countless orbs, the seats of life and joy,
Revolving worlds that crowd the vast profound,
And dread omnipotence aloud proclaim,
But far transcend the reach of human thought,
To scan their distance, magnitude and laws.

to the twelve that shone

In Aaron's breast-plate,



The first row, a sardius, (or ruby) a topaz, and a carbuncle; the second, an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond; the third, a figure, an agate, and an amethyst; and the fourth, a beryl, (or chrysolite) and an onyx, and a jasper. Exod. xxviii. 17.20.


and a stone besides.

Philosopher's stone, a pretended stone that will turn all other metals into gold, a mystery. 603 Volatile Hermes,

Mercury, quicksilver; and is taken for one of their active principles, commonly called spirits. Likewise a title of Mercury, the god of eloquence. 604 In various shapes old Proteus from the sea,

A sea deity, who received the gift of prophecy from Neptune, and from his knowledge of futurity mankind received the greatest services. It is said he resided in the Carpathian sea, and liked to repose himself on the sea shore, where those who

wished to consult him, generally resorted.


was difficult of access; and, when consulted, refused to give answers, by immediately assuming different shapes, and eluding the grasp, if not properly secured in fetters.

617 Culminate from th' equator ;

The sun or star is said to culminate, when it is in the highest point in the heavens that it is possible for it to be; that is, when it is upon the meridian.

622 The same whom John saw also in the sun.


And I saw an angel standing in the sun. xix. 17.

Circled his head

a golden tiar


Tiar is an ornament, or habit, wherewith the ancient Persians covered their heads; and with which the Amorites and kings of Pontus are represented on medals. These last, because they were descended from the Persians. It was worn in the form of a tower, and sometimes adorned with peacocks' feathers.

636 And now a stripling Cherub he appears,

They were represented in the tabernacle and temple, in human shape, with two wings. Exod. xxv. 18.

And angel of the second order.

648 The Arch-angel Uriel


A principal angel who has power over others.
And I saw the seven angels which stood before
God. Rev. viii. 2.

Brightest Seraph tell
An holy angel of the first order.

683 Hypocrisy, the only evil that walks


Our indiscretion sometimes serves us well,

When our deep plots do fail; and that should

teach us,

There's a divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough hew them how we will.

702 For wonderful indeed are all his works.

And shall I forget the God of my salvation, the author of all my mercies? Shall I render him no expressions of thankfulness? Then might all nature reproach my ingratitude: shall I rest satisfied with the bare acknowledgment of my lips? No, let my life be vocal, and speak his praise, in that only genuine, that most emphatical language, the language of devout obediLet the bill be drawn upon my very heart let all my affections acknowledge the draught: and let the whole tenor of my actions, in time and through eternity, be continually paying the debt; the ever-pleasing, ever-growing debt of duty, veneration and love. HERVEY.


708 I saw, when at his word the formless mass.
The moral world,

Which, though to us it seems embroil'd, moves on
In higher order; fitted and impelled

By wisdom's finest hand, and issuing all

In general good.


718 That roll'd orbicular and turn'd to stars.


Numerous, and every star perhaps a world
Of destin'd habitation.


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