Almighty: just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Rev. xv. 3. 647 New Heav'n and Earth shall to the ages rise Or down from Heav'n descend. 657 664 And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven. Rev. xxi. 2. to th' other five Their planetary motions and aspects Five girdles bind the skies; the torrid zone Which the twelve signs in beauteous order sway: Betwixt th' extremes two happier climates hold Their corners, To the winds they set He maketh the clouds his chariot, and walketh upon the wings of the wind; he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain: he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries. Psalm cxxxv. 7. 671 Some say the sun Was bid turn reins from th' equinoctial road The equinoctial line divides the globe into two equal parts, forming the northern and southern hemispheres; our charming poet, Thomson, has finely introduced the change occasioned by the revolution of the signs of the zodiac, in his Seasons. These as they change, Almighty Father, these Thy bounty shines in autumn unconfin'd, And spreads a common feast for all that lives. Shade, unperceived, so softening into shade; And all, so forming an harmonious whole: That as they still succeed, they ravish still. 686 From cold Estotiland, Estotiland; so called by the fishermen of Friezland, and afterwards by the Portuguese : and called Terrade Labrador; that is, Land of Labour, being difficult to cultivate: also called New Britain. It is a country in North America; bounded by Hudson's Straits and the Atlantic Ocean; on the north by the same ocean, on the east by the river St. Lawrence, and Canada on the south, and by Hudson's Bay on the west; extremely cold and mountainous; over ran with forests and wild beasts. The natives, called Esquimaux, go naked, notwithstanding the cold; and hunt for furs, which they sell to the English and French. The inhabitants are mostly idolators. 687 Beneath Magellan This navigator was a Portuguese, and set sail under the auspices of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, from Seville, a port in Spain, the 10th of August, 1519; and, having discovered the Magellanic Straits, in South America, through them he entered the South Sea: and, after discovering the Ladrone Islands, he arrived at the Philippines, where he was killed in a skirmish with the natives. His ship returned to Seville, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, under the direction of Jean Sebastian del Cano, the 8th of September, 1522, after a voyage of abuot three years. 687 At that tasted fruit The sun as from Thyestean banquet, Thyestus was banished from Argos for his immoralities: his brother, Atreus, to punish him, invited him to partake of an elegant entertainment; but what was his horror, to find that he had been feeding on his own children. This action appeared so barbarous that, it is said, the sun stood still, or chang'd his usual course, not to be a spectator of so shocking a scene. 696 Of Norumbega, 696 A large country of North America, having Nova Scotia on the south west, and New England on the north west, and the ocean on the east. and the Samoed shores The most northerly province of Russia in Europe, situate on the Frozen Ocean, and on both sides the river Oby, joining to Siberia. The inhabitants are rude, savage and gross idolators, living in huts and caves under the snow: they hunt in the winter, and fish in the summer. 699 Boreas, and Cacias, and Argestes loud. Boreas, the north wind: Cacias, the north west wind; Argestes, a river of Mysia, in Asia Minor, near the Hellespont, from which the wind blows upon Greece. 700 And Thrascias Blowing from Thrace, now Romania in Europe upon Greece: the north west wind. 702 Notus and Afer black with thund'rous clouds From Serraliona; In the west of Africa is the great river Sierra Leona, which is said to be nearly three leagues wide at its entrance; but a short way up the channel, it is reduced to the breadth of a single mile. It abounds with fish, and is greatly infested with crocodiles and alligators. The banks are adorned with large and beautiful trees; and the river, in its course, forms several delightful islands, covered with palms, from which the natives make great quantities of wine. The country to the south of this river is extremely mountainous; and is properly denominated, Sierra Leona, or the Mountains of the Lions; while on the north it is low and flat, where the heat of the sun, before the noon-tide breeze springs up, is almost intolerable. In general, it is reckoned an unhealthy climate to Europeans; and the continual thunder and rain, with a suffocating air that prevails during four months in the year, produce the most fatal effects, especially on the constitutions of strangers: nor are they innocent with respect to the natives, who are obliged to confine themselves in their chambers, for several days successively, to avoid the pestilential infection, of the atmosphere. Sometimes tornadoes produce awful and astonishing scenes; in which the sun is veiled, in mid-day splendour, and the most tremendous and pitchy darkness succeeds in his place, and the face of nature seems wholly changed. But however these scenes may effect the minds of strangers with terror and amazement, custom has rendered their appearance a matter of indifference to the natives, who contemplate the dreadful changes of nature without any particular emotion. |