[ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL.] LONDON: ALFRED GADSBY, STEAM MACHINE PRINTER, CRANE COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE object of the following Work is to supply a hand-book for Devotional Reading, which may be used either in private or at the Family Altar. All elaborate and argumentative criticism has, as much as possible, been excluded; and the Extracts, which have been taken from a variety of sources, irrespective of class or party, aim to exhibit some of the practical applications of the passages they are brought to illustrate, without either perverting or ignoring their textual and legitimate import. In their selection, preference has uniformly been given to such as were felt to be both pertinent and impressive, and the greatest care has been taken to prevent a single repetition.' Doubtless, some of the Illustrations will be deemed redundant, and others too lengthy: but it has been considered, that what may fail to instruct and interest some readers, may afford both pleasure and profit to others; and that those Illustrations which seem objectionable in point of length, possess, in general, the recommendation of superior excellence. The insertion of the very lengthy citation from Howe, on 1 Chron. xvi. 43, is justified on the ground that it is one of the principal designs of the Work to promote the observance of the much-neglected duty of Family Religion, and that there is, probably, nothing in the language superior to Howe's forcible appeals on this subject. It is believed that no serious reader will desire its omission. |