Nor doth reason only, but experience too, shew the need of timely institution in piety and virtue. For is it not visible, that principally for want of it, multitudes of unhappy creatures, in all ranks of life, set out from the first in sin, and follow it on as securely as if it were the only way they had to take; do unspeakable mischief in the world, and utterly undo themselves, body and soul: whilst others, of no better natural dispositions, but only better taught, are harmless and useful, esteemed and honoured, go through life with comfort, and meet death with joyful hope? There are doubtless, in such numbers, exceptions on both sides; but this is undeniably the ordinary, the probable, the always to be expected course of things. Therefore seriously consider, will you despise religious knowledge, and be like the former miserable wretches? or will you embrace it, and be happy, with the latter, here and to eternity? But it is not sufficient that you be willing to receive instruction, unless they also, to whom the care belongs, are willing to give it. Now that care of giving it belongs to different persons in different cases. In the case of children, it usually belongs in a peculiar degree to their parents: who, having been the means of bringing them into the world, are most strongly bound to endeavour that their being may prove a benefit, not a cause of lamentation to them; and having been endued by Heaven with tender affections towards them, will be doubly sinners against them, if they are guilty of that worst of cruelty, not teaching them their duty: without which also, and it deserves a very serious consideration, they can no more hope for comfort in them here, than for acceptance with God hereafter. And therefore, both the Old Testament directed the Jews, to teach their children diligently the words which God had commanded them*; and the New enjoins Christians to bring up theirs in the nurture and admonition of the Lord †. Sometimes indeed want of leisure, sometimes of knowledge and ability, obliges parents to commit part, it may be a considerable one, of the instruction of their children to other persons. But far from being ever discharged of the whole burthen, they must always remember, that unless they assist and enforce what others endeavour, it will seldom produce any valuable effect; and much less, if some of the things, which their children hear them say, and see them do almost every day, are directly contrary to those, which they pretend they would have them believe and learn. The persons on whom usually this care is devolved by parents, are masters and mistresses of schools, and afterwards tutors in colleges, who ought never to omit furnishing children, amongst other knowledge, plentifully with that which is the most necessary of all; but constantly to employ the influence which they acquire of their tempers, in exciting them to good, and preserving them from evil, as much as they can and parents ought first absolutely to require this of them, and then examine diligently from time to time whether it be done. But especially masters and mistresses of charity-schools, which are founded purposely to give the children of the poor an early and deep tincture of religion and virtue, should look upon it as by far their principal business to teach them, not merely outward observances and forms of good words, but such an inward sense and love of their duty to God and man, as may secure † Ephes. vi. 4. * Dent. vi. 7. them, if possible, from that lamentable depravity, into which the lower part of the world is falling; and which it is highly the interest of their superiors, if they would but understand their interest, to restrain and correct. As the care of children belongs to their parents and teachers; so doth that of servants to the heads of the families, in which they live. And therefore it is mentioned in Scripture by God himself, as a distinguishing part of the character of a good man, that he will command his household to keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgement*. For indeed it is a strong and a requisite proof of reverence to our Maker, as well as of kindness to them, and concern for our own interest, to direct them in the way of their duty, or procure them the direction of good books and good advice; to exhort them to the more private exercises of religion; to contrive leisure for them to attend the appointed solemn ones, which is plainly one part of giving them, as the Apostle requires, what is just and equal † and to see that the leisure, allowed them for that purpose, be honestly so employed, and not abused. For, after all, the most valuable instruction for servants, for children, and for all persons, is the public one of the church, which our Saviour himself hath promised to bless with his presence. And therefore it is a rule of inexpressible moment: Gather the people together; men, women, and children, and the stranger that is within thy gates: that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God; and observe to do all the words of his law: and that their children which have not known any thing, may * Gen. xviii. 19. Matth. xvii. 20. + Col. iv. 1. hear and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as ye live * Whoever else may fail of doing their duty, we the ministers of Christ must not fail to be instant in season, and out of season t; to feed the young with the sincere milk of the word ‡, and to preach the Gospel to the poor §. It is the peculiar glory of Christianity, to have extended religious instruction, of which but few partook at all before, and scarce any in purity, through all ranks and ages of men, and even women. The first converts to it were immediately formed into regular societies and assemblies; not only for the joint worship of God, but the further edifying of the body of Christ || : in which good work, some of course were stated teachers, or, to use the Apostle's own expression, catechizers in the word; others, taught or catechized ¶. For catechizing signifies in Scripture, at large, instructing persons in any matter, but especially in religion. And thus it is used, Acts xviii. 25. where you read, This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and Luke i. 4. where again you read, That thou mayest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed. The original word, in both places, is catechized. But as the different advances of persons in knowledge made different sorts of instructions requisite ; so in the primitive church, different sorts of teachers were appointed to dispense it. And they who taught so much only of the Christian doctrine, as might qualify the hearers for Christian communion, had the name of Catechists appropriated to them: whose teaching being usually, as was most convenient, in a Deut. xxxi. 12, 13. § Matth. xi. 5. † 2 Tim. iv. 2. || Eph. iv. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 2. ¶ Gal. vi. 6. great measure by way of question and answer; the name of Catechism hath now been long confined to such instruction, as is given in that form. But the method of employing a particular set of men in that work only, is in most places laid aside. And I hope you will not be losers, if they who are appointed to the higher ministries of the church, attend to this also. Under the darkness of popery almost all religious instruction was neglected. Very few, to use the words of one of our homilies, even of the most simple people, were taught the Lord's prayer, the articles of the faith, or the ten commandments, otherwise than in Latin, which they understood not*: so that one of the first necessary steps taken towards the Reformation, in this country, was a general injunction, that parents and masters should first learn them in their own tongue, then acquaint their children and servants with them which three main branches of Christian duty, comprehending the sum of what we are to believe, to do, and to petition for, were soon after formed, with proper explanations of each, into a catechism. To this was added, in process of time, a brief account of the two sacraments; altogether making up that very good, though still improveable, form of sound words, which we now use. And that it may be used effectually, the laws of the land, both ecclesiastical and civil, require not only ministers to instruct their parishioners in it, but parents, and masters and mistresses of families, to send their children and servants to be instructed; *Homily against Rebellion, part 6. + See Wake's Dedication of his Commentary on the Church Catechism. 2 Tim. i. 13. |