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our eyes so constantly, as to live in his fear always. Doing this needs not keep us from common business; it needs not keep us from innocent pleasures. But it should influence us all effectually, (and happy are we, if it doth) to conduct ourselves in every thing, as persons who act under the inspection of a wise and just superior; whom we may indeed forget, if we will; but shall be remembered by him: from whom we may depart, but cannot escape. In our choice it is, whether we will be the better or the worse for him. But one we must: and that beyond expression. For God will bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing; whether it be good or whether it be evil*:

*Eccl. xii, 14.



Article II. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord.

To believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, is the universal creed of nature and reason. But divine revelation adds further professions to it; of which the first is, that of faith in our ever blessed Redeemer : whose direction was, Ye believe in God; believe also in me *. Therefore, that we may believe in him as we ought, he is described, in the Creed, by his name and offices, his relation to God and to us.

1. His name, Jesus: by which indeed many of the Jews were called; but it was given him in obedience to an appointment from heaven, made with a peculiar regard to its proper meaning. For it signifies, a Saviour which is a title conferred, in a lower sense, on several persons in Scripture, who delivered others from considerable dangers or evils, or obtained for them considerable benefits and advantages. Thus the judges of the Israelites, that freed them from the oppression of their enemies, are said to be Saviours, whom God raised up † to them. And Joshua, who brought them out of the wilderness into the land of * John xiv. 1. Judges iii. 9. 15. Nehem. ix. 27.

Canaan, subdued it, and put them in possession of it, not only was in these respects a saviour to them: but, from a foresight that he would, was called so, as his proper name. For Joshua and Jesus are, in the original, the same word; only pronounced a little differently. And hence Joshua is constantly called Jesus in the Greek language, and even in our translation of the New Testament, the two only times that he is mentioned there *. But if he deserved to be named a saviour, how much more did that person, who hath taught and enabled us to overcome our spiritual, which are infinitely our worst enemies; who hath obtained for us, on most equitable terms, delivererance from the punishment due to our guilt; who hath destroyed on our behalf, death, and him that had the power of death †; and will bestow on us eternal salvation, in the kingdom of heaven? With perfect justice therefore was the order given to his virgin mother, Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins : only let us remember, that none will be saved from them hereafter, that continue to live in them here. For is the holy Jesus the minister of sin? God forbid §!

2. His offices are expressed by the word, Christ. This, and the Hebrew word Messiah, to which it answers, in their literal meaning signify anointed. Oil was anciently in very high esteem among the eastern nations on various accounts. And as they were wont to express almost every matter of importance by actions, as well as words; one way of setting any thing apart, and appropriating it to an honourable use, was by anointing it with oil. Therefore we find Jotham in his parable makes the olive tree speak of

*Acts vii. 45. Heb. iv. 8.

Matth. i. 21.

+ Heb. ii. 14.
§ Gal. ii. 17.

its fatness, as that wherewith they honour God and man*. Accordingly the tabernacle, and temple, and their furniture, were consecrated by anointing them. And almost every sacrifice had oil, mixed with flour, added to it, when it was offered up. Nor was it used only to such things, but such persons, as were distinguished in honour above others to kings; who are thence frequently styled in Scripture, the Lord's anointed: to priests; concerning whom God commands, in the case of Aaron and his sons, Thou shalt anoint them, that they may minister to me in the priests' office and lastly to prophets; as where Elijah is directed to anoint Elisha prophet in his room ‡.

And when once, by custom, anointing came to signify raising any one to a station of dignity, the same word was used, even on occasions where no oil was actually employed §. Thus when Elijah was bid to anoint Hazael to be king over Syria, and Elisha for prophet in his own room: we find not, that he ever did it literally ||. Again, when God is introduced, as saying of the Jewish patriarchs, before Moses, touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm¶; we have no ground to think, that they were ever entitled to this name by any solemn outward unction, performed upon them: but only by the distinguished favour and regard of heaven. And in this sense it was, that God anointed our Saviour with the oil of gladness, above his fellows ** : that is, exalted him to a rank of dignity and honour beyond all creatures. For in his person were united those three offices, in * Judges ix. 9. + Exod. xl. 15. 1 Kings xix. 16. The Jews say that D, unction, signifies principality and greatness; y. Reland. Ant. Hebr. Par. 2. c. 8. §. 6. and see this further proved, Ib. c. 9. §. 6. See 1 Kings xix. 15, 16.

¶ Psalm cv. 15.

Comp. v. 19. and 2 Kings viii. 13.

** Psalm xlv. 7.

the highest degree, to which, you have seen, persons were anciently set apart by anointing.

He is the greatest prophet, that ever was: having given to mankind the fullest knowledge of God's will, and confirmed his doctrine by the most illustrious miracles and predictions. Hence Isaiah, speaking in his name, long before his appearance, gave that description of him, which he so justly in the synagogue applied to himself: the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, he hath anointed me* to preach the Gospel to the poor. And St. Peter, after his resurrection, says, that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power. What these words mean, the next explain: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him: and the whole means just the same thing, with what he elsewhere says, that he was a man approved of God by miracles and wonders and signs§.

In the next place, he is a priest of an order, strictly speaking, confined to his own person, and of which no other ever was or can be: though in some respects the priesthood of Melchizedek peculiarly resembled and prefigured it. He offered up himself for the sins of mankind, as shall hereafter be explained to you. With this sacrifice he appeared before God, not in the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but in heaven itself ||; made reconciliation for us with him, derives to us continually blessings from him and thus remains for ever an high-priest over the house of God¶: compared with whom, the

Chald. doth not understand the anointing here to be with material oil.

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