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"Or Un to our Time; we confound all thofe, that reafon itt, duly and Il- either by Self-conceit, or Vanity, or Blindness and legally af Falfe Perfwafion. For to this Church, by reason of Irs † For Po-greater Power, it is neceffary that all Churches tentiorem have Recourfe; that is, The Faithful on all Sides. principa- Fifthly, IT is Agreed, that there was never alitatem ny General Council yet, fince the time of the Awithout Vi. poftles, but it was in the Communion of the Biolence, be hop of Rome. Of this kind Proteftants allow refer'd to Four, by Act 1 Eliz. Cap. 1. The First General any thing Council at Nice, of 318 Bishops, against the A-· rians, anno 325, was in the Communion of Pope Sylvefter. The Second at Conftantinople, of 150 Bifhops, against the Macedonians, anno 381, was


but the



Aes at Communion of Pope Damafus. The Third

es at Ephefus, of above 200 Bishops, anno 431, against Neftorius (denying the B. Virgin to be the Mother of God) was in the Communion of Pope Celeftin. The Fourth at Chalcedon, of 520 Bishops, against Eutyches and Diofcorus, (denying two Natures in CHRIST,) anno 451, was in the Communion of S. Leo. So the Council at Sardica, against the Arians, anno 347, was in the Communion of Pope Julius. Befides thefe, the Greek Church allows Three other General Councils: The Second at Conftantinople, anno 553, in the Communion of Pope Vigilius: The Third at Confrantinople (against the Monothelites) anno 680, in the Communion of Pope Agatho; and the Second at Nice, anno 787 (against the Iconoclasts, or Image-Breakers) in the Communion of Pope

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Hadrian I.

Sixthly, BOTH Churches Agree, that all the Christian Kings of England, till the twenty fecond Year of King Henry VIII. (Chr. 1530.) and all the Archbishops of Canterbury, from S. Austin


the first Archbishop (fent into England, with other Monks, by the Pope, S. Gregory I. to convert our Saxon Ancestors from Idolatry) till Cranmer in the Reign of King Henry VIII. were join'd in Communion with the See of Rome. Soi that what we call the Roman Catholick Religion, was the only Religion in England, by Law E stablish'd, above Nine hundred Years together. And by Mr L's Chronology, pag. 108, All Christian Kings and Bishops in our Ifland, for Nine hundred Years, have Communicated with the Pope as Head of the Church. Canterbury was alfo made by him an Archiepifcopal See, as Ven. Bede in his History relates.

Seventhly, BOTH Churches Agree, that the Difputes of Martin Luther, an Augustin Friar, in Germany, against the Pope (which occafion'd fo many Changes of Religion fince, in England, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Germany, &c.) begun in the Sixteenth Century; that is, in the Year 1517. Luther was Excommunicated by the Pope, anno 1526. And his Followers (who, as well as he, had all been Christen'd in the Communion of the See of Rome) took the Name of Proteftants, anno 1529, that is, nine Years after Luther was Excommunicated. Whence Mr. Chillingworth, writing against us, fays, (1) You caft us out of your Communion. And Mr. L.. pag.19, If a Church is Answerable for all that break off from her, then you have all these Sects to reckon for; and Us too, which is one more.

Did Pius V. break

HE affures us indeed, pag. 101, 102. that, after the Reformation, the Roman Catholicks of the Com

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England came to the Proteftant Churches, and to their Common-Prayer without any Scruple, till about the tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, when Pope Pius V. to be Reveng'd of the Queen, forbad it, and fo made the Separation, and Schifm too. Having neither Power to break in upon the Rights, and Liberties of any National Church; nor Sufficient Caufe, to break the Communion; our Liturgy, fays Mr. L. being all Orthodox, even our Enemies being Judges. To this I anfwer,

9. LUTHER, for fetting up Proteftant Dorine, was Excommunicated by the See of Rome, above forty Years before Pius V. whilft our whole Kingdom was in Communion with that See. And he, that firft broke this Communion, writ againft Luther, in Defence of Indulgences, of Seven Sacraments, and of the Pope's Authority for which Pope Leo granted him the Title of Defender of the Faith.

2. THE Council of Trent, in which the Doctrine of the Reformation was condemn'd as Heretical, was concluded and received by the whole Church in Communion with the Roman See, before Pius Quintus's time; being Confirm'd by his Predeceffor, anno 1564.

3 QUEEN Elizabeth, fays Doctor Heylin, in his History of the Reformation, pag. 103. knew full well that her Legitimation, and the Pope's Supremacy, could not stand together; and that the could not poffibly maintain the One, without a difcarding of the Other But, in this Cafe it concern'd her to walk very warily, and not to unmask her felf too much at once. However a Reformation, fays he, in the Form of Worship, and confequently in point of Doctrine, was both intended and projected.

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FOR tho', in Policy, fhe was Crown'd accor ding to the Order of the Roman Pontifical, by Dr. Owen Oglethorpe, a Catholick Bishop of Carlile; and, when Proclaim'd Queen, caufed Mafs to be fung at Westminster for her Sister Queen Mary deceafed, and for the Emperor Charles V. Tho the Convocation of the Clergy, in the time of her firft Parliament, ftood up for the Real Prefence; for Tranfubftantiation; for the Mafs as a Propitiatory Sacrifice for the Quick and the Dead; As alfo that the Supreme Power of Feeding and Governing the Militant Church of Chrift, is given to Peter the Apoftle, and to his lawful Sucef fors in the See Apoftolick, as unto the Vicars of Chrift: And that the Authority to handle and define fuch things as belong to Faith, the Sacraments, and Ecclefiaftical Difcipline, hath hitherto ever be longed, and ought only to belong unto the Paftors of the Church, and not unto Lay Men, as Dr. Heylin relates: Yet that very Parliament pafs'd an Act, that nothing should from thenceforth be accounted Herefy, but what was fo adjudg'd in the Holy Scripture, or in one of the four firft General Councils, or in any other National or Provincial Council, determining according to the Word of God: Or finally, which should be fo adjudg'd in the time to come, y the Court of Parliament, fays Dr. Heyling

p. 108..

AND pag. 107. When the Act of Parliament, concerning the Supremacy, came to be debated; it feemed to be a thing abhorrent, even to Nature and should

Policy, that a Woman rch of England.

Head, on Earth, of the But the Defign was the ftripping the Pope of all Autho rity within thefe Dominions, and fixing the Supreme Ecclefiaftical Power, in the Crown Imperial; and B 4


this they did, not by the Name of Supreme Head, but of Supreme Governess.

THE Bishops at that time,fays the fame Author, were reduced to a narrower Number, than ever before; there being no more than fifteen of that Sacred Order, left alive. Thefe being call'd by certain of the Lords of the Council, were required to take the Oath of Supremacy. Kitchin of Landaff, only takes it, who having formerly fubmitted to every Change, refolved to fhew himself no Changeling, in not conforming himself to the Pleasures of the higher Pomers. By all the reft it was refufed. Whereupon, they were deprived of their Rifhopricks. The Bishops being thus put out, the Oath is tender'd next to the Deans, and Chapters; and lastly, to the Rural Clergy.

Pag. 131. WE find the new Bishops in England very high, and refolute in oppofing the Church of Rome. Whereof the then Pope being inform'd, directs to the Queen an Affectionate Letter, calling her his Dearest Daughter; and declaring unto her, how follicitous he was for her Salvation, and the Profperity of her People, which he told her, was not to be found by wandring out of the Communion of the Catholick Church: unto which he again invites her, with much Chriftian Meeknefs. But the Queen had fet up her Refolution, to go forward with the Change. Wherefore all was loft Labour.

Pag. 142. THE Emperor Ferdinand, being informed of thefe Confufions of Religion in England; perfwaded the Queen, by his Letters, to return to the Old Religion; and not relinquifh the Communion of fo many Catholick Kings and Princes, and her own Ancestors alfo; not to prefer her own fingular Fudgment, and the fudgment of a few private Perfons, and thofe not of the moft Learned neither, be


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