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Tros Tyriufque mihi nulla difcrimine agetur.



HERE are fome perhaps, who at first fight may be ftartled at reading the name of OXFORD in the title, and fling down the book without enquiring any further into its contents. But if their curiofity fhould lead them to proceed fo far as the preface, it is hoped their wrong impreffions may by that be removed, and they may be tempted to go on.

OXFORD We know has for some time been used as a term of reproach, and become a bye-word amongst many. Pamphlets have been defignedly written, and measures industriously pursued, to leffen her credit. Whether juftly or not

is foreign to our purpose at present to enquire. Let it fuffice that we endeavour to convince the unprejudiced reader, that nothing in this undertaking is intended either in defence of, or against the University; nothing that in the least regards Party. And tho' this was flightly hinted in our preface, it was judged not improper to enlarge fomewhat further on the subject.

A work of fo extenfive a design cannot poffibly be sustained with equal fpirit for any length of time without the affiftance of the Literati in general. But how fhall we defire or expect that affiftance, if we engage in particular difputes? For thefe, tho' pleafing to fome, would be irksome to others: whereas by purfuing a different method, we shall be fure to difoblige none. Our intereft therefore, if no other motive, will force us to adhere strictly to our first propofal, that is, to abftain from all controversy that can give offence to any.

We would not fuppofe the moft inveterate enemy to OxFORD fo blinded with rage or bigoted to Party, as to deny her having fome fhare of praise, some pretenfions to encou¬ ragement. 'Twould be useless as well as pedantick to prove that Learning is of no Party; that the highest respect has always been paid to merit, tho' in perfons of an oppofite fect or opinion; that concord has fubfifted, and a correspondence been maintained betwixt different Literati, at a time when their countries have been at variance with each other. Men

are the fame every where and in all ages. Genius is not confined to a particular foil, but will flourish in any ground or climate, if properly cultivated. It would therefore be as cruel to imagine no merit can be lodged in one place, as it is arrogant to believe it all centered in another..

Nothing has more advanced the quick progrefs of knowledge than that harmony and benevolence, which have conftantly united men in the pursuit of it. Hence focieties have been formed, and academies inftituted, with free admiffion to perfons of all ranks and perfuafions, whose supe


rior excellence intitles them to it. For whatever contributes to the general good, ought always to meet with a general encouragement.

Not to dwell any longer on this fubject; we entirely rely on that candour which is infeparable from good taste and found judgment. But tho' we may have little to fear, we have much more to hope, from the Learned. Their affiftance will greatly enhance the reputation of our work, and will not we prefume be a difcredit to themselves. CAMBRIDGE more particularly demands our application, as fhe is engaged in the common task of promoting a liberal and learned education. Nor is it to be doubted but that we shall meet with fuch reception, as is due to a fifter university.

Our defign has already been fufficiently explained, and the publick will be able in fome measure to judge of the execution by the specimen exhibited in this number. We hope our correspondents will be particularly careful not to fend us any thing that has been printed before. All compofitions that agree with our propofals will be thankfully received, and inferted the first opportunity.

The refult of our labours 'tis impoffible to foretell: but whatever our success may prove, we declare by that AUGUST NAME prefixed to our title, for which we have the highest veneration, that nothing fhall be published by us that can reflect a difhonour on Ox FORD, and that we will fooner defift from our defign, than depart from this just resolution.

OXFORD, January 31,



The STUDENT, intends in a future number to give a particular account of HIMSELF.


The SPEECH of JOHN FELL, D. D. Bishop of OXFORD,


At his Triennial Vifitation in the Year 1685.

LTHO' the lapfe of three years fince we met last

do of course occafion our meeting at this prefent, my defires to fee and speak with you in our great and common concern offer a moft forcible inducement.

I need not tell you in what condition the Church now is, affaulted by the furious malice of Papifts on the one hand and Fanaticks on the other, and, amidft the machinations of those who are zealous for a fect or party, more fatally attempted by the licentioufnefs and floth of those who are indifferent to any or oppofite to all. When these unhappy numbers are fubducted, it is lamentable to think how few the remainder are, what fcanty gleanings are left to God, amidst the plenteous harvest which the Devil makes.

To this calamity there can come but one acceffion;" That the torrent of impiety should bear down all refiftance, and at once countenance the diforders of the profane and the defpondency of the good, and thereby leave no fort of men untainted; and this I fear is in a great mea→ fure our cafe.

If at any time I prefs my Brethren of the Clergy, to labour the reduction of the Diffenters, I am told, they are perverfe and proud, and will not hear, will not be treated with. If I require a conftant diligence in offering the daily facrifice of Prayer for the people, at leaft at those returns which the Church enjoins, the ufual answer is, they are ready to do their duty, but the people will not be prevailed with to join with them. If I call for Catechizing, it is faid the Youth are backward and have no mind to come, and parents and mafters are negligent to fend them. If I infift on frequent Sacraments, the indevotion


of the people is objected; they are not willing to communicate or they are not fit. And fo when the Minister has thoroughly accufed his flock, he thinks he has abfolved himfelf, his Church becomes a Sine-Cure; and because others forbear to do their duty, there remains none for him to do.

But, my Brethren, do we think in earnest, that excufes of this kind can serve the turn, or that they will be admit ted by the Almighty when he comes to judge the world? That our account for immortal Souls, the price of the blood of the Son of God, committed to our truft, will be To eafily dispatched? At the great day of reckoning we shall find the contrary of this; if our people be negligent, we are the more obliged to industry, if they are indevout, we ought to be more zealous, if they are licentious, we ought to be more exemplary: where Sin abounds, Grace fhould much more abound. Nor let Man fay, the people will not be prevailed upon: how know we what will be hereafter? They who refifted one attempt may yield unto another, or if they yield. not to a fingle inftance, they may to many and more preffing; they who come not into the vineyard at the first or second, no not at the ninth or tenth hour, may be prevailed with at the eleventh or laft: and as God Almighty is not weary, but ftretches out his hand all the day long to a stiff-necked and gainfaying people, so must his Meffengers continue their endeavours, muft preach the word, be inftant in feafon and out of feafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort with long fuffering and doctrine. As bad as times are, they are not worse than they were at the first planting of the Gospel, yet then tho' no magiftrates afsisted, hay with all poffible violence oppofed, tho' heathenifm, vices and herefy, tho' men and devils fet themselves against the truth with all their force and refolution, the courage and virtue of the Clergy then prevailed; and if we would live as exemplary, labour as faithfully, and die as readily for our profeffions as they did, we should not want the fame fuccefs.




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