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if demanded by a Member removing his residence, except for reasons that justify and require judicial proceedings against such Member.

§ 9. A Certificate of membership shall not be given unless a change of the place of holding membership is actually intended.

§ 10. A Pastor may give a Note of Recommendation to any Member who wishes to unite with any other Evangelical Denomination.

§ 11. When any Member in good standing proposes to withdraw from the Methodist Episcopal Church he shall communicate his purpose in writing to the Pastor of the Church. On receiving such notice of withdrawal, the Pastor shall enter the fact of withdrawal upon the Record of Church membership; and such withdrawal cannot be retracted except by consent of the Pastor and the Quarterly Conference.

§ 12. Whenever a Pastor is appointed to another Charge he may complete the record of his Pastorate by entering in the Church Record opposite the names of the members of his family who are Church Members: "Member of Pastor's family transferred to . .. ;" and enter the names on the Record of his new Charge with the note: "Member of Pastor's family transferred from

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V. Classes and Class Meetings.

¶ 50. The design of the organization of Classes and the appointment of Leaders is,

§ 1. To establish a system of pastoral oversight that shall effectively reach every Member of the Church.

§ 2. To establish and keep up a meeting for social and religious worship, for instruction, encouragement, and

admonition, that shall be a profitable means of grace to our people.

§ 3. To aid, when desired, in carrying out the Financial Plan of the Church. T 284.

¶ 51. The primary object of distributing the Members of the Church into Classes is to secure the subpastoral oversight made necessary by our itinerant economy. In order to secure this oversight,

§ 1. Let the Classes, wherever practicable, be composed of not more than twenty persons, and let the Leader report at each Quarterly Conference the condition of his Class as follows:

1. Number of Members in his Class.

2. Number of Probationers.

3. Average attendance.

4. Number habitually absent.

5. Number of Class Meetings held.

6. Number who contribute to the support of the Church.

7. Number of visits made.

8. Number of heads of families in the Class, and how many of them observe family worship.

9. Number of Church papers taken by Class members. 10. Miscellaneous matters.

§ 2. Let each Leader be careful to inquire how every member of his Class prospers; not only how each person outwardly observes the Rules, but also how he grows in the knowledge and love of God.

§ 3. Let the Leaders converse with their Pastors fre quently and freely.

¶ 52. In order to render our Class Meetings interesting and profitable, let the Pastor, 1. Remove improper Leaders. 2. See that all the Leaders be of sound judgment and truly devoted to God.

¶ 53. In the arrangement of Class Meetings two or more Classes may meet together, and be conducted according to such plan as shall be agreed upon by the Leaders in concurrence with the Pastor.

54. Let care be observed that they do not fall into formality through the use of a uniform method. Let speaking be voluntary or the exercises conversational, the Leader taking such measures as may best assist in making the services fresh, spiritual, and of permanent religious profit.

¶ 55. Let the Leaders be directed to such a course of reading and study as shall best qualify them for their work; especially let such books be recommended as will tend to increase their knowledge of the Scriptures and make them familiar with those passages best adapted to Christian edification.. Whenever practicable let the Pastors examine the Leaders in the studies recommended. (Appendix T 71.)



1. Order of Public Worship.

¶ 56. In order to establish uniformity in public worship among us on the Lord's Day,

§ 1. We earnestly recommend the following Order of Morning Service:

[N. B.-Parts inclosed in brackets may be omitted.]


2. SINGING from the HYMNAL, the People standing.


I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:

And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.]

4. PRAYER, concluding with the Lord's Prayer repeated audibly by all, both Minister and People kneeling. 5. [ANTHEM.]

6. LESSON from the OLD TESTAMENT, which, if from the Psalms, may be read responsively.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.]



10. SINGING from the IIYMNAL, the People standing. 11. SERMON.

12. SHORT PRAYER for a blessing on the word.

13. SINGING (the People standing), closing with the DOXOLOGY.


§ 2. Let the Afternoon or Evening service follow the same order, except that either of the Scripture lessons may be omitted.

§ 3. At the service during which the Sacraments are administered any of the items of the preceding order

may be omitted except singing, prayer, and the apostolic benediction.

§ 4. In administering the Sacraments, and in the Burial of the Dead, let our form of Ritual invariably be used.

§ 5. Let the people be earnestly exhorted to take part in the public worship of God: first, in singing; secondly, in prayer, in the scriptural attitude of kneeling, by the repetition of the Lord's Prayer.

§ 6. Let the Society be met, wherever it is practicable, on the Sabbath day.

II. The Spirit and Truth of Singing.

¶ 57. To guard against formality in singing,

§ 1. Choose such hymns as are proper for the occasion, and do not sing too much at once; seldom more than four or five stanzas.

§ 2. Let the tune be suited to the sentiment, and do not suffer the people to sing too slowly.

§ 3. In every Congregation let due attention be given to the cultivation of sacred music.

§ 4. Should the Pastor desire it, let the Quarterly Conference appoint annually a Committee of three or more, of which Committee the Pastor shall be chairman, and they cooperating with him shall regulate all matters relating to this part of divine worship. The action of said Committee shall be in every respect subject to the control of the Quarterly Conference.

§ 5. As singing is a part of divine worship in which all ought to unite, therefore exhort every person in the Congregation to sing, not one in ten only.


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