man amongst them? The first Napoleon used to complain of what he called "les frondeurs" in the army of Italy, the fellows who were so beautifully candid that they always thought the enemy did everything better than themselves-not merely fought better, but fed their people better, doctored them better, and rewarded them better. To do him justice, he made very short work with such folk when he once got hold of them. We, on the contrary, caress and fondle them, we listen to their sentiments, and mould our own to their liking; and even when we see them cross over and join our adversaries, we are so magnificently generous, that we not only forgive the defection but actually exalt the deserters. Would Pitt have suffered this? would the Great Duke have endured it? Are the Whigs of our own day so Christian-like in forgiveness that they would make room on their benches for men who never rise but to vote against them? The cry of our day is, "There is no party;" but how can there be party, when the men who take no oath of allegiance to a leader are deemed as faithful as the sworn soldier who fights bravely to the death? There is no army if there be no discipline, and this is exactly what we see amongst the Conservatives. The rewards are not given to the valiant, nor are the renegades handed over to the provostmarshal. We have not outgrown party in England. To say we are too liberal, or too enlightened, for party, is to talk balderdash; but party has ceased to have its distinctive marks, because certain people have invented a uniform that enables them to fight with either army, and take pay from both! For, these hybrids I speak of take the bounty from us, and draw their pay from the enemy. What has brought this reproach that we hear every day, of a want of policy on the Conservative benches, but these men who bridge over party, and contrive to make the Opposition benches a sort of outpost of the Treasury? They have got up the cant, Pam is doing our work. Ay, but I answer, and he is taking the wages too. There is no such need as people say to make common cause against the Radicals. John Bright is a clever fellow enough, but neither he nor his following ought to frighten us for the future of the Constitution. Both the monarchy and the coal-fields have a good many years before them, and "the Great Tribulation Coming" will not proceed out of Manchester, nor will Richard Cobden be its Prophet. I am far more afraid of small defections than of great defeats, and I own I'll never believe in the discipline of party till the day comes that we hang a mutineer! Once for all, then, I say, no caresses, no flatteries for those men who are not true to you. No blandishments for those delicate followers who require to cross over from time to time to the Government benches for a little warmth and sunshine, as invalids go to Italy for climate. No converse with the political ventriloquists who sit on one side of the House and talk from the other. If these people get acceptance, once that they are unmasked and exposed, political honesty is but a sorry affair. Party, in its honourable signification, cannot exist where they prosper; and of the constituencies that return them, I say, as Chief Baron O'Grady did of the disreputable counsel of a worse client-" May you never be separated." INDEX TO VOL. XCVI. Adelung, Johann Cristoph, 334. ALPHABETICALS, THE, 325. Alton Locke, remarks on, 297. Americans on the Continent, character- Arnold, friendship between, and Whate- ART, by W. W. S., 240-state and pros- ART-SEASON, THE LONDON, 84. Biographical dictionaries, on, 343. Bistritza river, the, 39-the monastery Blainville on Aristotle, 154. Britannia training-ship, course of teach- Aryan language and people, the sup- Burton, Mr, painting by, 97. posed, 402. AUNT ANN'S GHOST STORY, 742. Austria, conduct of, toward Denmark, 194. Aylmer's Field, Tennyson's, 564. Baillot, Mr, his translation of Victor Cambridge, Kingsley's attack on, 297. Butler, Mr, on the public school sys- Byzantine art, the early remains of, 580. Calderon, P. H., painting by, 88. Hugo on Shakespeare, 164. Bakou, sketches at, 44. CARLINGFORD, CHRONICLES OF: THE Ballooners, O'Dowd on, 389. 111-Part XIV., 199- Conclusion, Balzac, the novels of, 186. 255. Bank of England, the, 368. CENSURE, THE VOTE OF, 243. "Challenge," the, at Westminster Banks of London, the, 371-their ope- Centenaries and commemorations, 394. rations, 36 et seq. Bank-brokers of London, the, 372. BANTING ON CORPULENCE, 607. Banting, Mr, O'Dowd on, 764. Chambers, Ephraim, the Encyclopædia Chambers's Encyclopædia of Useful Knowledge, 341. Charterhouse, fagging at the, 464-the State 286. Chevalier, M., his work on Mexico, Child-murder, frequency of, in Germany, Christ, the early portraits of, 580 et seq. Cobden, Mr, on the vote of censure, Coleridge on Othello, 171-on Hamlet, Colet, John, the founder of St Paul's, Collier, Jeremy, the Dictionary of, Comte, his views of the dawn of CONFEDERATE STATES, A VISIT TO THE Confederate cavalry, the, 653. teries, 42, 43. Demi-monde, the, 287, Despotism, cheapness of government Drinking, prevalence of, in Germany, 522. Duelling, former prevalence of, and its Dumas on the Demi-monde, 287. Eating, excess of, in Germany, 519. Continent, the, comparative expense of EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF NAVAL living on, 601. Conversationists, Irish, 3. Cooper, the animal paintings of, 95. Corbould, Mr, Morte d'Arthur by, 97. Cotton, variations in imports of, 498. Credit companies, the new, 376. Crime, comparison between, in Eng- Crowe, E., paintings by, 88. the, 181. Dedicated monasteries of Moldavia, the, Demidoff, Prince, 289. OFFICERS, THE, 18*. Elizabeth, Queen, Kingsley's defence of, Elmore, Mr, Excelsior by, 89. ENOCH ARDEN, 555. Ersch and Gruber, the Lexicon of, struction in the, 25. Faed, Thos. and John, the works of, Fagging, at Harrow and Rugby, 236- Fergusson, Colonel, the Life of, 337. Gladstone, O'Dowd on, 10. Jackson, the pugilist, dietary of, 613. Gettysburg, the battles of, 658 et seq. Goethe on Hamlet, 172-sketch of, James river, McClellan's movement on, GOLD, THE CITY OF, 367. Goodall, F., Messenger at the Wells of Gordon, Sir John Watson, the portraits Grandmother, the, Tennyson's, 564. and McClellan, 641. Greek Church, recent gains of the, 73. Grumble, a, by Cornelius O'Dowd, 1. Haag, Mr, painting by, 97. Hardy, F. D., painting by, 94-G., Harris, Captain, on the system of na- HARROW AND RUGBY, the Public Hastings, Sir Thomas, system of in- 25. 631. Jones, E. B., the paintings of, 98. Kafirs, curious custom of, as regards Kean, Charles, anecdote of, 279. Kippis's Biographica Britannica, 343. LANGUAGE, MULLER'S LECTURES ON THE Law books, the indexes to, 329. Lawyers, pretensions of, 282. 650. Leighton, Mr, the works of, 86--his 2 F Limited Liability Act, the, 379. REPORT ON THE, 449. Lottery, prevalence of the, in Germany, Luxury of liberty, the, 390. Marriage, laws of, in Moldavia, 52 et seq. Maunder's Treasuries, 350. Meteorology, Aristotle's work on, 153. Michel and Fournier, their Histoire des Midas, the Etymologicum Magnum of, 326. Moldavia, society and politics in, 39. Montezuma, state of Mexico under, 76 Moral aid, O'Dowd on, 181. Mulgrave, Lord, 289. MULLER'S LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE, 2d series, 400. Munich, sketches in, 735 et seq. Naples, lightness of taxation under the Napoleon III., his character and gen- 292-and Archbishop Whately, 480. Newton, Mr, paintings by, 97. 336. O'DOWD, CORNELIUS, UPON MEN AND Old conjurors and new, the, 13. Mountaineers and ballooners, O'Dowd Osborne, Bernal, on the vote of censure, 243. |