Sabbath Diagnosis: A Diagnostic History and Physical Examination of the Biblical Day of RestSabbath Diagnosis is a fascinating exploration of the seventh day from a unique clinical perspective. After covering an exhaustive medical history, this chart presents the findings of a comprehensive physical examination. The patient's chief complaint, family, social and surgical history are all there. Also, presented is a full discussion of the differential diagnosis, pathophysiology, etiology and epidemiology of the Sabbath. All consultations, doctor's orders and progress notes included. Within the covers of this extensive medical record you will discover compelling documentation to support your final diagnosis. Additional Topics: --Exposure and spread of Sabbath-keeping --Excision and Biopsy of the Ten Commandments --Classical Symptoms and Vital Signs |
SABBATH DIAGNOSIS is a comprehensive examination of | 4 |
Early Church Fathers | 101 |
Practice and Tradition | 120 |
Excision and Biopsy | 149 |
Classical Symptoms | 165 |
Physical Examination | 191 |
This | 473 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Amplified Bible ancient apostles Baptists believers Bible Bishop blessed calendar called Canon Catholic celebrated century ceremonial Christ circumcision Colossians Complete Jewish Bible Constantine Council creation Creator day of rest day Sabbath death disciples divine doctrine earth Easter Egypt epistle Epistle of Barnabas Exodus faith fast Father feast festival fourth commandment fulfilled Genesis Gentiles God's gospel Greek heaven Hebrew History holy days Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus Jewish Jews John jubilee king land Leviticus living Living Bible Lord Lord's day Luke month moon Moses Noah observance Old Testament original pagan Passover Paul Pentecost Pope priests prophets Psalm redemption religion religious resurrection Roman Rome Sabbatarians Sabbath day Sabbath-keeping sabbaton sacred sacrifice sanctified Saturday says Scripture seven days seventh day seventh-day Sabbath sins six days Spirit Sunday laws symbol temple Ten Commandments things Thou shalt translated unleavened bread unto verse Waldenses week word worship