Revelation for the LaymanIn his new book, Revelation for the Layman, Rev. Harold Cox's readers will find many answers to their questions. Cox not only uses in-depth scripture references to back up his claims, he connects to his readers on a personal level using a practical, yet very engaging, voice. As a minister, Cox realizes that The Book of Revelations is perhaps the most mysterious book in the Bible throughout the ages. Coxes wrote Layman with the word 'objectivity' in mind, in thata "he be factual, true, and stay accurate to scripture... 'I have endeavored to be honest unto all men.'" |
From inside the book
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The Revelation of Jesus Christ | ii |
Ephesus and Smyrna | 23 |
Pergamos and Thyatira | 31 |
Sardi and Philadelphia | 39 |
Laodicea | 49 |
Door Open In Heaven | 81 |
Four Beasts and Four and Twenty Elders | 93 |
The Book | 99 |
The Great Red Dragon | 217 |
The Beast Out of the Sea | 227 |
The Beast Our of the Earth | 243 |
The One Hundred Forty Four Thousand Caught Up to Heaven | 253 |
Seven Plagues Filled Up With the Wrath of God | 263 |
Vials of the Wrath of God | 269 |
Mystery Babylon | 281 |
The Mind Which Hath Wisdom | 291 |
Good News From the Throne | 109 |
The First Seal White Horse | 121 |
The Second Seal Red Horse | 131 |
The Third Fourth Seal Black and Pale Horse and the Fifth Seal Souls Under the Altar | 137 |
The Six Seal | 145 |
The One Hundred Forty Four Thousand Sealed and the Number That No Man Could Number | 153 |
The Seventh Seal | 161 |
Angel Flying Through the Mist of Heaven | 169 |
A Might Angel Coming From Heaven | 181 |
Measuring of the Temple | 187 |
Great Wonder in Heaven | 203 |
Building of the City of babylon | 299 |
The Fall of Babylon | 305 |
Jesus Reveals Himself to the Jews | 315 |
Worshipping In Heaven The Marriage Supper | 321 |
The Millennial Reign | 335 |
The First Resurrection | 353 |
Satan Loosed | 357 |
The Great White Throne | 365 |
The New Heaven and New Earth | 371 |
Water of Life | 381 |
Common terms and phrases
angel anti-christ Babylon Balaam battle behold believe blessed body Book of Revelation bride bride of Christ Cain cast chapter chastise Christ Jesus coming commandments dead death destroy devil dragon earth elders ephah Ephesus eternal eyes faithful false prophet Father fire flesh forever four beasts give glorified glory God’s gospel hath heart heaven heavenly hell Holy Ghost Holy Spirit horns Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John saw killed kingdom kings Lamb Lamb of God Laodicean church light live LORD Jesus Christ man-child Matthew mercy midst nations opened pray preach rapture receive redeemer reign repent resurrected rider righteousness saints saith Satan saved saying scripture sea of glass seal seven sinners sins soul speaking teach temple thee things thou thousand throne told tribulation judgment verse tells vial voice white horse wicked wickedness woman wonderful Word tells worship wrath Zechariah