THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES; COMPRISED IN TEN LECTURES, DESIGNED TO SHOW THE ORIGIN, NATURE, TENDENCY, AND ALLIANCES OF THE PRESENT POPULAR EFFORTS FOR THE ABOLITION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. BY THE REV. LEBBEUS ARMSTRONG. NEW YORK: ROBERT CARTER, 58 CANAL ST. 1848. ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, by LEBBE US ARMSTRONG, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. THOMAS B. SMITH, STEREOTYPER, 216 WILLIAM STREET, N. Y ROBERT CRAIGHEAD, PRINTER 112 FULTON STREET. DEDICATION. THE following series of Lectures on the "SIGNS OF THE TIMES," in relation to the popular excitement in favor of the abolition of Capital Punishment, and its effects on the Religion, Morals, and Politics of mankind, is most respectfully DEDICATED, To the President and Vice-President of the United States of America; to the members of both Houses of Congress; and to all other officers of the General Government of the Union. To all the Governors, members of the Legislatures, and State, County, City, and Town officers of the respective States of the American Union, and all Civil and Military officers of authority in the North and South Americas, and islands adjacent, to whatever government they may belong. To her royal majesty Victoria the renowned Queen of England; his royal highness Prince Albert, her husband; and to all the members of Parliament, and officers of government of Great Britain, Scotland, and Ireland. To their royal majesties, Louis Philippe, King of France; Nicholas, Emperor of Russia; and each and every crowned Prince of Europe, Pope Pius IXth of Rome included. To the Princes and all officers of government throughout the Grecian states, Asia Minor, and Islands of the Mediterranean. To the Emperor of Morocco; the Governor of Liberia; and all other national authorities of North and South Africa, Ethiopia, and Islands adjacent. To the Sultan of Turkey; the Pacha of Egypt; the Patriarch of Constantinople; and all the civil authorities of the Ottoman Empire. |