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judicious remarks of his Friends. And he proposes it as a Liturgy to be made ufe of by a fos ciety of like-minded Chriftians; amongst whom he should be happy if his own labours in the mini stry of the gospel might find acceptance.

As many worthy Perfons are dissatisfied with the present Liturgy, this essay towards an improve


ment of it, may call forth the labours of others to make it a more rational and edifying compofition.

He is moreover encouraged to publish it, from the hope that beneficial effects may in time arise from it, to virtue and true religion: and he will have abundant cause of

rejoicing, if haply it should, in the remotest


degree, conduce to the REFORMATION, so long wanted, and now fo loudly called for in the national church.




Every Lord's Day throughout the Year.

The same to be used, with the proper Collects, upon CHRISTMAS-DAY, GOOD-FRIDAY, EASTER-DAY, ASCENSION-DAY, and WHITSUNDAY.

At the beginning of Morning Prayer, the Minister shall read some one or more of these fentences of the Scriptures that follow; and then be shall say that which is written after the faid sentences.


HEN the wicked man

turneth away from his wickedness that he hath com

mitted, and doeth that which is

[blocks in formation]
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