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Dutch Gouernor and the Comissioners the last yeare at Hartford and that aduise giuen by the Delegates of them both for the quiet and peacable Improuement of their seuerall Rightes in Delaware tell the aforsaid diference shalbee determined in Europe.

The Comissioners vpon these and seuerall other consideracons thought meet to write to the Dutch Gouernor to protest against his iniurius proceedinges to assert the English Right and to require satisfaction for the Damag donn to our frinds and confeaderats of Newhauen; and to declare vnto the petitioners in way of answare to theire petition that howeuer wee think it not meete to enter into a present engagement against the dutch chusing rather to suffer iniuries and affronts (at least for a time then in any respects to seem to bee to quicke; yet if they shall see cause againe to endeauore the planting of theire formencioned purchased lands in Delaware at any time within these twelue months and for that end shall at theire own charge transport together 150 or at least an 100 able men armed with a meet uessell or vessels and ammunition fitt for such an Enterprise all to be allowed and approued by the maiestrates of Newhauen Jurisdiction or the greatest parte of them that then in case they meet with any hostile opposition from the Dutch or Sweeds whiles they carry themselues peacable and innoffensiuely that may call for further aid and assistance The Comissioners doe agree and conclude that they shalbee supplyed by the seuerall Jurisdictions with such a number of Souldiers as the afforsaid Comissioners shall judge meet they the said plaintifes bearing the charges thereof; for the true payment wherof the purchased lands and Trade there with the Natiues shalbee engaged tell it bee satisfyed provided alsoe and it is agreed that such persons as shall transport themselues to the aforsaid lands in Delaware either out of Newhauen Collonies or any of the other three shalbee and remayne vnder the Gouerment and Jurisdiction of Newhauen tell the Comissioners of the vnited Collonies shall otherwise

order the same.

To the Dutch Gouerner


Before wee parted last yeare at Hartford you gaue vs hopes of a comfortable meeting at Newhauen this yeare what derections you had from Europe to maynteine peace and Naighborly respects with the English in America you then shewed and best know what other Comissions you haue sence receiued; But all the Collonies take notice that now you walke in contrarye pathes you told vs of a protest you must make against such as should plant or improue (Though but theire just Rightes) on Delaware; Wee saw noe cause for that but know that both youer predecessor and youer selfe had without cause formerly protested against som of the Collonies; But in youers dated Aprell the 11th 1651 Stil. novo sent to the Gouerner of Newhauen wee obserue you threaten force of armed and Martiall opposition euen to bloodshed against shuch as shall goe about to improue what they haue proued to bee justly theirse in Delaware; and yet shew noe more of any just title you haue thereunto than you did at Hartford which left all the Delegates both for the English and the Dutch therein vnsatisfyed; in the said protest you allsoe afeirme that the planting &c. of Delaware by the English enterest is contrary to the prouisionall agreement made betwixt youerselue and the Comissioners for the English Colonies which wee marvell at; those Recordes clearly expressing the contrary." Extracts from proceedings of the Commissioners of the United Colonies, at Hartford, Sept. 7, 1654:

Mr. Eaton as often formerly Soe now againe Acquainted the Comissioners with Newhauens Right to seuerall parcells of land on both sides Dellaware Bay and Riuer; shewed them the coppy of a letter hee lately wrote to the New Swedish Gouernor with his answare therevnto; Vpon Consideration wherof the Commissioners wrote to the Swedish Gouernor as followeth;



The Comissioners for the Vnited Colonies of NewEngland being now mett att hartford as theire Course this yeare fales haue been Reminded of the well knowne Right some of the English of Newhauen Collonie haue to seuerall large Tractes of land on both sides Delaware Bay and Riuer; Mr. Eaton one of the present Comissioners haue shewed vs the coppy of the letter hee wrot to you by order of Newhauen Court dated July the sixt 1654 and youer answare thervnto in latten Dated August the first 1654 the Contents whereof seems strange to us all Wee were many yeares sence Informed of their Just Title and of the vnjust Desturbance theire Agents found in theire planting and Trading there Both by Monseir Willam Keift the former Duch Gouernor and from Monseire John Prince youer predecessor; And therof Mr. John Winthorpe then Gouernor of the Massachusetts Collony and Presedent of the Comissioners wrote to them both in Septem: 1643 And thervnto a few Monthes after Receiued theire seuerall Answares but without any satisfaction; What you write Concerning a Conference or Treaty before Mr. Endicott wherin New. hauen Right was silenced or suppressed and what you affeirme Concerning the Right the Sweads haue to all the lands on both sides Delaware Bay and Riuer from Capes Etc. is either youer owne Mistake or att least the Error of them that soe enforme you Wee haue perused and Considered the seuerall purchases our Confederates of Newhauen haue there made; the Considerations giuen Acknowlidged by the Indian propriators vnder theire hands and Confeirmed by many Christian Witnesses whereby theire Right appeereth soe Cleare to vs that wee Gannot but Assert theire Just Title to the said lands and desire they may peacably Injoy the same with all the liberties thervnto belonging; and in theire name and behalfe doe assure you they will by noe means desturbe you in any of youer Just Rights; Thuse hopeing the peace and good accord In Europe betwixt England and Sweden will haue a powerful Influence vpon our Sperits and Carriages in these partes of America and desiring you will with youer first Conveniency Returne a full and cleare Answare to Mr. Eaton Gouernor of Newhauen whoe will spedily Impart the Contents to va with our best Respects wee Rest

Your Loveing Frinds and Naighbours


Hartford the 23d of September 1654.

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And fourth, when fruit is destroyed by frost in our val lies, it is preserved on our mountains. In short, for fertility of soil, mineral resources, manufacturing advantages, and every thing which can contribute to man's comfort and happiness, it is not equalled or surpassed by any county in the state. It is none of your whortle-berry, cran-berry, or hemlock counties, calculated for the nur ture of wolves, bears and panthers, and not for the residence of man, but a county abounding with advantages which have not hitherto been duly estimated, but which undoubtedly will be when the west branch canal is constructed, and the American protecting system goes into vigorous operation. Then will the hum of busy industry be increased and our citizens of town and county be enabled to live "within themselves," if they should wish it,

We almost forgot to notice, that several very handsome stone and brick buildings have been erected in Bellefonte, during the past season: amongst which is a very neat and elegant Masonic Hall, with castle battlements, and is in Gothic style of architecture generally.

The Harrisburg Intelligencer has given us a view of the bright prospects of Harrisburg in his last paper, and the Lycoming Gazette has followed suit, with an article setting forth the advantages enjoyed and to be enjoyed by Williamsport, in which town that paper is published. This is done with a view to the increase and prosperity of those places, and is highly commendable. Whilst, however, so much is saying about Harrisburg and Williamsport, permit us to say, that although one has the advantage of a river and a canal, and the other is likely to have this advantage also, yet our little town of Bellefonte might be made, by enterprise, equal to the former and is even now vastly superior to the latter. If our town had the advantage of a navigable communication during the spring, summer and fall seasons of the year, we will venture to say that no town in Pennsylvania, or the United States, has greater advantages, or holds out greater | inducements to the capitalists and manufacturer. First, it is situated in a valley of limestone land highly susceptible of cultivation, abounding with excellent timber, and inexhaustible quantities of Iron Ore of the best qua- It is also proper to remark, that the Centre Bank has lity, inferior to none to be found in our country; easily successfully closed its concerns, by paying off its notes smelted, and yielding 62 per cent. Second, it is situ- in circulation, in specie, and without spreading ruin and ated on Spring creek, which has its source in Pennsval- destruction through our county and the counties adjoinley, and discharges itself into the Bald Eagle about twoing, as was the case with two-thirds of the country banks. and a half miles from Bellefonte. It is a large stream of We are much indebted to the cashier, Mr. Norris, for limestone water, whieh scarcely ever rises, which never this profitable aud honourable result, and we consider it falls, and which never freezes; advantages rarely to be an evidence of what may be expected should it be boasted of indeed. Besides this it is a rapid stream thought desirable any time hereafter to apply for another with heavy banks, and well calculated for propelling charter. The great change at the close of the speculatwater machinery. It has already a great number of ing times, gave many of our citizens a shock, but instead Furnaces, Forges and Rolling Mills, for the manufactur- of sitting down in listless inactivity, to brood over their ing of bar and sheet iron: Grist mills, Saw mills, Fulling misfortunes, they went industriously to work, like men, mills, Tilt hammers, Oil mills; and affords scites for twice and are now completely recovered from its very worst as many more. From its source to Bellefonte is about 9 effects.-Bel. Pat, miles. Third, although it is situated on hills, and is surrounded in part by high land, yet there is none of this land which is not eapable of raising from 25 to 30 bushels of wheat to the acre. From land adjoining our town which was once denominated barrens, that quantity has been frequently produced. Fourth, there is no scarcity of excellent wood, but there is nevertheless inexhausible quantities of bituminous stone coal within ten miles of Bellefonte. It has been, however, difficult to procure it from the badness of the roads, but a company has been incorporated for laying out a Turnpike from Milesburg to Smethport, and part of it is already constructed; on the completion of which it can be easily procured, and in vast abundance. It now costs 12 cents delivered, but it will then cost but half that sum. Now it is used by the Messrs. Valentine and Thomas in their rolling mill adjoining Bellefont (whose enterprise deserves great commendations,) and in a few years it will be used generally by our iron masters in both furnaces and forges, as the process of Coking it is now generally understood. This coal possesses great advantages in the manufacture of iron over the anthracite coal, as we are told by men of science; and when our road is completed, we anticipate a world of wealth for our town and county, for our farmers, manufacturers, merchants and mechanics.

We might compare these advantages with those of Harrisburg and Williamsport, but as it might appear invidious we forbear. In truth we rejoice with them in their prospects, but nevertheless may be permitted to rejoice that we are vastly their superior, We will close these remarks with one word for our county in general; most emphatically called Centre County: and as it is the heart of the State by geographical position, so it is the head by local advantages. We except none, unless it is Huntingdon or Mifflin. True we have mountains, but we have plains, and our mountains are as valuable as vallies: First, they preserve health-we have no fevers and chills, many births and few deaths. Second, our mountains abound with fine timber of every kind and quality. And third, they abound with mineral wealth.

We this week present to our readers a considerable portion of the interesting report of the commissioners, relative to the Pennsylvania Canal—a work with which the best interests of the state are intimately connected. As a principal object of the Register is to preserve important public documents, and as, during the session of the legislature, they are numerous and of general interest, we must occasionally exclude miscellaneous matter to make room for them.




The Canal Commissioners of Pennsylvania respectfully submit the following report:

The Board, after preparing their report of the 6th of February last, and despatching such incidental business as claimed attention, adjourned to meet again on the first of May, by which time it was believed the legislature would have acted definitively upon the system of improvement proposed by the commissioners. In the meanwhile, the president was directed to open a correspondence with engineers of established reputation, and to make agreements for securing their services in case they should be required. This duty was so far executed, that at the meeting of the first of May, Judge Geddes, Major Douglass and Mr. Guilford attended by invitation, and expressed their readiness to serve upon the terms which had been established by the practice of the preceeding year. These gentlemen, with Messrs. Strickland and Roberts, would have been able to accomplish a large portion of the business of the season.

But at this stage of their proceedings the Board found themselves embarrassed by the operation of the second section of the Act of 16th of April, 1827, by which it is declared, that "from and after the term or time for which




most important business wholly unattended to. It was evident, however, that no remedy could be applied to the evil before the first of June, when the existing Board would be dissolved by law. They found it necessary, therefore, to adjourn sine die, after instructing the president to make diligent inquiries for competent engineers, and requesting the governor to convene the new Board of Commissioners on the 2d of June.

It is proper to mention, that before this adjournment, the presidency of the Board was resigned by Dr. Darlington, and that David Scott, esq. was elected in his stead.

any engineer may have herefore been employed, the sa- to take charge of its construction after Mr. Roberts' delary of such engineer shall not exceed the sum of two parture. These few arrangements, while they exhaustthousand dollars;" that no allowance shall in any case beed the power of the Board, left a large amount of the made for personal or other expenses; and by which further restrictions are imposed upon the engineers and commissioners. The application of this section to the cases presented to the Board, involved considerable difficulty, as will appear from a statement of the special circumstances. Mr. Strickland had been employed in March, and Mr. Roberts in April, 1825, "at the rate of three thousand dollars a year, together with reasonable expenses, their engagement to continue during the pleasure of the Board." It was unanimously agreed that all allowances to those gentlemen for personal and other expenses, ceased by the terms of the law, at the moment of its passage, and that no pre-existing contract in On the 2d June, the governor of the Commonwealth reference to such expenses, could be considered as pro-having, in conformity with law, re-appointed seven memvided for. A majority of the members present were fur-bers of the former board, and having appointed Jonathan ther of opinion, that the original engagement was not Roberts and James Clark, esqs. in the place of Dr. Darfor such distinct "term of time" as the Act of Assembly lington and Mr. Dallas, who declined further service, a contemplated, and that after so strong an expression of new Board assembled at Harrisburg, and was organized legislative opinion unfavourable to its provisions, it was by the re-election of David Scott, esq. as president, and the duty of the Board to exercise their power of termi- of Joseph M'Ilvaine, esq. as secretary. At this meeting nating the contract, upon reasonable notice to the other the president made a report of his proceedings under the parties concerned. Upon these principles it was deter-resolution of May, directing him to inquire for suitable mined that the existing arrangements with Mr.Strickland engineers, and it was resolved, that Dewitt Clinton, jr. and Mr. Roberts should be considered as expiring on the James Ferguson, Henry G. Sargent and Charles T. 1st of June; that the salary of three thousand dollars Whippo, of the state of New York, Major John Wilson without extra allowance of any kind, should be conti- of South Carolina, and John Randal, jr. of Pennsylvania, nued until then, and that they should be re-appointed should be employed in that capacity. The charge of the engineers from that date, subject to all the provisions of Juniata canal was assigned to Mr. Clinton; that of the the Act of 16th April, 1827. Before the passage of the French creek feeder to Mr. Ferguson; and that of the Act of 16th of April, Messrs. Geddes and Douglass had Delaware line to Mr. Sargent. To Major Wilson were been invited by the secretary, under the directions of entrusted the several surveys between the Susquehanna the president, to enter the service of the Commonwealth and the Delaware; to Mr. Randal the survey along the upon the terms of the preceding year, with an under- north branch of the Susquehanna, and to Mr. Whippo standing, however, that the consent of the Board was the Beaver and Shenango survey-with the understandnecessary to complete the arrangement. Upon these ing that further duties should be assigned them, if those facts, the same majority of the Board were now of opi- already specified were finished before the close of the nion, that such provisional engagements could not be season, In addition to this Major Douglass was requestdeemed contracts within the meaning of the law, and ed to employ the period allowed by the recess of the these gentlemen, together with Mr. Guilford, whose in- military academy, in exploring the route proposed for a vitation was of more recent date, were accordingly ap- connexion between the Conneaut summit and the harpointed engineers, under all the restrictions of the ex-bour of Erie. From the great importance and the apisting law, and without regard to any previous arrange-prehended difficulty of reaching the Bay of Presqu' Isle it was peculiarly proper that these examinations should be made by an engineer, with whose qualifications the Board were personally acquainted, and who possessed as well their confidence, as that of the people most im


These views and proceedings were immediately announced to the engineers concerned, in letters from the secretary. On the same day answers were received from Mesrrs. Strickland, Roberts, Geddes and Douglass de-mediately interested, clining, and from Mr. Guilford accepting the appointment. Copies of this correspondence are annexed, from which the legislature will perceive the particular motive by which each was governed. It is only necessary here to remark, that Mr. Strickland in his answer, proposed occasionally to visit the eastern division and give his advice if desired: and that Mr. Roberts offered to remain on the western division until the middle of July, in order to lay out the new line towards Blairsville, and give all necessary explanations to his successor.

The commissioners thus suddenly deprived of most yaluable assistance, could not but entertain a painful sense of the responsibility of their situation, and of the consequences which might arise from any error on their part. They determined nevertheless, after making the most efficient disposition of their present force, to spare no effort to supply the loss, and complete the great objects committed to their care. That the work under contract might not be interrupted, the care of the eastern division was assigned to Mr. Rawle, and that of the western to Mr. Harris, those gentlemen being already familiar with their respective plans and details. Mr. Guilford was directed to commence the location of a canal from the mouth of Juniata to Northumberland; and Mr. Livermore, a gentleman who came respectably recommended from the Union canal, was appointed to aid Mr. Roberts in preparing the new line to Blairsville, and

At the same meeting Mr. Lacock was appointed Acting Commissioner for the line extending from Pittsburg to Blairsville, and Mr. Mowry for the eastern and Susquehanna divisions. Mr. Clark was appointed superintendant of the Juniata division, and Mr. Philips of the French creek feeder, the two latter having the powers, duties and responsibilities of acting commissioners,

The Board having thus explained their general arrangements for the business of the season, will proceed to glance in detail at its several departments and divisions, giving such particulars in relation to each, as may be conveniently embodied in a single report.

It was stated in the report of last year, that the western division of the Pennsyvania Canal, from the mouth of Kiskiminetas, to within five miles of Pittsburg, had been placed under contract, and was then in a train of rapid execution. The difficulties which had retarded, and which still surrounded the location of the remaining distance, were also detailed, and an opportunity was opened for the legislature to settle the question, if they thought proper to interfere. At the meeting which took place in February last, a committee appointed by the Councils of Pittsburg, made a written proposition to the Board, which was in substance: That the canal should be carried across the Allgheny river by aqueduct, and thence through the city, by such route as the commissioners might prefer. That to obviate all objections on

Immediately after the adjournment of the board in May, Mr. Roberts proceeded to prepare for contract the new canal from the mouth of Kiskiminetas to Blairsville. After locating a line of about 20 miles which was let to contractors on the 20th June, he retired from the service and was succeeded by Mr. Livermore. The remaining 20th of October, making the whole line above the mouth of Kiskiminetas about 51 miles. The whole cost of this division at the prices agreed upon will be $552,789, which is less by 90,000 than the estimate of last year. The whole amount of work already done; is $122,723, and of actual payments, $113,290. Leaving $439,499 yet to be expended.

Great exertions were made by the acting commissioner and engineer to complete the fifty miles from the outlet locks opposite Pittsburg, to the salt works on the Kiskiminetas, in time for navigation the ensuing spring. But the quantity of rain, and the constant high state of the waters during the Fall, have frustrated their hopes. It is believed, however, that this object will be accomplished early in the Summer, and that the whole distance to Blairsville, may be navigable by the first of November.

the score of damages, the Board should name the sum which they were willing to pay for the extinction of private rights, and that the corporation of Pittsburg should assume the payment of all damages assessed above that sum. The Board having learned that a committee of the legislature, to whom this subject had been referred, were discharged from its further consideration; and under-distance to Blairsville was placed under contract on the standing thereby, that the reponsibility of a decision was again thrown upon them, invited a conference with the Pittsburgh committee and with those gentlemen who were interested on the opposite side of the river. After hearing both parties, the proposition of the councils of Pittsburg were acceded to, and two routes specified, upon one of which, the canal should pass through the city. The maximum of damages to be paid by the commonwealth upon the first route, was fixed at $10,000, and upon the other at $500. It was determined at the same time to erect an aqueduct across the Allegheny river, as soon as a satisfactory guarantee for the surplus of damages should be received from the city. That every facility might be afforded for the execution of this arrangement, the engineer was instructed to examine at once, all the contemplated routes through the city, and all the points proposed for the scite of an aqueduct, and to report their relative practicability and expense at the next meeting. He was also instructed to prepare drafts of the lines through the city, designating the nature and amount of private property necessarily disturbed, and to furnish copies to the authorities of Pittsburg. These instructions having been executed to the satisfaction of all parties, a report was received at the meeting in May, and at the same time, a communication from the councils of Pittsburg, declining the guaranty proposed by themselves, upon either of the routes which the Board had specified; but asking that a third route, passing by a tunnel through Grant's Hill to the Monongahela, at the mouth of Suke's Run, might be adopted. In this case, they offered to pledge the faith of the city, "that the expense to the Commonwealth, of making the canal tunnel and bridges, according to the report of the engineer, including damages to private property, as well as all other attendant expenses, should not exceed the sum estimated by the engineer as the cost of the Liberty-str. and Penn-street route, with the addition of the $10,000 for damages to private property, allowed by the Board in their resolution of February." To this proposition, a majority of the members present were prepared to consent, and a resolution was accordingly passed, by which the location of the western division was continued from Pine creek, down the west side of the Allegheny, to a point opposite Washington-street, thence by aqueduct across the river, and thence by a tunnel through Grant's Hill to the Monongahela. It was determined at the same time, to connect the canal with the Allegheny, on the west side by means of locks and other necessary works, so that an outlet might be secured at all times independently of accident to the aqueduct.

The proper authorities of Pittsburgh having executed the guaranty required by the Board, this additional line was let out to contractors on the 21st of June, on very favourable terms. The canal on the west side from Pine creek to its junction with the Allegheny, is estimated to cost $129,604. The acqueduct has been contracted for at $100,000, and the remaining distance to the Monongahela, including tunnell and locks, at $61,000-making in all $290,604. Of this aggregate $67,882, have already been paid, so that $222,722 will be required to complete the line. The whole amount of work done is estimated at $77,373, the sum of $9,491 being retained as security for the completion of the contracts.

The construction of an aqueduct across the Allegheny, at the mouth of Kiskiminetas, and of the canal from thence to Pine creek, has been vigorously prosecuted, since the last report of the Commissioners. The amount of work already performed on this portion is $334,795, and of the actual payments $305,447. Its whole cost will be $396,220, of which $90,733 remains to be expended.

The preparation of the French creek feeder was commenced by Mr. Ferguson as soon as practicable, after his appointment. The law of last session having res tricted the commissioners to such parts of that work as are common to all the projected routes between the Ohio and Lake Erie, only nine miles, beginning at Bemis's mill, on French creek, and passing down that stream to the Conneaut outlet, could be put under contract. This was done on the 15th of August, and since then the work has been industriously prosecuted. The whole cost of the portion commenced, at contract prices, will be $80,758, which exceeds the estimate of Major Douglass, for the same distance, about $1000. The money already expended is 11,900 dollars; so that 68,858 dollars will be required for its completion.

In the latter end of May, the location of a line from the mouth of Juniata to Northumberland, was commenced by Mr. Guilford. He was instructed to examine both sides of the Susquehanna with the utmost care, to present an estimate of each, and further, to ascertain whether the river might be advantageously crossed at any intermediate point, so as to place the canal partly on one side and on the other. At the meeting of the board on the 2d of July, a report was received from Mr. Guilford, accompanied by an estimate, from which it appeared that a canal on the east side would amount to 1,018,758 dollars, and on the west side to 472,298. Strong representations were at the same time made, from Dauphin and Northumberland counties, in favour of the east side, to all which the utmost respect was paid: But the vast difference of expense was thought by the board to leave them no choice, and a location was adopted, beginning at Duncan's Island, and extending up the west side to a point opposite Northumberland.

The expense of this line at rates established by the actual contracts will be 441,350 dollars or 30,948 dollars less than the first estimate of Mr. Guilford. In this aggregate is included about 30,000 dollars for the erection of a dam at the Shamokin ripples, which will unquestionably become a source of profit, and which responsible persons have offered to construct without charge, if the water power created can be placed at their disposal. Deducting a moderate estimate for the value of this work, the final cost of the canal will not exceed 400,000 dollars for 37 miles, or 10,800 per mile. The amount of work performed 44,384 dollars, of which 36,109 dollars have been actually paid. A further expenditure of 415,240 dollars will accomplish its completion by the first of December next.

In the second section of the act of the 9th of April, 1827, it is declared, "that before the commissioners shall determine on the location of the canal from the

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mouth of the Juniata river to Lewistown, they shall cause further examinations to be made on each side of the Juniata, by at least two of the most experienced engineeers in the service of the state, to determine which side of the river is most favourable and practicable." In compliance with this act, Mr. Guilford was directed to join Mr. Clinton in the necessary examinations, and reporting on the subject. At a meeting of the board on the 2d of July, these gentlemen agreed in recommending, that from Lewistown to North's Island, the canal should occupy the North Bank of the river, that at the last mentioned point it should cross at a dam, and thence continuing on the Southern bank, should end, for the present, opposite the head of Duncan's Lower Island. They requested also, that further time might be allowed them, to consider the place and mode of uniting the Susquehanna and Juniata Divisions, and the place and mode of crossing the Susquehanna river, in order to join the Eastern Division. This report having met the approbation of the Board, a partial location of the Juniata line was made on the same day, leaving a small portion at the lower end for future determination. The line thus fixed, was placed under contract as soon as possible, and has since been prosecuted with as much vigour as the unfavourable character of the season, and an unusual degree of sickness, prevailing among the workmen, would permit. The distance from the head of Duncan's Island to Lewistown is 44 miles, embracing an unusual proportion of difficult and unfavourable ground. Its whole cost will amount to 597,775 dollars, of which 22,262 dollars have been paid, leaving 575,513 dollars yet to be expended. The value of work executed by the last return was 26,716 dollars. It is expected that a canal from the mouth of Juniata to Lewistown. will be ready for navigation in the spring of 1829.


utmost distance they could safely go, while the proper place of crossing the Susquehanna was not within their competency to decide. It is understood to have been the calculation of the engineers who recommended this dam, that four feet in height would ensure a supply of the Eastern Division, and furnish a convenient crossing at Clark's Lower Ferry, but that if Duncan's Island should be the place of crossing, an addition of height must be given to raise the water sufficiently for the passage of boats. Upon the resolution of the board just referred to, the Acting Commissioner entered into a contract for the erection of a dam at Forster's Falls. From this time up to the session of the 2d of August, it was wholly uncertain which place of crossing would finally be chosen, and how far such decision might affect the location or value of the dam. Nor was it practicable for the board, under the forms and restrictions provided by law, and with the aid of Engineers, whose attention had but recently been directed to the subject, sooner to arrive at a safe conclusion. On the day last mentioned, the engineers of the Juniata and Susquehanna divisions having satisfied their own minds, and the Board having adopted the upper place of crossing, it was perceived that a dam at Forster's Falls would be attended with serious disadvantages. The choice of Duncan's Island for passing the river, required an extension of the eastern division to that place, and it appeared satisfactorily that the sum already expended on the lower dam, would be more than saved by a corresponding change in its location.

A resolution providing for this alteration, having been laid before the governor, according to law, he was urged by individuals who thought themselves aggrieved, to suspend his consent until their objections could be heard. The governor respecting the source from which the apThe question as to the place of uniting the two last plication proceeded, and anxious to prevent the consementioned canals, and the place and mode of crossing quences of error, withheld his permission to proceed the Susquehanna river are next to be considered. On with the work, and after hearing the complainants, rethe 2d of August, a joint report was made by Messrs. ferred the whole subject to the Canal Commissioners for Guilford and Clinton, which satisfied the board that the re-consideration. It was not until the 10th of Septempoint of Duncan's Island, would be the most advantage-ber that the Board could be assembled for this purpose, ous and economical place for crossing the river, either when they unanimously adhered to their former resoby aqueduct or dam, and a majority of the whole num-lution. Immediately thereafter the sanction of the gober decided accordingly. At the present session it has been determined, by a vote of the whole board, to erect at that place a towing path and turnpike bridge, by the help of which the trade of the Susquehanna and Juniata Canals will pass into the Eastern Division, through the pool of the dam now forming in the river. The Susquehanna division has been extended accordingly, and it is contemplated that the Juniata Canal shall join it some where on Duncan's Island.

vernor was regularly given, and the dam and extended line were placed under contract.

From the delay this produced, it has not been practicable to complete the two upper sections In time for navigation the coming spring. The failure of a contractor on the arduous section at Kittatinney Mountain, caused. a cessation of that work for a considerable period. In such circumstances it could by no effort have been com pleted the present season. On other sections the state of forwardness would have been greater, but for the certainty that all could not be finished. It is nevertheless calculated, that from Fishing creek to the mouth of Swatara, the water will be admitted, and that a junction will be formed with the Union Canal, before the adjourn ment of the legislature.

By the report of last year, it appeared that the Eastern Division, from the mouth of Juniata to that of Swatara, had been put under contract. Since then the work has been constantly prosecuted, and a great portion of the sections completed. The amount of work done on this division, since its commencement, is 335,894 dollars; of payments made, 319,412; and the further payments The survey of a canal line along the Delaware, from necessary for its completion are estimated at 142,844 Easton to Bristol, was commenced by Mr. Sargent about dollars, applicable chiefly to the sections at the upper the 9th of July, and by great exertion on his part a reend. The Board had hoped that this division would be port and estimate were prepared on the 20th of August, prepared for public use by the ensuing spring, but they when a meeting of the commissioners was to take place have met with disappointment, arising from causes be- at Bristol. In consequence, however, of the illness of a yond their control. It will be remembered that the member whose presence was expected, a quorum could original report of Mr. Strickland proposed a dam, for not be formed, and the subject was necessarily postponthe purpose of feeding the line, and of crossing the Sus-ed until the 12th of September. Meanwhile the engiquehanna, to be located at Duncan's Island, and that for neer was directed to continue his survey from Bristol to reasons stated by the board last year, this dam was not | Philadelphia. On the 12th of September, the Board adopted, and the head of the canal was fixed at Forster's Falls, considerably below. Upon this altered plan, the Eastern Division was originally let to contractors. In the month of February last, the necessity of a dam having become obvious, the Board, upon the recommendation of all their Engineers, decided to erect one at Forster's Falls. They fixed upon that spot as the head of the canal they were then authorized to construct, and as the

having assembled at Philadelphia, it appeared by the report of their engineer, that the cost of a canal from Easton to Bristol, with five feet depth of water, and a distance of 60 miles, would amount to 686,596 dollars, or 11,443 dollars per mile. The same report shewed that a canal might be constructed from Bristol to Philadel phia, distance 17 miles, for 200,799 dollars, or 11,474 dollars per mile. Upon these estimates it became the

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