Annals of the South African Museum: Annale Van Die Suid-Afrikaanse MuseumWest, Newman & Company for the trustees of the Museum, 1994 - Natural history |
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... abbreviated ; if the year is added , a comma must separate author's name and year . The author's name ( and date , if cited ) must be placed in parentheses if a species or subspecies is trans- ferred from its original genus . The name ...
... abbreviated ; if the year is added , a comma must separate author's name and year . The author's name ( and date , if cited ) must be placed in parentheses if a species or subspecies is trans- ferred from its original genus . The name ...
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abbreviated AMS DATES archaeological back of Haaskraal Bos taurus vertebra burrow Cape Town cattle remains cent confidence level composite sections showing Contact horizon context deepest GTPW sherd deepest recovered livestock DIRECT DATING DISTRIBUTION OF LIVESTOCK drip line European artefacts European livestock fibre-tempered wares Gastropoda Haaskraal Shelter historical livestock holotype Horizontal positions hunter-gatherer incisor Karoo Khoi sherd kraal wall lowermost mandible fragment MFCI sherds non-domestic fauna outliers overlying post-Contact Ovis aries Right Ovis/Capra Bos taurus paratypes pastoralists post-Contact livestock pre-Contact levels pre-Contact livestock pre-Contact specimens pre-European livestock proximal fragment Adult radiocarbon dating rear recovered livestock relative relative to variable rock shelter Roman numerals scientific name Seacow River Bushmen Seacow River valley sections showing positions selected pot sherds Shelter and talus shelter fills Sneeuberg SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM specimen below Contact spits deep stone kraals stratigraphic integrity Synonymy talus slope taxon trekboers trench upper Seacow River upper valley Volstruisfontein