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acquaintance with the gospel; and this we believe to be the true reason why they seldom interfere where the gospel is preached faithfully in the parish church.

In another part of this Charge, we are happy to see his Lordship the strenuous and able advocate of Sunday schools; and perfectly agree with him in the following sentiment:

"It has, I know, been sometimes asserted, that ignorance is the mother of devotion. It is no such thing. It is the mother of superstition, of bigotry, of fanaticism, of disaffection, of cruelty, and of rebellion. These are its legitimate children. It has never yet produced any other; and never will to the end of the world. And we may lay this down as an incontestible truth, that a well-informed and intelligent people, more particularly a people well acquainted with the sacred writings, will always be more orderly, more decent, more humane, more virtuous, more religious, more obedient to their superiors, than a people totally devoid of all instruction, and all educa.


the Assembly's Catechism (which is that of the Established Church of Scotland) or Dr. Watts's Cate chism and Hymns, fhould be introduced into some Sunday-schools, is there any sedition or heresy in them? His Lordship is pleased to state the prevalence of Sundayschools (p. 27) as a grand cause that the seeds of sedition and rebellion did not take root here as in a sister kingdom. But was it ow. ing to the parochial schools only? Are there not thousands, and tens of thousands, who, within the last twenty years, have been educated in the schools of Methodists and Dissenters? And have not these been as far from sedition and rebellion as those educated in the establishment? Why then insinuate an invidious distinction, which has no foundation in reason or in fact? But it is the misfortune of the great, generally to have those about them whose interest it is to deceive, and who seek the favours of their superiors by slandering others!


Letters on the Atonement.
C. Jerram, A. M. 8vo, pages 124,
25. 6d.

MR. J. has before ably written,
under the signature of Scrutator
on a subject pretty closely con-
nected with the present, the Doc-
trine of Universal Salvation. — In
the Letters before us, the author
combats very successfully there.
fined speculations of some modern
writers, who pretend to be sincere
friends to the doctrine of Atone-

But when his Lordship asserts (p. 22) that Sunday-schools “always ought to be placed under the direction and controul of the parochial clergy; no books intro. duced into them, but such as they entirely approve;" and that the education of the children should be "confined, as strictly as possible, to the knowledge of the Bible, the Common Prayer-book, and the Catechism of the Church of England," we beg leave to pause; and to en-ment, while they discard every idea quire, Ought then Dissenters to have no Sunday-schools? or should their schools also be placed under the controul of the parochial cler. gy? If " the knowledge of the Bible, the Common Prayer-book, and the Catechism of the Church of England," be so very serviceable to the children of that church, may not "the knowledge of the Bible," even without the Prayer-book and the Catechism, be at least of some use to other children? Or, suppose

of substitution or satisfaction. Af ter refuting these, he endeavours to fix the doctrine itself on a scriptural foundation; and to shew, in the last place, the harmony between Scripture and Reason upon the subject. To a temper truly christian, he unites the acuteness of a good polemic, and the judgment of a sound divine; and as his sentiments appear to be perfectly evangelical, we can cordially recommend this book as one of the best extant

See our Magazine for last year, p. 165.

upon this most interesting subject. That our readers may not, how. ever, rest wholly upon our opinion, we present them with the follow. ing extract, and wish we could have considerably enlarged it.

"The following arguments are not grounded upon a priori reason ing, as if we clearly understood what ought to be the nature of God's conduct, and how he should receive sinners, if he had made no revelation of his perfections and government: - but, taking the character of God as I find it reveal ed in his word, I shall attempt to prove that the consistency of that character is involved in his executing the penalty annexed to the transgression of his laws; and that there is no absurdity or inconsistency in supposing that that penalty was executed in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"As this discussion will lead me to a consideration of the divine government, which I consider, in its grand outlines, as analogous to those of men, I shall anticipate an objection which may be urged against the propriety of reasoning from human governments to the divine. It may be thought inconclusive, if not presumptuous, to suppose that, because we find certain notions common to the whole race of mankind, respecting the nature of government, therefore there must be some necessary resemblance between them and the government of the Supreme Being. But let it be observed, that it is not because there are particular sentiments on this subject which are common to the whole world, that we necessarily infer there must be something analogous to them in the divine conduct, but because God has revealed himself to us in such language respecting his government, as necessarily to convey this idea of analogy. We do not reason a priori how he ought to govern; - but, from the manner in which he has communicated his conduct towards us, we see how he does govern; and that is, in the grand outlines, in a way similar to` our notions of a perfect human go vernment. God, for instance,

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speaks of himself as a Sovereign, a Judge, and a Lawgiver. He has given laws, and enforced them by sanctions; he has erected a tribunal, and appointed a day of judg ment, in which he will treat every man according to his works. All these expressions, I conceive, necessarily point out a resemblance, in the grand distinctive features, between the divine and human governments: for I can attach no idea whatever to them, any further than I am acquainted with what they represent when applied to civil establishments among men; and unless they were intended to convey such ideas, they must be intended to lead into dangerous and fundą. mental errors."

A Farewell Address to the Inhabit. ants of Botley, near Southampton. By the Rev. H. Gauntlett, late Curate of that place. Svo, 15.

THE late excellent Walter Taylor, Esq. of Portswood Green, be. queathed Mr. G. a handsome annuity" as long as he should continue resident curate at Botley," but his rector dying soon after Mr. T. and a new one being appointed, he was dismissed without an hour's notice, with no reason assigned; and thus unhappily lost his curacy and his annuity together! Mr. G. not being allowed to take leave of his hearers from the pulpit, now ad. dresses them through the medium of the press, from Hcb. ii. 1-3. He first reminds them of the things they have heard (the leading doc. trines of the gospel.) Secondly, Admonishes them to take heed to these things; and, Thirdly, Sets before them the consequences of attention, and of neglect. The whole concludes with a faithful and animated address to the consciences of his hearers: - and may it be attended with the desired effect!

Periodical Accounts of the Baptist Missionary Society. No. X11. 15

THIS Number contains extracts from the Journals of Mr. Marsham and Mr. Ward, with Letters from

the Missionaries, &c. Mr. Marsham's journey up the country is very interesting; and contains many curious particulars. Many of the natives attentively heard the word of life, and, it may be hoped, not without effect.

Mr. Ward's Journal mentions, that some of the Hindoo converts had not been so correct in their walk as might be wished; but that others discovered much zeal in promoting Christianity, and great patience in their sufferings on account of it. The church formed at Serampore, consists of about thirty members, including some Euro - the school also at this


place continues to prosper.
Mr. Carey attends the College at
Calcutta four days in the week;
and we are concerned to hear he has
been much indisposed, as also his
son Felix: :-we trust, their lives
will be prolonged for further use-
fulness! In addition to the New
Testament, and the first volume of
the Old, the Psalms, and part of
Isaiah, had been translated and
printed in January 1803, together
with a considerable number of Re.
ligious Tracts, which the Mission
aries disperse as widely as possible,
and apparently with great advan-

The accounts which are given of the superstitions and abominable idolatries of the Hindoos, are very affecting. On the 18th of April

three women were burnt with the corpses of their husbands, on one pile, near the house of the Missionaries. This horrid act is looked upon by the natives as a strong proof of the truth of their religion!

[The public Papers inform us, That a Proclamation has been made by the British Governor to prevent this dreadful mischief in the districts subject to England; but it is nevertheless continued; so that at least 30.000 women perish annually by this diabolical superstition. May God, in his infinite mercy, put a stop to it!]

The Claims of Cæsar and of God considered: a Discourse, first deIrvered at Southampton; and afterwards in the Vicinity of London (at

Cambden Chapel.) By George
Clayton. 8vo, Is.
Presumption overthrown by the

God of Battles: a Sermon deli-
vered at Peckham Meeting. By
W. B. Collyer. 8vo, is.

WE Couple these Sermons together, because they appear, in many respects, to be related. They were preached to the same Volunteers, in neighbouring places of worship. The preachers are both young men of promise; and the discourses breathe the same ardent spirit of loyalty and patriotism, which we consider as virtues closely connect ed with Christianity. Both write in a strain of youthful eloquence and animation; both profess the same attachment to gospel-truth and holiness, equally protesting against the profane practice of Sunday Drilling; both modestly apologize for appearing before the public; and attach to their Sermons the hymns sung on the occa



There is sufficient diversity, however, in the subjects treated. Mr. Clayton, from Matt. xxii. 21, considers "The Claims of Cæsar and of God," to the former he attri butes" respect for his person, obedience to his laws, support in executing the duties of his office, and prayers for his prosperity and happiness; - for God, he claims "the highest veneration and love, constant worship and service, universal respect to his commands and ordinances, and zealous attempts to promote his cause and glory." To shew the reasonableness of this obedience, he remarks, "That God is our Creator, Redeemer, Observer, and Judge." He then directs to" the strong for strength;" and concludes with an Address to the Volunteers and congregation.

Mr. Collyer selects Exod. xv. 9-11, as the ground of his dis course; from which he considers the presumption expressed in the former part of his text, and the overthrow of that presumption in the latter. He then points to the God of Battles as the source of victory; and concludes with a prac tical Address to his military and other hearers.



The General Annual Meeting of the Missionary Society will be held in London, if the Lord permit, as follows:

SURRY CHAPEL, Wednesday morning, May 9th. Rev. Mr.Thorpe, of London, to preach. The usual Meeting for Business, in the afternoon, will be omitted, it having been found inconvenient, for want of time. TABERNACLE, Wednesday evening, Rev. Mr. Bennet, of Romsey, in Hampshire, to preach.

The Society will devote the whole of Thursday morning, May 10, from Ten o'clock till Two, to the General Business of the Institution, at Haberdashers' Hall, Staining Lane, Wood Street.

TOTTENHAM-COURT CHAPEL, Thursday evening. The Rev. David Dickson, one of the Ministers of the College Church, in Edinburgh, to preach.

ST. SAVIOUR'S CHURCH, Southwark, Friday morning. The Rev. Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sandford, Oxon. (formerly of the Lock Chapel) to preach.

ZION CHAPEL. A Meeting of the Society at Four o'clock. The concluding service of the Annual Meeting, and the Celebration of the Lord's Supper among the Communicants of various Churches and Socie ties in the Metropolis and from the Country, will be held at Zion Chapel. - Communicants only will be admitted at the vestry-door; all others are desired to go in at the front doors of the chapel.

*. The morning-services to begin at Half past Ten, and the evening at Six, precisely.

The Annual Meeting of THE TRACT SOCIETY will be held at St. Paul's Coffee-House, on Thursday morning, at Seven o'clock.

A very respectable Minister in the country having complained, that many of his brethren are prevented from the pleasure and benefit of attending the Annual Meeting, by their not having any acquaintance in town with whom they can lodge, and not being able to support the expences of a public inn, the following Plan has been suggested, in some measure, to remedy this inconvenience: 1. It is recommended to the hos pitable Friends of the Society in town, who can accommodate a Minister or two for a few days, to leave their address with the Publisher of this Magazine; and, zdly, It is requested, that those Ministers who need such accommodation, will immediately signify the same in a letter (post paid) addressed to the Editor, at the Publisher's; in consequence of which, endeavours will be made to provide for as many as possible, who are known or recommended to the Editors as characters of respectability.


By a Letter from the Missionaries at Otaheite, to Governor King, of New South Wales, dated Feb. 3, 1803, which his Excellency has been pleased to transmit to the Secretary of the Missionary Society in

London, it appears that the disturbances which had happened in that island had (contrary to expectation) ceased; that Otoo and Pomarre re tained their authority; and that the Missionaries were enabled to pursue their vocations without molestation.


We are greatly concerned to hear of the death of that eminently pious and extensively useful Missionary, the Rev. Mr. Gerické, who has laboured with apostolic zeal and success in the East Indies. Mr. Carey was informed at Calcutta, That a Prince on the coast, and the inhabitants of more than twenty towns or villages, had destroyed their idols, and become Christians!

Extract of a Letter from Switzerland to the Directors of the London Missionary Society.

Basil, Jan. 3, 1804. Honoured Brethren, and dearly beloved in our Lord

Jesus Christ,

BEING united with you in the closest bonds of brotherly love, and feeling a lively interest in all your joy and sorrow, we cannot but express these our sentiments at the Commencement of a new year, by addressing a few lines to you.

We have received the interesting accounts of Mr. Kicherer's success. ful labours in South Africa; and, atter having read them with great satisfaction, we have immediately communicated them to our dear German brethren, by inserting them in our Magazine. We cannot express, in terms sufficiently strong, the sentiments of gratitude to our adorable Lord and Saviour, which filled our souls, when reflecting upon that infinite mercy which in duced him to send the glorious light of the gospel to these benighted regions of Heathenish superstition and immorality, and to open the gates of Heaven for this debased species of human beings. Now we cannot cast a look towards the southern point of Africa withont emotions of joy and gratitude, when we behold, in Spirit, a loving family of black-brown brethren, uniting with us in bending their knees before Him, which is, and which was, and which is to come; and hear them solemnly confess

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We rejoice, dear Brethren, that you have not suffered the work of faith and the labour of love to be extinguished by a variety of hinderances which appeared to obstruct your way. There are hundreds now in South Africa, who are living witnesses that your labour was not in vain in the Lord. When on that solemn day of the glorious revelation of Christ (who is yet, in some measure, hidden and despised by many) nations from the east and west, from the south and north, shall be counted worthy to sit down to the marriage supper of the Lamb, then shall the fruits of your labours, for the increase of the kingdom of Christ, which you have undertaken out of love to him, neither remain unknown, nor be left unrewarded. But till then, we walk by faith, and not by sight; and although, on the one hand, we are cheered by a distant prospect of a glorious dawn; yet, on the other hand, we behold many a dark tem-, pestuous cloud, which threatens to destroy our pleasing hopes: but well for us that we are possessed of the gospel of Christ, which, as a key, opens all those mysteries of iniquity; so that we may anticipate the result of all those wonderful events which shall happen in the church of Christ, although, in their full extent, they are far above the reach of any finite understanding. The history of the church of Christ may supply us with many an undeniable fact, that the Rock upon

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