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In Lothringen, the vineyards had such a promising appearance, that the oldest inhabitant could not recollect to have seen them so productive; but a single frosty night destroyed the whole; and on our arrival, we found fruit and leaves all consumed with the frost, so that scarce a green sprig could be discerned; for all was black, and afforded a most melancholy sight. How wonderful are the ways of God! He gives and takes away. He distributes according to his good pleasure; - to one abund. antly; to another sparingly. With out labour, man obtains nothing; but with the same labour, one reaps a rich harvest, another a scanty one. The same diversity of soil is to be found in the moral as in the natural world: Two ministers labour with the same diligence, zeal, ability, and faithfulness, and yet,. how unequal are the fruits of their labours One enters, as it were, at once into the harvest, and has only to reap; another, after painful exertions, is constrained to exclaim, "I have laboured in vain: I have spent my strength for nought.". I was frequently struck with admi. ration, in observing the striking analogy there is between the Bible and the works of God in nature. In all the various stations and occupations of human life, in whatever sphere a man may move, with regard to his calling, age, rank, and situation, he may find some word of instruction, reproof, or comfort in such reflections.

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among the negro-slaves in the West Indies: a race of men formidable from their number, and naturally ill-disposed to submission. A few years ago, some pious characters in Great Britain, pitying their situation, sent Missionaries to the different islands; and their success has answered the most sanguine expectations. So many of the negroes have been benefited by the preaching, that in most of the islands, where the Missionaries have been encouraged by the planters, and other respectable whites, a great change has taken place in the negro character. The same description of men, who, thirty years ago, were turbulent, ferocious, and ever ready for the most dreadful insurrections, now meek, humble, quiet, and so truly reformed, that religious ne groes are generally selected for places of trust, such as watchmen, &c. Nay, so thoroughly sensible of this are many of the planters, that, in several of the Leeward Islands, they subscribe liberally towards building places of worship, and invite the Missionaries to their estates, &c.


The Moravians and the Methodists have particularly distinguished themselves in this service. The latter have nearly 100,000 slaves in the different islands under their teaching; and beg leave to refer to the islands of Antigua, Tortola, St. Vincent, Nevis, Dominica, and St. Kitt's, for proofs of their usefulness, and for the esteem in which they are held: but, notwithstanding all this, there are persons 'to be found so strongly prejudiced against them in some islands, as taking the trouble of enquiring into to oppose their progress, without the motives which actuate the Missionaries, or of considering the happy effects of their labour.

The Methodists were never much encouraged in the island of Ja maica; but, in the course of the last year, an unexpected and most violent interruption was put to their proceedings. An act suddenly passed that legislature, which produced strong coercion over the con sciences of the Missionaries, con

trary, it is humbly apprehended, to their privileges both as Britons and Protestants; and to the great liberality, which our government has always shewed towards religious sentiments and persons. The act of the Jamaica legislature, professes to forbid unqualified persons from preaching to the negroes, and to persons of colour. The Missionaries did not suppose they could have come within the meaning of such an act, being already duly qualified; and they produced regular licences, which they had obtained in England, and which would have been allowed in any British Court of Justice. However, they were informed that those licences would not be allowed there. They then applied to qualify according to the new Jamaica law; but were refused; and no sort of reason whatever assigned for such refusal.

It may not be unseasonable for one of the Missionaries, Mr. Daniel Campbell, to speak for himself on this occasion; and, therefore, a letter of his on the subject is hereunto subjoined.

It may be observed, that Mr. Campbell is a man of piety, sense, and discretion; and it is believed that most of the Missionaries are of that description.

The friends of religion and humanity will be concerned to hear, that, except in the town of Kingston, there is now a total stop put to the exertions of these Missionaries in Jamaica; but it is most earnestly hoped, that his Majesty's Ministers will recommend a speedy repeal of this new law, which is so inimical to religious liberty, and to the best interests of mankind.

[Extracted from the Report of the London Committee (signed) in behalf of the Methodist connection,

Jos. BUTTERWORTH, Fleet Street, Secretary. New Chapel, City Road, Feb. 10, 1804.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Campbell.

"FOR more than five years I exercised the functions of my of

fice, as a Missionary, in the town' of Kingston, Jamaica, in conjunc tion with my worthy and respectable friend Mr. Fish; and not the shadow of complaint was ever alledged against our characters.

Within the last two years, we became acquainted with some religious persons at Morant Bay (about thirty miles from Kingston) whither I went occasionally to preach. I endeavoured, according to my ability, to inculcate the doc trines of the New Testament; and many persons heard the word of God with gladness of heart, among whom, there were some who had previously been addicted to fornication (the besetting sin of the island); but on hearing the truths of the gospel enforced, they were persuaded to forsake their former evil ways. This excited a spirit of persecution in their old companions; and they were determina ed, if possible, to punish me, as the supposed cause of an interruption to their sinful pleasures. The first thing that was done was, to indict the houses as nuisances in which our meetings were held. These prosecutions, however, failed; because the laws did not support them: upon which, means, were found to get a new law made in the colony, about Christmas last, which has greatly restrained religious worship.

"By this new Act of the Go. vernment of Jamaica, any person who should preach, without being "qualified by law," was rendered liable to a month's imprisonment for the first offence; and other penalties were also incurred: but as I had long been duly qualified by law," I preached, as usual, in Kingston, after this new act had passed the legislative body, and met with no sort of interruption whatever; but when I visited and preached at Morant Bay, after the act had passed, I was apprehended, and taken before the magistrates there, who committed me to prison, although I produced to them my certificate of being "duly qua. lified by law;" which I took out with me when first I went from England. After the month of my

imprisonment was expired, I returned to Kingston, where I had resided so many years, and applied to the magistrates there to qualify over again, which was immediately granted, and a certificate thereof given. I preached as usual after this, for about two months in Kingston, when I once more visited my friends at Morant Bay; but did not venture to preach (although I had been again" duly qualified by law") without asking leave of the magistrates at the Bay. I therefore respectfully petitioned the magistrates for leave to qualify before them, if they required it : → but the answer given was, "That they would grant no licence to preach;" and as I knew they would imprison me again, if I attempted to preach without their licence, I desisted, and returned to Kingston; but finding our usefulness thus circumscribed, and, in my apprehension, contrary to the existing laws and constitution of the British Empire, I, with the advice of my friends, determined to come back to England, leaving my pious friend Mr. Fish, to take care of the flock at Kingston. My return to England was the more necessary, because the magistrates at Morant Bay, by way of punishment for my asking leave to preach, revived the old prosecution; and not content with my former imprisonment, endeavoured to apprehend me for penalties; and to give securities un der this new law, that I should, in effect, never preach any more; and unless I had found such securities, I might, as I was informed, have been doomed to perpetual imprison

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not meet with each other for religious worship, not even on Sun days. One of the inhabitants (Mr. John Williams) a very sensible respectable man, was imprisoned for a month, under this new law, for singing and praying with a few friends. All social worship is, for the present, therefore, at an end at Morant Bay; and this new law is lamentably used to put a stop to the preaching of the gospel in other parts of the island. It has a very specious appearance, that no person should preach, who is not "duly qualified by law;" but the mischief lies here, that when persons apply to be qualified, they are refused, without any sort of reason whatever being assigned.

"I cannot well refrain from ob. serving, that the preaching of the Missionaries has been the means of making the negroes who received the truth, more moral, industrious, and happy. Our object is not to make proselytes; but to bring men, through the grace of God, to a knowledge of the gospel; but alas! it is a lamentable circumstance, that there are persons to be found, so devoid of all virtuous principles, as to invent and propagate the most gross untruths, merely for the sake of bringing Christianity into public odium.

"If our enemies would insinuate, that the Missionaries, either directly or indirectly. promote any spirit of disaffection among the ne groes, I am free to challenge all the inhabitants of Jamaica to prove the truth of any such insinuation. London,

9th Dec. 1803.


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ger to the peace and safety thereof, by reason of the preaching of illdisposed, illiterate, or ignorant enthusiasts, to meetings of negroes and persons of colour, chiefly slaves, unlawfully assembled, whereby not only the minds of the hearers are perverted with fanatical notions, but opportunity is afforded to them of concerting schemes of much private and public mischief; we, his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Lieutenant Go vernor, Council, and Assembly, of this your Majesty's island of Jamaica, humbly beseech your Ma. jesty, that it may be enacted, and be it therefore enacted and ordained by the authority of the same, That, from and after the passing of this act, in case any person, not duly qualified and authorized, or permitted as is directed by the laws of this island, and of Great Britain, shall, under the pretence of being a Minister of Religion, presume to preach or teach in any meeting or assembly of negroes, or people of colour, within this island, every such person shall be deemed and taken to be a rogue and vagabond, and within the intent and meaning of this act; and be punished in the manner hereinafter directed.

"II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it may and shall be lawful for any magistrate of the parish wherein the offence aforesaid shall be com mitted, on complaint made to him on oath, or upon his own hearing or view, to cause the offender to be appréhended and committed to the common gaol, and shall forth with associate with himself two other justices of the peace of the same parish, and have authority to summon all persons capable of giving evidence, to appear before them: which three magistrates so associated shall, upon the due conviction of the offender, adjudge him or her, if of free condition, to be committed to the workhouse, there to be kept to hard labour, for the first offence, for the time of one month; and for every subsequent offence, for the time of six months each : and in case the offender

shall be a slave, such offender shall, for the first offence, be committed for hard labour to the nearest workhouse, for one month; and for every subsequent offence, be sentenced to receive a public flogging, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes. Provided always, That whenever the offence committed by a white person shall appear of extraordinary heinousness, it shall and may be lawful for any one or more of the justices of the peace, and he and they are hereby required to secure the appearance of every such offender at the next subsequent supreme or assize court, by sufficient bail or commitment, to answer for the of fence; and, on conviction, to suffer such punishment as such court shall see fit to inflict, not extending to life.

"III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, from and after the passing of this act, in case any owner, possessor, or occupier of any house, outhouse, yard, or other place whatsoever, shall knowingly permit any meeting or assembly of negroes, or people of colour, for the purpose of hearing the preaching or teaching of any person, of the description hereinbefore declared to be a rogue and a vagabond, every person so permitting such meeting or assembly shall, on conviction thereof, before the court of Quarter Sessions of the same parish or precinct, incur a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, at the discretion of the said court; and be committed to the cominon gaol until such fine be paid, and until the offender shall have given security for his future good behaviour, by recognizance for such time, and in such sum, and with such sureties, as the court shall judge fit.

Passed the Assembly, this 17th day of Dec. 1802,


P. REDWOOD, Speaker Passed the Council, 18th Dec. 1802,

M. ATKINSON, Cl. Conc. I consent, this 18th day of Dec. 1802, G. NUGENT.”

When the above act, and the cir

cumstances attending it, are taken into consideration by our wise and liberal Government, we cannot entertain a doubt, but that this law

will be repealed, and free toleration given for religious worship through out his Majesty's dominions.


Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Morris and Friends, Twrgwynn, Cardiganshire

Rev. J.J. Richards and Friends, Hull

£. 10, 10



The public mind has been lately much agitated respecting the illness of our, gracious Sovereign, which was particularly alarming at this juncture; we have the plea. sure to find, the bulletin of this day (23d) announces, that his health continues mending; and we sincerely hope, the Lord will hear the united prayers of his people for his Majesty's recovery, that he may still long continue a blessing to the Nation and the Church.

Ir is extremely singular, that in one of the French Newspapers (Le Journal des Debars) the Missionary Society, of London, is severely stigmatized as the tool of the English Government, to promote its political designs in France!

We hear, with great pleasure and thankfulness, that two clergymen, in Ireland, who had been men of the world, living in carnal pleasure, have been awakened and converted to God. One of them, by means of reading "The Village Sermons; and the other, by reading The Village Dialogues;" and that both are become lively, zeal ous, and useful ministers of the gospel.

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The solemn service was thus con ducted: - · Mr. Cornelius Winter, of Painswick, prayed. A short discourse, on Mark xvi. 15, was delivered by Mr. Vos. Mr. Wilks asked the questions, and received the confession of their faith; which was given by Mr. Des Granges, in the name of all the Missionaries. Mr. Nicol offered up the ordination-prayer, accompanied with imposition of hands; Mr. Waugh delivered a serious charge, on Acts xxii. 21,"Depart, for I will send thee far hence to the Gentiles;" and Mr. Steinkoffpt concluded the The house service with prayer. was thronged with an attentive audience, who witnessed the solemn transaction; and whose fervent prayers, we trust, will receive a gracious answer in behalf of the intended missions.

Mr. Vos, accompanied by Mrs. Vos; Mr. Palm and Mrs. Palm, and Mr. Ehrhardt, are intended for the Island of Ceylon. Mr. Ringletaube (who, like Mr. Vos, was ordained abroad) Mr. Cran, and Mr. Des Granges, are intended for a Mission on the Eastern Continent. The whole body go together from Harwich to Tonningnen, in Denmark; and from thence, about the 1st of March, in a Danish vessel to Tranquebar, where they will separate, and repair to their different stations. Let the people of God bear them in their minds, when addressing the throne of grace; intreating the Lord to grant them a safe passage to the place of their destination, and abundant success in their arduous undertaking.

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