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SERM. on the merits of Christ, will discharge their VII. confciences from the guilt of fecret vices,

and of appetites and paffions immoderately indulged. Let us not be deceiv'd this way, God is not to be mocked, he has put confcience in every one of our breafts, as the guide of our actions, and a judge for him; if we violate its rights, he will certainly require it, nor is there any pretence by which we can cover our felves from his juftice; nay, confcience itself will one day loudly complain of its wrongs, and be the fierceft accufer before the divine tribunal; make it therefore a friend by repentance and good works.


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Perfect Love gives Boldness in the
Day of Judgment.

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Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, becaufe as he is, fo are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love cafteth out fear, because fear hath torment; be that feareth is not made perfect in love.



HE happieft ftate of mind we can SER M. attain to in this world, is an inward VIII. fecurity and confidence towards God concerning our future felicity. Since we are convinc'd that we shall die, yet have all the reafon in the world to believe that death is not an utter extinction of our being, may, the religion we profefs exprefsly affures us, that after it we shall be perfectly bless'd, or extremely miserable, by the righteous senVOL. I.



SERM.tence of God; fince it is fo, nothing can be VIII. of greater importance than to know, if it is

to be known, what foundation we have of hope or of boldness, as the text expreffes it, in the day of judgment. Many, however, of mankind, even of chriftians, give themfelves little trouble about this matter;


not that they are fatisfied on any rational grounds their condition is fafe, and it shall be well with them hereafter; but they pafs away their time in a ftupid inattention, their thoughts are wholly employed about the bufinefs, the cares, and enjoyments of the prefent life, and for what fhall come hereafter, they fet it at a great' distance, and therefore are little affected with it; or build uncertain hopes on general unexamin'd pretences, fuch as that God is merciful, that Chrift is the Saviour of finners, of them among others, that they profefs a pure and true religion, and pay a respect to its inftitutions, that their fins are not very heinous, or if they be, 'tis their purpose to repent fome time be fore they die, and apply themselves diligently to the work of their falvation. But, how unworthy is this of reafonable creatures? I may juftly apply here the words of


the prophet Ifaiah, *Remember this and fhew SERM.
your felves men, call to mind, Oye tranfgreffors; VIII.
fhall we leave at fuch uncertainty a concern
which above all others is of the greateft mo-
ment? When God has put it in our power,
and afforded us the best means for making
our calling and election fure, shall we give no
diligence in it, but leave the business of our
falvation at all adventures, even treat it with
more indifference than we do the affairs of
this life? Which of us that had any preten-
fions to a large eftate in this world, would
not be very careful to enquire into our title,
and make it as clear as poffible? And shall
we be remiss in endeavouring to ascertain
our claim to the inheritance incorruptible,
undefiled, and that fadeth not away, referved
in heaven for them that fincerely obey the

Be affured there is a fufficient certainty
in this point to be attain'd; and we need not
fay, † who shall afcend to heaven for us, or
go down to the deep, that we may know it?
Some have actually poffeffed an establish'd
tranquillity, in expectation of eternal life.
St. Paul knew whom he had believed, and
was perfuaded he was able to keep that which
by him had been committed to him againft that

*Ifaiah xlvi. 8.

N 2
+ Ram, x. 6, 7.


SERM. day; that neither death, nor life, nor VIII. angels, nor principalities nor powers, should be able to Separate him from the love of God which is in Chrift Jefus, Nor is this the peculiar priviledge of extraordinary characters, of men honour'd with divine infpiration, as the apoftle was; the grounds of it are common to fincere and good minds, and the evidence fuch as every one for himself is best qualified to judge of his own temper, and his own deliberate actions. My text teaches us the true, the folid foundation of confidence in the profpect of the future judgment, which every fincere christian may arrive to, fufficiently fupporting to the upright heart in all events, and ftable againft all confounding fears. Herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is, fo are we in this world; there is no fear in love, but perfect love cafteth out fear, because fear bath torment; he that feareth is not made perfect in love. In difcourfing on which words, I will

Firft, Endeavour to fhow you what is meant by the perfection of love, or our being made perfect in it.

+ Rom. viii. 38,


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