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more or less under their master's influence this community, and of the shipping, to come to chapel, and hear the preached word. Besides these, there are the casual droppers in, and two other men who at present seem deliberately to keep the Sabbath, and who are also pretty regular in their attendance at daily evening worship. For the last two or three Sabbaths one or two women, to whom our helpers have had access in their own houses, have been persuaded to venture within the chapel doors, but further than this I can say nothing of


under my care at present, and in all proba bility will remain so for some months to come. Before Mr. Douglas left I had entered into correspondence with Christian friends in Scotland with a view to secure a Christian physician for this port, and I am in hopes that our object may be attained. The community have, to a certain extent, put the matter of procuring a medical man for them into my hands, and until I hear from the parties with whom I am in correspondence, I shall feel it to be my duty to The medical department of the work is remain here, and keep the field in their not at present overburdened with labour. behalf. This medical work, in the present On an average for some weeks back there state of this port, does not devolve very may have been four or five patients daily; heavy labour upon me, and my missionary generally, however, with rather serious com- duties are sufficiently recognised by the plaints. This is not because Takao is so community to prevent them from calling entirely free from disease. We have had me away at unseasonable hours. The cholera here, and I suppose about forty moneys which patients are pleased to give in persons have died in the village of this return for services rendered, will help, dread disease; but in only two cases was II believe, materially to diminish the burden called to see the patients. The fact is that of expense in connection with the first six the people are suspicious of our good faith months of labour here. I have not yet in this matter of gratuitous medical assist- succeeded in procuring any site on which ance, and we must wait patiently until we to erect a house or chapel in connection have been tried sufficiently, and then, doubt- with the mission. The prejudices against less, we shall have more to do. Already I foreigners securing ground has raised the see some signs of increasing confidence value of ground immensely, and it is as appearing. difficult for merchants to secure a suitable locale for building as it is for ourselves. But it will be impossible to continue where we are at such a rental as that of 50 dollars a month, and so I continue on the look-out for some feasible site on which to build. I believe that this plan will meet with the approval of the Committee at home. I hope when I do hear from the Committee that there may be some tidings of a colleague for this mission. Not only for the work's sake, the extension of which must so much depend on the presence of more labourers, but to lighten my own sense of responsibility in connection with the management of the mission, and also for the sake of occasional Christian fellowship with a brother in the work-"a kinsman according to the flesh," I do most earnestly desire to hear of your having found

My brethren at Amoy have been unable hitherto to send me a man to take the place of my previous assistant, and without an assistant it is scarcely possible to move away from this place, or to extend our work to neighbouring villages. I am in the hope, however, that some one may appear speedily, and I trust he may come with a heart set upon the Lord's service.*

Since Mr. Douglas's departure, the Sabbath service in English has devolved upon


Almost the whole of the foreign community, and a goodly sprinkling from the ships in harbour, meet with me in a large upper room in this house, and I trust our meeting is not in vain. I know that to myself the preparation for these services, although rather distracting from Chinese studies, is oftentimes a source of much spiritual refreshing. The health also of some brother who is willing to spend his life in witnessing for Christ in this island. Ever yours,

Amoy, Oct. 26.-A young man sails to-morrow, to learn to act as Dr. Maxwell's assistant. He has been two or three years chapel-keeper of one of the Amoy chaye's.-C. D.




(From the London Missionary Magazine.) POLYNESIA.



myself and servant, and a child belonging to one of the teaches. Connected with one of our party, Elekana, there is a tale of deep interest, which deserves particular notice from its connection with our voyage, and the striking illustration which it affords of the wonder-working providence of God in carrying out his plans and purposes of mercy towards the race of man."

occasion. Elekana's narrat ve is omitted here, having been already published in detail in the August and September numbers of the "Juvenile Missionary Magazine."

OUR enterprising missionary brethren in the Navigators' Group were induced, in the month of May last, in consequence of interesting reports which had reached them, to delegate one of their number, the Rev. A. W. Murray, to visit several clusters of Here fo`lows an interesting narrative of small islands, distant about 600 miles, and the adventures of Elekana, showing how, in designated generally by the missionary as the year 1861, he had, with others, been the Lagoon Islands. The enterprise was wrecked on the island of Nukul elae; and, crowned with entire success, and the report in return for the humanity and kindness of given by Mr. Murray of the state of the the natives, had given them some el menpeople, which will be found in the follow-tary instruction in the Christien religion, ing narrative, will be read with feelings of and promised to revisit them on a future equal astonishment and delight. Truly may it be said of these islands, they "wait for the law of the Lord;" and, thank God, they have not waited in vain. Already Christian evangelists are among them, and we trust that in a few months their number will be increased in proportion to the thousands that are thirsting for instruction; and we may confidently expect that, on a people so signally prepared by the Lord, he will pour out his Spirit, and raise them to the full knowledge and enjoyment of salvation. "The voyage, a report of which I have now to forward to the Directors, was undertaken at the request of my brethren of this mission, and, by the good hand of God upon us, has been safely and successfully accomplished.



"Nukulaelae lies to the north-west of Samoa, distant about 600 miles. We made the island on Wednesday, the 16th of May, having been just a week on the passage. There is no harbour, but there is a tolerable anchorage outside the reef during certain seasons of the year. Having got to anchor, we ha t ned on shore. The poor people were delighted to see us; but events that have transpired since Elekana was amongst them, in 1861, cast a sad gloom over our meeting.


“At that time the population was about 300-a harmless, peaceful community, waiting and longing for the Gospel to make "We embarked on board the Augustita, them truly happy. Now they are reduced a small trading-vessel about fifty tons bur- to a remnant under 100; and the bulk of den, and sailed from Apia on Wednesday, these are women and children. The inithe 3rd of May, 1865. We were bound for quitous Peruvian slavers came upon them the islands known on the charts as Ellice's like beasts of prey, and carried off about Group, and other islands beyond these, 200 to bondage and death. Nowhere perknown by various names. Our missionary haps did these infamous men act more party consisted of two married teachers, basely than at this and the neighbouring accompanied by their wives, one unmarried, island. They had recourse first to what

seems to be their usual mode of procedure; they held out temporal inducements, proposing to the people to go for a given time to some island to make cocoa-nut oil, for which they were to be liberally paid, and at the expiry of the specified time brought back to their homes. The people told them they had plenty of cocoa-nuts on their own land, and could make oil here. Finding that they could not gain their point by such proposals, they had recourse to an expedient worthy of the devil himself. There were two vessels, both barques, the one about 300 tons burden, the other 400 or 500; their names were the Gouhnourver and the General Layfell, commanded, the one by a Captain Lopaz, the other by Captain Garsee. These gentlemen, accompanied by the mate of one of the vessels, came on shore, and gave out that the mate was a missionary, and that they wished the people to go on board, to be taken where they would be taught about God and religion, and afterwards brought back to their own land. An infamous fellow named Tom Rose, a negro who had been living among the people for a length of time, lent himself to be their tool. He acted as interpreter, and doubtless suggested the plan by which the people were ensnared. And, as Tom himself shipped in one of the vessels, and had been acting as a sort of religious teacher among the people, their suspicions would be the less likely to be aroused. The bait took. The people flocked on board the ships. Those who could not obtain passages in the boats from the vessels went in canoes, and others swam; so great was their eagerness to go where they were to be taught about God. One of the boats got stove in the passage, and was rendered useless. Some who were in it were picked up by other boats or canoes, and some swam back to the shore. The vessels did not anchor, but stood off and on at sea; thus it was difficult to reach them, and when the people were on board they were entirely in the power of their captors.

"Thus were these poor people deceived away from their quiet, peaceful homes. Alas for them! Surely He who heareth the groaning of the prisoner, and delivereth them who are appointed to die, will plead their cause.


Truly He did not forsake them in the hour of their sore affliction. It is deeply interesting to think that they carried with them into their bondage portions of the New Testament, which they had obtained from Elekana, and which they prized as their most precious treasures. Elekana had a Rarotongan New Testament and hymn-book when he and his shipwrecked companions were cast on their shores. So eager were the people to learn to read the Word of God, that nothing would serve them but the New Testament must be apportioned out amongst them. Elekana yielded to their importunity, and gave two or three leaves to each; the portion that fell to the share of the chief I have now in my possession: he had carefully preserved it, and gave it to me at my request.

May we not hope that many of those who have carried these leaves of the tree of life into the land of bondage, have learned from them the way to that land where all are eternally free ?

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"But to return from this long digression. The sight of the widows and children of those who were gone, whom we met on the shore, was very saddening. As the question was put to one and another by Elekana, 'Where is this one and the other?

Gore, gone,' was the unvarying reply. 'Carried off by the thievish ships.' After consulting with the chief and others, and finding them earnestly desirous to have a teacher, I concluded to leave with them one of the three I had to dispose of, notwithstanding the smallness of their number. Taking everything into account, it seemed as if it would have been cruel to do otherwise. A deep interest will continue to attach to Nukulaelae in connection with the evangelization of the islands in its neighbourhood, and, indeed, far beyond, as from it the movement took its rise, which will no doubt progress till all are covered with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Nearly ten years have passed away since

the people of Nukulaelae, moved by influences which we can very imperfectly trace, began to be weary of paganism and to feel after the true God. About that time, at the instigation of the master of a small trading-vessel which visited the islands, they burnt their gods and ceased to be idolaters. I have been able to learn little respecting the person who so far directed them right, except his name and the place whence he came. His name was Stewart, and he came from Sydney, via Fiji. All honour to him for the efforts he made at this and other islands to turn the people from the service of idols to that of the living God, and Jesus Christ whom

he hath sent.

immense coral reef surrounds the whole, and the interior forms a magnificent lagoon and one of the finest harbours I have seen. There are three good openings, at which vessels of any tonnage may enter, and hundreds of vessels might anchor together in safety. We found the state of things here in many respects similar to that of Nukulaelae, both as regards what is pleasing and painful. The slavers, on leaving Nukulaelae, came on here, and, sad to say, succeeded in carrying off 180 of the people. Aided by Tom Rose, they adopted the same plans here as at the other island. Oil-making was first mentioned, then golddigging; but these not taking, the other pretext was tried, and succeeded. 'There,' said their betrayers- there are the people of Nukulaelae on board, going to learn about God; why should not you also go?' They did go; and, but for the exertions of a foreigner residing on shore, there would not have been so many left as there are. Those that remain number about 100, in addition to whom there are at present between twenty and thirty persons belonging to Vaitupu, another island of this range. The population of this and several other islands adjacent has been kept small by a shocking practice to which they were

"From this time the people were in the case of a man who has ceased to walk in the wrong way, but who knows not the right, and is waiting for a guide. Hence the eagerness with which they welcomed Elekana when he was cast upon their shores. Others had professed to be able to guide them-such as Tom Rose, the negro; but they had only added to their bewilderment. In Elekana they had a man who knew the way of life himself, and so was able to impart to them a measure of true light. And now at length they have a teacher settled among them, who will be addicted in the days of heathenism. We able to teach them the way of God more perfectly. It is a vast advantage, in our efforts to evangelize this and other islands in its neighbourhood, that the language is so much akin to the Samoan that our translations and books will be available. The name of the teacher left on Nukulaelae is Joane (John), and his wife's name is Saili. They have had a regular course of training in our Institution at Malua. May their laboura be largely blessed!

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anchored late in the evening of Saturday. On the following morning we went on shore and saw the chief and people, and had service with them, Elekana giving an address from Luke xix. 10. I got him to give the address as he retained a considerable knowledge of their dialect. The first words of the chief when we called upon him were striking and affecting. We are all in darkness,' he said, 'and are just waiting for some one to teach us.' I told him that that was just our errand, to give him some one to teach him and his people; that we had heard of their desire for the Word of God, and had come from Samoa in consequence. They destroyed their idols "Funafuti is the Ellice's Group of the about the same time as the people of Nucharts. It is about sixty miles distant kulaelae. They heard of the doings of from Nukulaelae. Like its neighbour, it is Elekana there, and he spent a short time not a single island, but a group, number- among them, after he left that island to go ing no fewer than thirty-one islands and to Samoa. Thus they were in very much islets. Each of these has a separate name, the same state as their neighbours. On and Funafuti is the general name. An the following day (Monday), the needful

"We sailed from Nukulaelae on Friday, the 12th of May, and on the following day anchored at


preliminary arrangements having been made, | Matatia, one of our teachers, and his wife Nazareta, took up their abode on Funafuti. At once the people set to work to learn to read, and during the two days we remained after the teacher was landed some seventeen had mastered the alphabet; and a fortnight after, when we called again on our return from other islands, between twenty and thirty were able to read a little. I never saw a people in similar circumstances apply themselves with such eagerness. God grant that with the light they may receive the life."


"Apprehending that there would be greater difficulties to contend with here than at the other islands, I had reserved Elekana, who is a man of more experience than the other teachers of our party, and whose name is widely known and respected, for this island. The chief and people gave him an encouraging welcome; and he has entered upon his work with pleasing prospects. The population is about 300. Infanticide has been discontinued for a number

They next sailed to another island of the of years, and peace has long prevailed. And range, called Nukufetau.

"We found the state of things at this island similar in many respects to that of Funafuti and Nukulaelae: there is one important and happy difference-the slavers were in a great measure baffled in their attempts to carry off the people.

now we may hope that polygamy, heathen dances, and other kindred evils, will speedily be numbered with the things that have passed away, and that in Nukufetau we shall have a happy Christian community, bringing forth the fruits of righteousness, and glorifying God their Saviour in all things. We sailed from Nukufetau on Wednesday, the 24th of May."



THE annual meeting of the Association at Amoy, was held on the 4th December, in the Freemasons' Hall, George Street, Edinburgh, Andrew Jameson, Esq., Sheriff of Aberdeenshire, presiding.

"Several canoes came off to us as we were making our way up the lagoon towards the anchorage. In one of these was the son of the chief of the island, a very interesting young man named Taukie. Taukie has had a great deal of intercourse with oreigners, and understands and talks Eng-in Scotland, in connection with the mission lish amazingly well. When he learned that a missionary and teachers were on board, his eyes sparkled with joy. He told us he had determined to go to the Fijis when an opportunity should offer, with a view to get a teacher if we had not come. Thus we found here, as elsewhere, an open door, nd had nothing to do but enter in. The movement which has led to the present state of things on this island is connected with the occurrences at Nukulaelae and

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Funafuti already mentioned. They heard
what had been done on these islands, and,
following their example, destroyed their
gods and renounced idolatry; and for
they have been observing the Sabbath and
keeping up some sort of public worship on
that day. They have a chapel, a very
decent place, about forty-five feet long by
forty broad, which is kept neat and clean.
Poor people! thus have they gone on year
after year, worshipping God according to
their little light, and waiting and longing
for some reliable guide.

The CHAIRMAN, in addressing the meeting, said:-When we speak of China, we are apt to think merely of its worldly aspects; of its beautiful porcelain and silk manufactures; of its wonderful inventions; of the strange intricacy of its history, and particularly of its government and its people; of the difficulty of its written language, and of its vast extent a an empire. These were all subjects of very great and deep interest, but to the philanthropist who regards the miserable condition of its teeming millions, sunk in paganism, ignorance, and physical debasement-to the Christian who acts upon the farewell words of his Divine Master, to go and preach the Gospel to all nations-the great facts in connection with China are these that it contains one-fourth of the these millions are living and dying without whole population of the globe, and that the knowledge of the truth of God, or of the everlasting Gospel of his Son. It is this aspect that gives to this Association its great importance among the many institutions of our great city, and I trust you will to-day

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