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£8,057 7s. 9d., while the expenditure has been £8,274 12s. 8d., showing a balance against the Church of £217 4s. 11d. These figures do not include any local effort whatever, and have reference solely to the income and expenditure of the schemes of the Church. Mr. Watson said that it was very desirable that the committee should be furnished with the amount raised by their congregations for the support of their ministers, and for their own purely congregational purposes. He trusted the brethren would understand clearly when this inquiry was made, as he trusted it would be in the course of this year, that it was done in no inquisitorial spirit, but in order that the sum contributed for these objects might be known, and that it might be seen what the Church was really raising within her borders. If the Free Church was denied information on these important branches of their Church's work, the large sum raised by her which bulked so manifestly in the eye of the public would dwindle down considerably; and was it not desirable that the English Presbyterian Church should also be able to say that her comparatively small community raised such and such a sum in the course of a year for the support of the ministry, and for purely congregational purposes? (Hear, hear.) He ventured to say that if the requisite information was obtained on these points, the amount raised would be found to be at least five times the aggregate that now appeared in this report.

Mr. James Watson, Convener, read the report on the Synod Fund. It states that the receipts during the past year amounted to £508 53., and the expenditure to £553 1s. 4d., leaving a balance due to the treasurer of £44 16s. 4d. The Finance Committee explain that this adverse balance was occasioned chiefly by the demands of the Committee on Union. Mr. Watson said that the fund was in an exceedingly satisfactory condition. There were no delinquents except one or two Northern Presbyteries; and the whole arrears did not exceed £10 for the current year.

The report was adopted.

An interesting report was presented by Dr. Lorimer from the School Committee; after which he adverted to the proposal to change the seat of the School Committee, and expressed his willingness to concur in such an arrangement. The subject had been referred to the Finance Committee. It had been discussed by them, and the general feeling was that it would be highly inexpedient and imprudent to adopt the suggestion; but it was unanimously resolved to bring it under the notice of the Synod.

The Rev. Dr. Anderson said that if the

mover of the adoption of the report should move the whole, he was prepared to move an amendment, to the effect that there should be no transfer of the seat of government, and no change in the administration whatever. He was very much mistaken if the Synod was prepared to adopt such a suggestion, for he knew they were all perfectly satisfied with the way in which the fund was administered by their excellent Convener, the professor.

The Rev. Mr. Lundie moved the adoption of the report, saying it was of a very satisfactory nature indeed, as it indicated that the schools were flourishing, and that a larger grant had been made to the teachers of the schools which were aided.

The Rev. Mr. Forsyth moved, as an amendment, that the report be adopted, with the exception of the recommendations as to the maximum salary and the removal. of the seat of the Committee. It was very desirable that the Church should give all encouragement to the higher class of schools; but he certainly thought while the Church allowed the stipends of some of its ministers to remain at £100, they were going beyond their province in stating the maximum salary of aided teachers at £105. If schools were able to give teachers salaries from £90 to £100, they should be removed from the class of aided schools.

The Rev. J. M. Ross seconded the amendment, objecting to the report that it did not afford them the statistics and the principles on which they should legislate on the subject, and without these statistics and these principles they would be legislating in the dark. He also looked upon £105 as too large a maximum salary, and thought a salary of £80 should make a school self-sustaining.

After discussion, Messrs. Forsyth and Ross withdrew their amendment, and the following motion was adopted :-" Receive the report, approve the diligence of the Committee, and re-appoint them; approve generally the suggestion contained in the report with regard to the future administration of grants, and authorize the Committee to carry them out; but do not deem it expedient to act on the suggestion contained in the report in reference to the removal of the committee to the North."

A petition was presented from the Young Men's Societies' Union in connection with Presbyterian Churches in and around London. The document set forth that there were many youths constantly arriving in the metropolis, with comparatively few, and perhaps no, friends, and who were entirely ignorant of the many and varied temptations which surrounded them. The object of the Union was to attend to the wants of such young men, to lead them to comfortable and respectable lodgings, introduce

moved the adoption of the report, seconded by the Rev. J.T. C. Gullan, of Swansea ; and after remarks from Mr. Hugh Matheson, Dr. Alexander Stewart, the Rev. Mr. Clelland, of Risley, Mr. Lewis, Mr. James Robertson, and others, the motion was cordially agreed to.

them to one of their churches, and also to respectable society and trustworthy companions. Hitherto the efforts of these societies have been attended with success; but, after all, the good results of their exertions must in a great measure be dependent upon the countenance and support they received from the ministers and office- A large audience listened with deep inbearers of the Church. They therefore terest to the principal addresses. We give prayed in the petition that the Synod Mr. Saphir's excellent speech in another would take the question into consideration place. and do with it what in their wisdom seemed



The Synod called for the Report on the Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund, which was read by Mr. George Duncan, Treasurer, in the absence, from ill health, of the Rev. J. C. Paterson, Convener. On the motion of Mr. James Watson, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Duncan, "The Synod receive and adopt the Report with the appended recommendation: re-appoint the committee, Rev. J. C. Paterson, Convener; and appoint that the collection heretofore made in November be this year devoted to the Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund, and the Finance Committee be instructed to co-operate with the committee on that fund in making arrangements for that collection."

On the motion of Mr. J. R. Robertson, seconded by Dr. Anderson, "The Synod heartily approving of the aims and efforts of this Union on behalf of young men arriving in the metropolis, recommend to the ministers and office-bearers of the Church the adoption of such measures as may appear to them most likely to aid the Union in their laudable enterprise. And, in order to aid in promoting this cause, they recommend to Young Men's Societies' Union to send down to all the Sessions of the Church a statement of the purposes of their Association, with such addresses as may be necessary for the guidance of parties desirous of being introduced to them. And still further, understanding that in Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, and other towns, The Synod called for Report of the Comsimilar societies exist, recommend to minis-mittee on Widows and Orphans' Fund, ters and office-bearers to keep in view the advantages afforded to young men going from their respective localities to such towns."

The report on Foreign Missions having been called for, the Rev. Dr. Hamilton said that in former years he had laid it before the Synod, but on this occasion a friend was to discharge this duty, so that there would be a very desirable variation of the old routine. This friend was a member of the committee, who had for many years back devoted much of his time and thought to these missions, and he had been kind enough to prepare the report, and to take his (Dr. Hamilton's) place at his earnest request. He had prepared a report which he (Dr. Hamilton) would venture to say was more copious, more informing, and more interesting than those reports usually were. He trusted that it would be the pleasure of the Synod to allow Mr. Donald Matheson to read the report.

Mr. Matheson then read the principal portions of the report, giving an interesting summary of other parts.

Mr. J. E. Mathieson, treasurer of the Foreign Mission Fund, then gave in the financial statement, from which it appeared that the total receipts for the past year amounted to £3,907, and the disbursements to £4,400, showing a deficiency of £578.

The Rev. Mr. Saphir, of Greenwich,

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which was given in by the Rev. J. W.
Brown, Convener. On the motion of Mr.
Robert Lockhart, seconded by Mr. George
Duncan, the Synod resolved as follows
"The Synod receive the report, and re-
cognising the desirableness and import-
ance of making provision for the widows
and orphans of ministers of this Church,
now resolve to take steps for the initiation
of a fund for such a purpose; delay in the
meantime the preparation of a complete
scheme for ingathering and distribution;
but now appoint a committee, with in-
structions to make an appeal to the mem-
bers of the Church for donations, which
might form the nucleus of a fund, and to
report their diligence and success to the
Synod of next year."

Professor Lorimer read a report on the Robertson Bequest. He said that he had mentioned at last Synod that the trustees would have to defend an action which had been brought by a brother of the deceased for recovering the heritable portion of the property, on the ground that the will had not been made more than sixty days before the death of the deceased. In point of fact, Mr. Robertson died in less than a fortnight after making the will. The value of this portion of the property might be taken at about £10,000, or £12,000, being not quite a fourth of the whole estate bequeathed by the testator. The brother he

referred to received under the will as it stood, £4,000; and if he should succeed in his lawsuit, and obtain £10,000, he would lose this £4,000; so that even if successful it would only make a difference of £6,000 as affecting the two residuary legatees the Free Church of Scotland and their own Church. The action had been commenced, and according to the latest intelligence which he (Dr. Lorimer) had received, the Court of Session had appointed a commissioner to take the evidence. It was at one time expected that the case would have come to a jury trial, a procedure which would have involved delay and greater expense. The commission was this very week engaged in taking the evidence; so that they might expect a decision on the subject in the course of the present session. The trustees were sanguine of succes in defending the will, because although it was the fact that the testator had died within less than sixty days of making it, they were prepared to prove that he had been at "kirk or market" after making it; and they also expected to be able to prove that the disease of which he died was not upon him at the time he made it. If they could make this good, then the will would remain valid in all its parts. Mr. Robertson's trustees consented at once, without any hesitation, that the agent for the Free Church-Mr. Dalmahoy, of Einburgh-should also act for them; and they had secured the services of the best counsel at the Scottish bar-the Lord Advocate and the SolicitorGeneral. The English Presbyterian Church had been able to acquire the library of Mr. Robertson for the use of the College. It was a valuable library; and they made an offer to take the whole of it at the valuation price put on it by the trustees-£200. The arrangement has been completed in a very convenient form, as the money was not to be paid till the matter of the will was settled.

It was agreed to approve of the report, and to re-appoint the committee.

Levi was appointed Convener in his stead, and a Committee was appointed to consider and report on what subjects general questions should be issued during the current year.

Mr. George Duncan, elder, gave in the Report of the Committee on Churchbuilding and Debt-extinction. The report was to the following effect :

"The sum of £3,141 2s. 7d. has been received in subscriptions during the past year, which, being added to the sum of £9,174 4s. 5d. reported as paid prior to the Synod of 1865, makes an amount of £12,315 7s., or nearly one-half of the whole sum subscribed payable in five years. The amount paid a way during the past year in grants and loans is £3,425, and the balance at the banker's at the date of closing the books is £4,650 163. 5d. It must be borne in mind, however, that this balance is liable to be reduced at any moment by congregations claiming the grants or loans made to them; these grants and loans being almost without exception dependent on certain successful efforts by the congregations themselves, the Committee having kept steadily in view the principle that the fund was established to help those who are willing to help themselves. During the past year the Committee have voted, to seven congregations, for debt-extinction, and for the purchase or building of seven churches, a sum of £3,325 in grants and loans, the congregations so aided raising sums which in the aggregate amount to £8,675, and which, taken together, represent a sum of £12,000, secured to the Church by removal of debt on existing property, or by acquiring new places of worship, sooner or later to be free of debt also. The Committee are increasingly impressed with the value and importance of this fund, and would earnestly urge upon congregations who have not yet contributed to it, the duty of aiding in this movement for the extension and consolidation of the English Presbyterian Church."

On the call of the Synd the Rev. W. Tue Synod clled for Report of the Chalmers, Conve er, gave in the Report of Committee on Property held by Unitathe Committee on Statistics. Dr. Leone Levi rians, which was given in by Dr. Leone moved, Rev. James Clelland seconded, and the Levi, Convener. On the motion of the Synod resolved as follows:-" Re-appoint Rev. J. G. Wright, seconded by the Rev. the committee with additions; instruct W. M'Caw, the Synod resolved as folthe Pre-byreries of the Church to give all lows:-" Receive the Report, r-appoint aid to the Conveners in collecting answers the Committee, Dr. Leone Levi, Convener, to the queries issued by the Committee, with instructions to take into consideration and at the first meeting of each Presbytery the best means of raising a fund to meet after the rising of Synod, to appoint their expenses of preparing a summary of the clerk, or one of their number, to collect and laws of the Church, and securing the intabulate the statistics required, and trans-terest of this Church in the Hewley mit them to the Convener, not later than Charity, and to report to nex Synod' the month of February, 1867. Thereafter The Rev. R. H. Lundie gave in the ReMr. Chalmers having resigned, Dr. Leone port on the State of Religion, which em

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braced an account of certain evangelistic operations at Tyneside, when the Synod resolved as follows:

"Receive and adopt the Report, the following to be the Committee for the ensuing year, and strongly recommend to the Ministers and Office-bearers of the Church, to give all the aid and encouragement in their power to the Committee in carrying out their evangelistic labours."

The Synod, on Dr. Lorimer's motion, re-appointed the Committee on the employment of Probationers. It was further moved by Dr. Munro, and seconded by Mr. Ballantyne, and resolved, "That the overture from the Presbytery of Lancashire be referred to the College Committee, with instructions to consider the whole subject of the Constitution of the College, and report to next meeting of Synod."

It having been made known that the The Reports on Presbytery Records and deputations from sister Churches would be records of Standing Committees were here heard this evening there was a large at-read by the respective Conveners. tendance both of members and the public. A Deputation from the Free Church, one from the Irish Presbyterian Church, and one from the United Presbyterian Church, were heard in succession. The first consisted of the Rev. Dr. Buchanan and Mr. Adam (Aberdeen), and Lords Dalhousie and Kintore; the second of the Revs. Dr. Wilson, W. M'Gill, and T. J. Hanson, with J. C. Galway, elder; and the last of the Revs. Dr. Marshall, of Cupar Angus, Dr. King, and Mr. Redpath. The whole of the evening was occupied in listening to the addresses of these brethren, some of which were very eloquent and interesting.


After some small items of business had been disposed of, the Synod called for the College Report, which was given in by the Rev. W. Ballantyne, Convener, and was followed by the Financial Report, read by Mr. A. T. Ritchie, Treasurer. There was also read an overture relative to the Amendment of the Constitution of the College, and the curriculum of study from the Presbytery of Lancashire, and the Rev. George Johnstone was heard in support of the same. Dr. Lorimer was also heard in explanation of some points in the report; whereupon it was moved by Dr. Munro, seconded by Mr. John Johnstone, and after reasoning, the Synod resolved as follows:

A communication was read from the Presbytery of London, inclosing a letter from the Rev. James Bonthorne, requesting, on behalf of himself and congregation at Addiscombe, to be admitted to the conmunion and fellowship of the English Presbyterian Church. He stated that he was an ordained minister of the Church of Scotland, and had been in connection with the Presbytery of the Scotch Church of London for ten years, eight of which he had been assistant of Dr. Cumming. In 1864 he was advised to open a Presbyterian Church at Addiscombe: and this was accomplished by the aid of some friends, by whose contributions he was enabled to purchase a building which was formerly used as a place of worship in connection with the military college of Addiscombe. Service was commenced in July, 1864, and had continued since. No formal recognition of the station had ever been made by the Presbytery of the Scotch Church in London, and no pastoral tie had yet been formed between himself and the congregation worshipping there; nor was the building attached by any existing deed to any particular Church. He had applied to the London Presbytery of the Scotch Church for a certificate, stating the purpose for which it was wished; but they had requested a conference with him, and said they wished further information. On the motion of Dr. Hamilton, the Synod remitted the letter to the Presbytery of London, and authorized them to admit Mr. Bonthorne if they saw cause.


"Receive the report, adopt ad interim the regulations it contains, relative to the admission of students, and the constitution The Synod called for Report on Union of the Board of Examination; order these with Presbyterians of other Churches, regulations to be printed along with which was given in by Dr. Hamilton. the Minutes of Synod; instruct Presby- The report contained the whole of the teries to appoint members of said Board findings of the joint Committee. accordingly, with all convenient speed, Munro proposed its adoption in the after the rising of the Synod, and report following terms :the same to the Convener of the Board; and instruct Presbyteries to consider these regulations, and report to next meeting of Synod; and appoint the following Committee for the current year, with power to make such provisional arrangements as may seem best for supplying the office of Resident Tutor."

I have been asked to undertake this duty, and as the motion has not much in it, I dare say there will not be much more to do than simply to read it. It is, "That the report be received, and that the findings on the several heads of the programme now laid on the table of the Synod be transmitted to Presbyteries for

tively, the statutes and privileges of congregations of this Church within the Presbytery of Lancashire.

There was next transmitted from the Committee on Bills an extract minute of the London Presbytery regarding the station at Croydon, purposing that leave be given to the Presbytery, when they shall see fit, to erect the same into a congregation. The Rev. J. Matheson appeared to state the reference. After reasoning, the Synod sustain the reference; but considering the promising circumstances connected with the station at Croydon, agreed at once to grant, as they do now grant to Croydon, the status and privileges of a congregation of this Church within the Presbytery of London.

their information, with a request that any such suggestions as the Presbyteries may cause to offer be transmitted to the Convener of the Synod's Committee not later than the last day of the current year, and that the Committee be reappointed." I think all the members of Committee will be very glad to have this transmitted to them. The results arrived at by the joint Committee have occasioned a good deal of discussion both in Scotland and here, and have not been made public to our Church unless by some mode of whispering; but there will now be something tangible to set before our Presbyteries in reference to the findings that have taken place. I think the information will be highly satisfactory. I do not blame the parties who have kept it up to the present time. They have done The Synod next called for Report of the very wisely in exercising self-restraint, in Home Mission Committee, which was having taken time to deliberate, and in given in by the Rev. W. M'Caw, Convener. having reserved the promulgation of their A financial statement was read by Mr. findings, even down to the present time, Robert Lockhart, Treasurer. On the which some people may think to be very motion of Dr. Hamilton, seconded by Dr. late indeed. I ́may mention further that L. Levi, the Synod resolved as follows:the request is made to the Presbyteries to "That the report be received and adopted, make any suggestions that they may see and the Committee be instructed to concause to offer, and to transmit them to the sider and report on the expediency of the Convener of Synod's Committee. As I division of its work into two parts, and the understood in the process of constructing formation of two Committees, one charged this motion, it was not understood that with the planting of new Churches, and the what the Presbyteries should send in should other with the increase of ministerial supbe decisions. ("Hear, bear," from Dr. port, and further to take steps by means of Hamilton.) I hope the Synod understood deputations or otherwise to raise the stithis-that it is not wished that the sug-pends of all ministers to a minimum of gestions from Presbyteries should assume the character of motion and vote on the subject, and of decisions. There may be statements of a twofold character, and the clerks of Presbyteries might be instructed to transmit these with the remark that a number of the members thought so and so on this point, and that other members thought differently. (Applause.) This would be of advantage in showing the Convener of the Committee where there was difference of opinion, without its being considered conclusive. In that way the opinions of the Church would be ascertained. The other mode of adopting a definite conclusion would be highly inconvenient and stringent. I shall now, without further remarks, propose the motion which I have read.

There was transmitted from the Committee on Bills, minutes of the Presbytery of Lancashire on several references regarding the proposed erection of new charges in St. Helens, Nottingham, and Preston. The minutes having heen read, the Revs. J. B. Johnston, James Paterson, and J. M. Rose, were heard consecutively in each of these cases, the Synod sustaining the references, and granted to St. Helen Nottin~ham and Preston

£150 per annum. With reference to the invitation given to this Church by the last General Assembly of the Free Church, and to the reception given to the Deputations, who in consequence visited so many of the congregations of the Free Church, and the pecuniary aid bestowed on the Church-extension work in which we are so anxiously engaged, the Synod expresses their gratitude, both for the generous hospitality enjoyed by the Deputies, and the large-hearted liberality which has been dispensed by their Scottish brethren in all parts of the North."

The Synod next called for Report of the Committee on the Hymn-book, which was given in by Rev. W. Chalmers, Convener. Whereupon it was moved by Dr. Anderson, and seconded by Mr. Hugh M. Matheson, as follows:

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