GOSPEL TRUTH DEMONSTRATED, IN A COLLECTION OF DOCTRINAL BOOKS, GIVEN FORTH BY THAT FAITHFUL MINISTER OF JESUS CHRIST, GEORGE FOX: CONTAINING PRINCIPLES ESSENTIAL TO CHRISTIANITY AND SALVATION, HELD AMONG THE PEOPLE CALLED QUAKERS. "Seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; but have renounced the hidden IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. II. PRINTED IN THE YEAR 1706-RE-PRINTED 1831. PHILADELPHIA: MARCUS T. C. GOULD, No. 6, NORTH EIGHTH STREET. NEW YORK: ISAAC T. HOPPER, No. 420, PEARL STREET. J. HARDING, PRINTER. 1831 A WARNING TO ENGLAND, AND ALL THAT PROFESS THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS; Who have the Form, but deny the Power of Godliness, that they Sin no more, lest a worse thing come to them. By G. F. As ye have received Christ Jesus, the Lord, so walk in him. Colos. ii. 6. AND now, all you that do not walk as you have the apostles for examples, and do walk as Christ walked, as in 1 John ii. 6. If the Lord God Almighty, who is the Creator of all, and the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom all things were made, should deal with you, as you deal with him, who spend his creatures upon your lusts, and devour them, and consume them immoderately: I say if the Lord God, that created all and gives the increase of all, and upholds all by his word and power, (for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof,) I say, if the Lord God should restrain the earth from increasing, and all other creatures which give your food, for three or four years, what a condition would you be in, that destroy them so upon your lusts? If the Lord God should bring a famine; and stop (I say) the earth from yielding its increase to you, that so destroy and consume his creatures upon your ungodly devouring lusts; wasting so much vainly, which would nourish so many both in clothes and diet, as are ready to famish, and starve for want? have not you seen how the Lord God hath brought the sword among you? And are not you as proud and as vain, without his fear as you were, though so many have been consumed by sword? then did not he bring the plague, and sweep away many thousands thereby, and scattered you out of your city of London? and then after did not he bring the fire, to the astonishment of many? And what if the Lord should hinder the earth from increasing, how could you but say it were just with the Lord so to do, and to bring a famine upon you, seeing that you do not repent, and amend your lives, and fear and serve him that made you? and all these good outward creatures he has given to you, and daily gives in his mercy, that you might serve and fear him, and not to consume them upon your own lusts, |