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JOHN viii. 22.

“The truth shall make you free."

You all recollect the reception given to this declaration of our Lord, and the reply, "We were never in bondage to any man." The Jews did not take his words in the sense he meant;-but let the sentence be taken in their own sense, and a more absurd reaction of pride is not easy to be imagined-"Were never in bondage to any man!" What! had they not the Roman governor, with a division of the imperial guards, in their metropolis? They retained, indeed, a little of the show of a monarchy,-a king by sufferance, over a people tributary to a foreign power; but of so little account was this government of their own, that in the arraignment of our Lord, his claim to be "King of the Jews," was alleged not as in contravention to the rights of Herod but of Cæsar.

But our Lord was speaking of a far different kind of bondage and emancipation; a matter affecting all mankind, after all the Cæsars are dead, and the Roman empire is fallen. And in this far more important view of men's condition, it is striking to observe how much pride of freedom there may be amidst the profoundest slavery. This is exemplified in multitudes of the citizens of any state politically free; they shall be seen exhibiting a proud consciousness of this privilege (each one is lord of himself),

with the utmost contempt and scorn of the people of those nations where all are subject to the will of one or a few. Now very far be it from us to undervalue political libertya right of human nature, a thing without which no people can ever rise high in wisdom, virtue, and happiness. But at the same time, contemplate in another light, any such free nation existing, or that ever did exist,-how many of the people elated with this proud distinction, stand exposed to your view as slaves, in a sense they little think of! Many in subjection to their appetites; many to the most foolish, many to the most vicious passions. Now to them what an inconsiderable good is their political liberty, as compared with the evil of this slavery! and yet, amidst it all, there is the self-complacency, the pride, the boasting of freedom!

Take another exemplification. A high-spirited man in very independent circumstances, with confidence and selfsufficiency conspicuous on his front; in numberless cases he can and will do as he pleases; he has the means of commanding deference and obsequiousness, defies and spurns interference and opposition; and says "I am free!" For all this, perhaps, he is but the stronger slave. All the while, his whole mind and moral being may be utterly servile to some evil passion, some corrupt purpose, some vain interest, some tyrannic habit.

We might specify one more exemplification, namely, the pride of free-thinking, carried to the extent of rejecting revealed religion. Here, indeed, the man will perhaps say that he verifies the text; the truth has made him free; he has quite impartially and in the soundest exercise of reason, satisfied himself that there is no divine revelation, and that there wanted none; that that which claims to be acknowledged such, and the whole history concerning it, are a most wicked imposition on mankind; that the recorded

miracles are a fabrication of lies; that the little good there is mixed up in the imposture was well known or attainable without it; that the judgment to come, and heaven and hell, are idle fictions; that immortality, and indeed a future state at all, are matters of such mere conjecture, and so like poetical fancies, as not to be worth seriously taking into calculation in the scheme of this short life; and a hundred other things his reason has achieved. And upon this, he has a proud sense of freedom from vulgar delusion! Now a Christian judges all this to be a most signal prostration and slavery of the man's reason; but let that pass; allow him to say, "I am free;" yet we might turn upon him and say, "Nay, but are you really free, in your own sense? have you never any dread of being left alone to your own reflections? have you never any dark and terrifying intimations speaking to your soul? if you happened to be reminded of the solemn dying expressions of a parent or friend, are you 'free?' If you hear of, or witness, the last scene of one of the same class of freemen dying with inexpressible horror, are you 'free?' If any illness should attack yourself, and suggest the alarming idea of death, are you 'free?' No; you are in reality not 'made free,' even in your own sense. But even supposing that you were, it would in another sense be but slavery. You would be surrendered, as if bound hand and foot, to all that is most pernicious to man. You would be just so much the more at the command of every temptation to sin; just so much the more completely a slave to any favourite vice ;—a vice, perhaps, most destructive of present welfare. You would be just so much more at the mercy and the sport of the frivolous and the profligate. And this is your proud freedom!" Thus the most wretched of slaves are beguiled by a self-assurance of being free!

A grand primary thing that truth has to do in this world

is, to expose to men their real situation as enslaved. And if both for this preliminary work, and for the whole great process of breaking up the bondage of the human spirit, truth, or "the truth," be the proper agent or instrument, what an immense work there is for it to do! For, are we not surrounded by a world of slaves? applying the term in the intellectual, moral, and religious sense. If we asked it in the political sense, the question would be its own obvious answer; but we are using it in the sense in which it expresses a still much greater calamity.

The mass of mankind are enslaved. The cool, sagacious, philosophic observer thinks so.-The devout Christian observer thinks so.-The illuminated dying estimator thinks so. And all the real friends of our race would unite to implore that the truth might come to perform its mighty work; or in other words, that the glorious Agent of human deliverance, the Son of God, would come and accomplish that work by means of "the truth."

But why is truth so peculiarly the thing to work the deliverance from that tyranny by which the spirits of men are held enslaved? Evidently because a very material part of the strength of that which enslaves them consists in ignorance and error, to which truth is the opposite. If we would form a notion quite comprehensive of what may be regarded as placing and keeping men's minds in an enslaved state, we should include ignorance and all error through which they receive injury, together with all perversion in the passions, and all that perverts them. Now against all this in its full breadth, truth, universal truth, is opposed; and the effectual application of truth would counteract and reverse it all. But this would be far too wide a subject.

Our Lord was speaking of what divine truth would do: and especially the evangelic part of it. It would make them

free in those points wherein their bondage is their greatest calamity.

Previously to adverting to a few of those most important points, we may observe, that there are some things wherein the truth merely, the truth simply admitted in the understanding, goes far towards effecting the emancipation; things where the chief strength of the enslavement is in a delusion on the judgment. Some such things have happily left us, as a nation, in a great measure free. It would not be impertinent to specify here (for it was an evil bearing mischievously on religion) that faith in judicial astrology, which bound and oppressed the minds of many of our ancestors. It interfered fatally with the right notions and feelings respecting the government of divine providence, yet held a strong and gloomy dominion in multitudes of minds, in ages not far remote; and not the vulgar only, but some of the thinking and learned, and even some that professed to revere the true religion. Now this gloomy tyranny had nearly its whole strength in the belief of its slaves, and therefore could not survive the belief, that the heavenly bodies had a power of good and evil over human affairs; and therefore under the operation of increasing general knowledge, and of direct science, it has been annihilated.

We may add another example in idolatry, in its grosser forms. Let men simply admit into their understandings the truth that the objects in surrounding nature, or the figures themselves have made of metal, stone, wood, or clay, are no gods, and there is an end of the idolatry! It may at the same time be the fact that even this simple intellectual conviction has seldom been effected but through the intervention of the true religion. In the case again of the popish superstitions, let the mere truth become apparent to men's understanding, let them become convinced in opinion

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