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Scriptures among all nations, seem to have made a deep impression on the minds of many among the Jews. From what I have seen of this people, in different nations, I am convinced, that many among them are prepared to peruse, with avidity, the Scriptures of the New Testament, in their own language."

In another of the Tartar villages Mr. Pinkerton discovered a Tartar translation of the canonical books of the Old Testament; and was so happy as to procure a complete and beautiful copy, in four volumes, quarto, written on fine vellum paper, in the Hebrew character, elegantly bound in red goats' leather, ornamented with gold. He adds: "I shall endeavour to get it sent off in safety to St. Petersburg, where, with the assistance of one or two learned Tartars, under my own direction, should it please God to spare me to return, it may be fairly written out in the character, and carefully revised, and put to the press, with the translation of the New Testament made by the Missionaries in Karass. This will furnish us with a Tartar Bible, which will be well understood among the numerous hordes of Nogay, Kazan, Trukmen, and Bucharian Tartars. The peculiar principles of the Caraites, in rejecting the Talmud, and all the traditionary fables of the Jews, and their strict adherence to the sacred text of Scripture alone, give me great reason to hope, that we shall find this, their Tartar translation from the Hebrew, to be correct. I leave you, my dear friends, and the members of the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, to make your own remarks on this new opening in Providence to extend the knowledge of the holy Scriptures to the followers of the false prophet!"

The last place visited on the eastern borders of Europe was Odessa, where also Mr. P. assisted at the establishment of a Society which will possess great local facilities of communication with the Mediterranean, the Archipelago, and the coasts of the Black Sea. There were at that time three hundred vessels in the harbour, mostly loading with corn, upon which Mr. P. remarks; "How pleasing the anticipation, that, in a very short time, hundreds of these Turkish and Greek vessels, which annually visit this port, will not only carry home with them food for the body, but also that spiritual food for the immortal soul

which is contained n the oracles of Divine Truth."

In returning, Mr Pakerton visited · many of the counrie between the Euxine and the Adiate. The Scriptures were very sarc in Moldavia, Wallachia, and Bulgaria; and arrangements were accordingly nade for printing five thousand Bibles and Testaments in the languages of the irst two countries, and hopes were entertained of doing the same for Bulgaria also, especi ally as a manuscript translation is said to be in existence. A society was also to be established, entitled the Molda vian Bible Society, and uɔwards of two thousand rubles had beet already subscribed for that purpose.

Arriving at the town of Kamentz Podolsk, where a Bible Society had been already formed, Mr. P. bund its members on the point of celebrating their annual meeting. The large hall of the Dominican Monastery was cheerfully allotted for the purpose; and the assembly was found to consist chiefly of Catholics, with eight of their clergy, the Bishop himself delivering an impressive and appropriate speech on the occasion. The support given to the Society had been increasing, but the supplies of Bibles and Testaments were quite inadequate to the demand.

Mr. P. could not overlook Cracow as a proper place for a similar institution, especially as a free toleration of all Christian Confessions, with the liberty of the press, constitute two conspicuous articles in the constitution of the new republic. Preparations were accordingly made for effecting the establishment of a Bible Society in that city.

At Vienna, Mr. P. drew up, by desire of the prime minister, Prince Metternich, a memorial, on the subject of a Bible Society for the whole of the Austrian dominions. The prince professed himself quite satisfied with the plan, but candidly stated, that, in a Roman Catholic country, considerable difficulties might be expected to occur in carrying it into execution. Mr. P. might, how. ever, rest assured that he would do all in his power to bring it to a favourable conclusion, considering, as he did, that such a project would be highly beneficial to various tribes and nations belonging to Austria, and not of the Catholic communion.

It was resolved, at Breslau, to print, in addition to numerous copies already published, ten thousand German Bibles

and Testament, vithout loss of time; and at Dresdenter thousand copies of Luther's translation were to be undertaken upon stadig types, besides the same number ter printing upon moveable ones. Anedtion was also planned of three thousand copies of the Protestant Wendish Bible. The inhabitants of Halle wereorganizing an association auxiliary to te parent society at Berlin. The latter was found by Mr. P. in a healthy and improving state. The deficiency of the Scriptures, and the consequent demand, were very great; and the Committee therefore resolved, besides other editions, to furnish ten thousand Bibles, in small octavo, for schools, and as many in large octavo, for families, all of which were to be completed immediately. At Warsaw considerable difficulties and interferences occured, all of which were at length surmounted. His imperial majesty graciously put himself at the head of the Society, and the first personages among the nobility and clergy followed his example. Ten thousand Polish Testaments for the Catholics, were immediately resolved upon. At Wilna, under the auspices of a venerable old man, the Governor-general of Lithuania, assisted by numerous other persons of consideration in the town and province of Wilna, a society was established, and their first Meeting, Mr. P. remarks, "broke up amidst expressions of mutual astonishment at what they had heard, and at what had taken place; for such a union was never before seen in Wilna."

A still more interesting scene was witnessed by Mr. P. at Moghiley, on the Dnieper, of which he thus reports: 66 Yesterday, about noon, the field marshal, prince Barclay de Tolly, accompanied by a numerous suite of brave generals and officers, together with the most distinguished men in the city, both ecclesiastical and civil, of all confessions, upwards of 200 in number, assembled in a large hall of the archbishop's palace, in order to lay the foundation of the White Russian Auxiliary Bible Society. The sight of these heroes, the deliverers of Russia and of Europe, assembled to give glory to the God of battles, by promoting the dissemination of his word among their numerous companions in arms, (a host of upwards of 400,000 men,) produced, in all present, a new and most pleasant train of thoughts and combination of feelings,"

After describing the details of the meeting, Mr. P. proceeds: 66 Upwards of ten thousand rubles are already collected for the White Russian Bible Society, whose sphere of operation in the government of Moghiley, is among a population of 892,000 souls, besides an army of more than 400,000 men. Since my arrival, I have had several most interesting conversations with the fieldmarshal, who is very desirous of promoting the cause of the Society among the officers and soldiers of the army. In one of these interviews, the hero expressed himself thus: To promote religion and morality in the army, L will give them the Bible; and, for instruction in their official duties, I have ordered the Manual on active service, to be reprinted for distribution among them.""

Mr. Pinkerton's last letter during his journey is dated from Witepsk, the residence of the duke and duchess of Wurtemburg. "Imet," remarks Mr.P., "with a most kind and gracious reception from the duke, and also from the duchess, who is a very amiable lady, speaks the English language with great fluency, and is now nearly connected with the British throne, through the marriage of her heroic brother, Prince Leopold, with the Princess Charlotte of Great Britain. Both these royal personages, so nearly allied to the thrones of Britain and Russia, together with a number of nobles present, heard, with astonishment and joy, the particulars which I had the honour of relating, respecting the origin and progress of Bible Societies, and bestowed many encomiums on their principles, and on their pious and philanthropic labours." All parties eagerly concurred in the propriety of establishing a Bible Society, of which the duke and other distinguished persons, became vice-presidents, and their operations will extend to more than half a million of souls.

To the extracts from Mr. P.'s letter, is appended a valuable letter from Prince Galitzin to the President of the British and Foreign Bible Society; in which he states the increased and increasing desires which have been evidenced for the Scriptures, the means adopted for a supply, and the impracticability of meeting the demand. From this letter we have already inserted a long extract, in our Number for Febru ary, p. 119. We are tempted to add one passage more: "Thanks be to Him

for fulfilling, in such a glorious manner, in our days, what He has thus foretold! What a happiness to be instruments, however weak, in accomplishing such great events, connected with the happiness of the human race! The members of the Russian Bible Society, treading in the steps of the British and Foreign Bible Society, reckon it their greatest honour and happiness to labour for the spiritual good of their neighbours; and, far from being disheartened by all the difficulties arising from increased engagements, and accumulated expenses, feel more and more encouraged, inasmuch as the increase of labour and expenses prove the reality of their suc


"The communications from the British and Foreign Bible Society are peculiarly encouraging to us. Indeed, such mutual communications, concerning our undertakings and success, proving that the same spirit enlivens both Societies, that similar impulses are leading us to the same useful end, must animate us, on both sides, to farther labour; that so the name of our Saviour, who gave us his word, and appointed us to distribute it among our brethren of all different languages and dialects,may be glorified."

BAPTIST MISSIONS IN INDIA. The Thirtieth Number of the Periodical Accounts of the Baptist Missions has been published, containing the proceedings of the Missionaries, from January to June, 1815. The undertaking appears in general to have advanced with an equable step, and presents upon the whole an encouraging and cheerful prospect of future usefulness. We proceed to give a few miscellaneous ex

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district of Rungjoora, where, as I was eating, a mar tame, and asked me whither I was garg. I told him that I was going to the Brumha-pootra festival, to dechr the glad tidings of Christ's death, and distribute books containing the same news. This man, after hearing the word, went into the village, collected the people together, and told them that a man from Calcutta had brought many slastras: in consequence, in the midst of a circle of twenty-five persons, il late at night, I explained the Gospel-mystery, and showed them how justice and mercy had embraced each other in the death of Christ. They appeared to receive the word with joy. I left them a New Testament and some tracts. Next day, at a shop in Rung-poora, I read part of the New Testament, endeavouring to apply it to the crowd who were present: many took books, and some said, 'God has remembered us, for he has sent his mercy to us."""

By Mr. Thomas's Journal, it appears that he itinerated through different villages in the country of Jessore, during Dec. 1814. Eighteen members partook of the Lord's Supper. He had begun to read the word of God, by permission of the havildar, to 200 convicts employed in making a canal.

Mr. Smith writes from Serampore; "Brother Rutna and I met a number of viragees, three of whom had each a hand up towards heaven, withered. I asked them what they expected from this practice. It will please God,' said they.

How can you expect to please God with your withered hands? God requires the hearts of men, not withered hands.' I read and expounded a Hindee tract, to which they very attentively listened."

Neeloo remarks in his Journal; "At a cloth-merchant's shop in Chanuk, to a great crowd, I read the word: they acknowledged that the world was dead in sin; and said, 'If we are not compelled to eat with Europeans we can come into this way.' I reminded two Renats, who acknowledged that all the gods were sinners, that all had sinned; but that the true God, incarnate, had been crucified for our sins.-March 6th, (Lord's day,) Read the word to the prisoners in the Serampore jail: several wept. At the house of a non-commissioned officer at Barrack-poora had a congregation of thirty-two persons. Ten or twelve persons wept; saying, "When will Jesus

have mercy on us, aid permit us to become his slaves, and forgive us our sins?""

Sebuk-rama, a native convert, gives an interesting account of the circumstances attending his reception of the Gospel, concluding is etter as follows:

"Thus obtaining the mercy of God, and being full of joy, I would be ever ready with my spirit in the work of God, in ascribing blessing to the Holy Spirit, and in prodaiming, for the salvation of sinners, the glad tidings of our Lord Jesus Chris's death. Wherefore, I entreat, that having thus found the Sa viour, you will kindly pray for this sinful, wicked, ungodly, unbelieving man, that Satan may never enter into him, nor into those brethren and sisters who live in the same place, nor into any who may embrace the Gospel.

"This is now my desire; and day and night, full of fear, this is my prayer to God, that I may be constantly ready to proclaim his Gospel.”

A member at Benares, in detailing the conduct of the native converts who are employed as preachers, remarks :-" It gives us great pleasure to observe, that these itinerants appear, in their conversations, to enter more and more into the fundamental principles of the Gospel. In fact, the grand controversy here, is similar to that at the Reformation-the inefficacy of works, and the absolute necessity of the merits of Christ. What was said at the Reformation, that attacking images and pilgrimages did nothing to destroy Popery, and that the only weapons that were effectual were those used by Luther in preaching salvation by faith only, will be found, we think, equally true respecting Hindooism."

Mr. Smith again remarks: "Preached at Barrackpore, and afterwards spoke with a few Hindoos; among whom a man appeared much affected, and promised to call at Serampore.-June 19th. He called to-day, and heard very attentively. I gave him a copy of John's Gospel, with two Hindee tracts.-21st. This morning I went out with brother Chamberlain, who soun collected a large congregation under the shade of a tree, and preached for some time, and distributed, many Bengalee tracts; from thence we went below the temple of Jugunnat'ha, where he preached to about three hundred people; many appeared affected, and received many tracts."

in great honour opposite the native barracks, on the bank of the river, has been with us about two months: he has cast off all his old master's uniform, and looks now like a human being. He has requested baptism. This man, if sin

cere, will be the first fruits of Vrindavuna's labours."

"As I passed the jail at Patna," remarks Mr. Thompson, "a man on duty solicited tracts, and after saying a little on the death of Christ, I gave him a couple. Calling again this way on the 13th of January, I rejoiced to see this man and two others sitting on a mat with the tracts by them, which they had just read through, and said that the blessed truths they contain had afforded them great delight. Another man came up and told me, that the first man read the books day and night: the former added, 'I love them; they are precious words, my soul's delight.'"

"On the 27th, not being able to go far. I sat at the ghaut near Alum-gunj, and read portions of Scripture to a Brahmun this brought one, and another, and another, till a pleasing number heard the word, and some tracts were given away. Twenty Mussulmans and Hindoos have visited me this month, to know the way of life through Jesus Christ our Lord, and to obtain the Scriptures. Five single Gospels, six Scripture selections, eighty-six tracts in Hindee, five in Bengalee, two Scripture selections in Persia, seven single Gospels, and one copy of the Acts in Oordoo, have been distributed."

"A poor viragee, who had held up his arm as an act of merit, for years, wanted to hear me, but could not come near on account of the crowd. Observing this, I desired the people to make way for him; and when he came close, I asked whether it were the word of God he desired to hear, when he nodded assent. I spoke to him of our incarnate God, and the benefits of his death, of unbelief, and of self-righteousness. He could read, and, therefore, wanted a book."

Mr. Thompson gives a pleasing narrative of a native of Bootan, who came to him desirous of Christian instruction. This person, whose name is Kiaba, was in a most discouraging state of ignorance; Mr. Thompson, however, succeeded in teaching him to read and write the Hindoo; and in the course of less than three months, had the satisfac"An old phukeer, who was formerly tion to report as follows:-" Kiaba has


read through Matthew's Gospel three times; Mark's Gospel once; the Epistles of John three times; and is once more going through Mark: besides having read portions of John's Gospel, and of Luke's; and of the Epistle of James. His hope is now in the death of Christ alone, and he declares he will live and die in the faith of the Gospel.-February 14th, Kiaba told a viragee to-day, that while he loved the world, and its pleasures, he could not read God's word; for if he would be saved, he must with a single heart seek God's Holy Spirit to teach him all things.-21st. Kiaba says, if he had not known the love of Christ, he should still have delighted to commit those sins which the death of Christ makes him abhor."

Kiaba resisted every attempt to seduce him from the faith; and, having been duly proved and baptized, has become a valuable assistant to Mr. Thompson, and a blessing to his native brethren.

Mr. Thompson writes;-"Brother Kiaba and myself spent the time at Hajee-poora, in making known the glad tidings of salvation. A Mussulman, just returned from Nepaul, was very solicitous to have the Scriptures, which he called the 'Bibel kitab,' in Hindee: he had read it through before, and was much delighted with it; but in one of the late skirmishes with the Nepaulese, his Bible was burnt. Among other things of a pleasing nature, it was delightful to behold about twenty or more Hindoos, interspersed among the multitudes, reading the Scriptures and tracts, and even singing portions of them in little circles."

Mr. Kerr, who was stationed at Allahabad, had undertaken to teach the English language to his highness Jahan Geer, son of the Emperor of Delhi, and had some expectation of going to Delhi with him, which he trusted might give him an opportunity of carrying the Gospel to some of the principal persons of the royal family. Mr. Kerr mentions, with approbation, the labours of the native convert, At'hma-ram, from whose Journal the following is a short extract:

"A viragee said, "I approve of your words,' and threw away his images, adding, I will henceforth worship God, who is a Spirit.' On another occasion, his hearers said, 'We are all in the dark.' On the 8th of May, a Brahmun said, 'In vain do I look for salvation, except to Christ.' Two others, when they heard the words of Christ's death, said, Blessed incarnation! blessed CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 184.

death! and blessed be the person who taught you these things.'-May 14th, a Jugunnat'ha Brahmun said, 'The world is in darkness: your words are true: I lead others wrong for a living: I know Jugunnat'ha is a piece of wood.""

MAHRATTA COUNTRY.-The Goandee New Testament was completed as far as the 6th chapter of St. Luke. A nephew of Dr. Carey's, stationed at Nagpore, speaks very highly of the steadiness of Ram-mohun, whom he states to be an ornament to the church of Christ. His prayers and discourses, he remarks, indicate great piety and love; his children are growing up in a promising manner, and his wife seems to be of a most happy and mild disposition. Rammohun had complained that the people, being greatly afraid of the Mahratta rajah, durst scarcely receive the Scriptures: he, however, writes shortly after in a more encouraging strain :-"Our adorable Saviour's good news is constantly made known in this country. I regularly go into the city, and talk about the word, and have given the Scriptures to numbers. Many are reading them with apparent affection, confessing that the worship of the gods is vain. The idol worshippers are angry with them, but without effect. If it be the Lord's will, in this barren country the word of the Lord will quickly bear fruit. To a magistrate under the king, named Ajmut-khan, with a number of Afghans in his company, I have given the sacred book, and they read it with eagerness and pleasure. I am going to-day to supply them with more books, at their request. With much affection, they invite us to their lodgings, and send their horses and servants back with us. They are very anxious for an Arabic Bible."

Our limits oblige us to pass over the remaining details, from which we might have selected various facts and extracts of a nature equally interesting with those already given. The following quotation from the Journal of C. C. Aratoon, on the SURAT station, is more or less applicable to many of the missions under consideration.

"I see that the difficulties at Surat are almost gone: hope we shall rejoice hereafter, in seeing the good seed, sown in this dry and thirsty land, spring up. Many copies of the New Testa ment, and various tracts, have been dis tributed; and though I do not see present fruit, yea, should I die without seeing the fruit, yet surely the brother who 2 N

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