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LAW, preached to the JE W and


In an EXPLANATION of that grand Ritual, compre-
hended in these six Branches;

The Preservation of the perpetual Fire; the taking
away the Ashes of the Altar; the Oblation of
the Lambs, with their Meat and Drink-Offering;
the High-Priest's daily Meat-Offering; the
Lighting of the Seven Lamps, and the Burning
of the Incense: Which constituted the Figures
of the one Priest-Hood of Jesus Christ, from
the Beginning to the End of all the Ages, fore-
ordained for his mediatorial Kingdoms.

The Errors and Mif-conceptions of Writers on this
Subject are pointed out, and the Design of the whole
Institution is set in one uniform and confiftent View.


Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the Sin of the World.
Jobn i. 29.

Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the

Kingdom of God. John ii. 6.

Except ye eat the Flesh of the Sen, and drink bis Blood, Flech

Life in you. John vi. 53.

ye have no

Bebold, He cometh with Clouds, and every Eye shall fee bim.

Rev. i. 7.


Printed and Sold by J. TOWNSEND, in London-Street,
Mark Lane, 1767. Price 6 s. in Boards.

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II shall be my Endeavour in this Preface

to remove the feveral Objections, which

will in all Probability be made to the Work; and alfo in the fecond Place, to give a few Directions for the more easy underStanding of my Writings, and all other Books in the Spiritual Way. The greatest Enemies to this Kind of Interpretation, both in the inner and spiritual Ground, and in the Extent and Fulness of the Redemption maintained in it, will arise from the Predestinarians of every Sect and Community; from the rational Divines, as they are called; and from ignorant Zealots in every Church.


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To the First, it ought to be only neceffary to obferve, that as the Elect cannot fail of Salvation, nor be deceived by any falfe Prophets, or Interpreters of Scripture; or in whatever Sense, they understand the word Prophet: They ought to be easy and unconcerned above all other Believers, for no false Doctrine can make void the eternal Decrees of Almighty God.---And as for the Univerfality of the Redemption; if it be an unTruth, it can no Way be their Loss. The Number of the Elect can neither be leffened or increased, according to their own Principles and Opinions. Therefore, if they would act confiftently, they ought to be neutral, or rather unmoved at any Kind of Doctrines taught in the World. They have a Right to fit quiet and happy under their own Vine and Fig-tree, because they must be saved by the pre-determined Council of that God, whom no Power can refift or frustrate his Will.---Secondly, in Respect to the rational Divines: They have no just Title to this proud Distinction. For they, who never understood or explained the physical Ground of Redemption, cannot be called rational: This character belongs only to the mystical Writers,


Writers, or the Spiritualizers of the Law and Gospel. The first may inculcate the moral Precepts of the Scripture, and the (a) Word of Exhortation: They are useful against false Pretences to divine Illumination, and in their Line and Sphere may teach the relative Duties enjoined by the Gospel. But they have by no Means the Gift of Prophefying, and of fulfilling the Part of (b) Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Paftors and Teachers, who are always neceffary for the several Claffes of Babes, young Men and Elders in Christ, to divide the Word of Truth according to their Growth in the Knowledge of Jesus, their Lord. And it has been too much their vain and bold Attempt to measure Revelation and divine Things by their own Reason, as if it was equal to the Heighth and Depth of all Truth. Hence these Rationalists, like the Men of Babel, difperfe different Ways, and make use of different Tongues. Arminius, Episcopius and Curcellæus take one Road; Socinus and the Fratres Poloni another; which Luther and Calvin had done before: While the Spiritual Writers


(a) Rom, xii. 8. (b) Eph. iv. 11.

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