For 1815. 1 2 PART I.. Oriental Literature, &c.-Folio. ASSEMANI Bib. Orientalis, 4 v. nt. 9191 Rom. 1719 •9 4 v. l. p. 121 12s ib. 1719 Mud. 1787 Ox. 1787 Par. 1697 1805 Bomb. 1799 3 Canes, Diccion. Esp. Latino-Arabigo, 3 v.121 12s 9 71 7s 10 11 Pur. 1742 et Meditationes Sinicæ, 2 v. rs. ea. 12 Germani Fabrica Ling. Arabicæ, nt. 41 14s 6d 36 Rom. 1639 Calcut. 1802 Med. 1632 ib. 1632 16 Golii Lex. Arabico-Latinum, nt. vl. 151 15s L.Bat. 1653 17 rs. ex. wormed, 101 10s ib. 1653 18 Gorii Catalog. MSS. Orientalium, pl. 21 12s 6d Flor. 1742 19 Gussettii Com. Ling. Ebraicæ, nt. vl. 11 11s 6d Amst. 1702 20 Hager on the Element. Char. of the Chinese, ex. 21 2s 1801 21 Josephi Gazophylacium, Ling. Persarum, 11 11s 6d Amst. 1684 22 Meninskii Instit. Ling. Turcicæ, 2 v. 1. p. bs. 41 14s 6d Vind. 1756 Thesaurus et Onomast, Ling. Orientalium, 5 v. Onomast. Lat. Turc, Arab. Persicum, 41 14s 6d 25 Patzchii Instit. Ling. Hebraicæ, 7s' ib. 1687. Lupe 1778 1537 27 Richardson's Pers. Arab. and English Dictionary, 2 v. rs. 2 v. two last leaves MSS. 61 6s ib. 1777 29 Alcorani Textus Universus, Arabum, Marracçii, 2 v. mr. Pat. 1698 B |