THE CHRISTIAN LADY'S MAGAZINE. JULY, 1847. THE TREASURES OF WISDOM. No. X. "I am the Light of the world." Such is the brief and sublime description which our Lord has given us of His own true character. Light, with all its many wonders, as observation and science have revealed them in every field of Nature, is only a type; and He himself is the glorious antitype. Above and beyond this outward world, lit up with the sunbeams, there is a higher and nobler world of thought and reason, of truth and eternal wisdom, of which the Lord Jesus is the Sun and Centre, the one source of true light to the whole intellectual and spiritual universe. Here then, is a still wider field of meditation, in which to explore His unsearchable treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The truth itself meets us, in various forms, throughout the whole course of inspired Scripture. Do we read, in its very opening, the sublime fiat of the Creator? "God said, Let there be light, and there was light." JULY, 1847. B |