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fail again. Apart from an although
Occasional "miss," each
each of
which sent my heart into my
throat, it behaved splendidly,
and at last we landed safely
at the aerodrome. Climbing
out of our seats we shook
hands without saying a word,
but there was a look in our
eyes that meant much more
than words could express.

Good news awaited us. Clowe had landed safely at Mikindani, close to the Portuguese border and about 100 miles south of Kilwa. He had been unable to identify our aerodrome on his way down, and had simply pushed on until his petrol had finished. He would leave for Kilwa as soon as he received a supply of fuel which the Naval people were sending ashore, and we might expect him that evening.

The cause of our engine trouble was discovered to be a choking of the petrol intake to the carburettor. Nearly a thimbleful of a peculiar red mud was taken from the gauze-filter, and the mechanics were very puzzled as to how it had got there, for the tanks and pipes had been thoroughly cleaned out several times before the flight. They would be carefully examined and recleaned before we ventured out again.

Kilwa Kivinje is a very pic turesque old town, and once it was a very busy slaving port. It is inhabited chiefly by Swahili fishermen and farmers, but there are many pure Arabs and a few Indian traders. At this time of the year, a month before the heavy rains, it was particularly unhealthy; and,

the thermometer rarely climbed higher than 98 degs. in the shade, the heat, on account of the moisture, was very trying. Fully 75 per cent of the mechanics were already down with malaria, and it was a difficult business to keep more than two machines in order. Throughout the campaign the work of our men had been magnificent. Most of them were South Africans, but this does not mean that they were in any way inured to the conditions of tropical Africa. On account of disease, the work of the men who were mere or less fit was frequently doubled, and it was no unusual thing for one of them to put in twelve hours' continuous work on a defective engine or a damaged machine, so that it could take the air in the shortest possible time.

About four in the afternoon a wireless message came to say that Clowe had left Mikindani for Kilwa. ndani for Kilwa. Big smoke fires were immediately prepared and a sharp look-out kept for his arrival. About five o'clock he was sighted, well out to sea, and evidently endeavouring to keep olear of the heavy storm-clouds that hung over the land. He disappeared in five minutes, and although Very lights were sent up at intervals until dark, he was neither seen nor heard again.

Early next morning, Osman, flying the machine we had used for Kibata, was sent up the coast to look for him. Three and a half hours later he returned with an exciting story. He had flown north to the

mouth of the Rufiji, and there had encountered a very heavy storm, that had blown him out to sea. Suddenly the engine stopped dead, even as it had done with us the day before, and he glided down through the torrential rain, expecting to erash into the water. At 500 feet, however, the air became clearer, and he discovered that he was over Mafia Island, where the R.N.A.S. had an aerodrome. Just he was about to land the engine picked up again, and he decided to turn for Kilwa, as the way was now clear of cloud. He seemed remarkably pleased to be back. The peculiar red mud was found once more in the earburettor, but it was several days before the mystery of its origin was solved. It was due to a defective tank, the interior of which had not been properly treated to resist the corrosive action of the petrol; and this demonstrates how easy

it is for a careless factory worker to cause the loss of a valuable aeroplane, and possibly the death of one or two people.


No sign of Clowe had been Late in the afternoon Carey - Thomas suddenly became ill, and as a thermometer placed under his tongue gave a reading of 104 degs., much against his wish we packed him off to hospital. Next day a nigger arrived with a message from our lost friend. He had missed the aerodrome, and this time had landed just north of the Matandu river. Yesterday he had made a third attempt, but, encountering heavy rain, he had decided to return to the river and await a more favourable opportunity. We were overjoyed to see him the same afternoon, flying low along the coast-line, and loud cheers rent the air when he finally landed on the aerodrome.


On the following morning Clowe and I left together for Kibata, and as there were fewer clouds than usual we experienced little difficulty in finding the way. Flying low, we carefully examined the various German positions, and made a rough sketch-map of the area within a two-mile radius of the fort. On the return journey we struck out first of all for the coast. This route had the advantage of being more interesting, and also of being more safe in case of engine trouble. It would have been an easy

matter to land on the beach, where help would have been forthcoming from the numerous natives. How wonderful it was to gaze down through the air and then through the sea at the sunken white coral-reefs and sea-gardens many fathoms below. So clear was the water that the tiny little native fishing craft seemed to be hovering in the air. The sea and the white beach sparkled at a million glittering points, and even the dark olive of the land seemed drenched with champagne,

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There is some

thing in this powerful tropical sun-bath that infects one's blood, and its effect in an aeroplane where the unpleasant warmth is not experienced is most exhilarating.

We flew immediately over the mouth of the Matandu river, and for several miles out from the coast we could see the extensive submarine sandbanks that its waters are slowly depositing. With my glasses, here and there in the river itself, I could make out groups of hippopotami and occasionally crocodiles. The Germans had declared the Matandu river a hippo reserve, and so numerous were these formidable monsters, that when we came to use the river for transport purposes several of our supply boats were attacked and sunk, affording another striking proof of Germany's wonderful military forethought.

At dinner the same evening Osman staggered the company with the announcement that the day after next would be Christmas. The mathematical process by which he had arrived at this profound discovery was not at first obvious, but later we learnt that since his arrival at Kilwa he had kept a tree calendar, Robinson-Crusoe fashion, Lest perchance he should have registered two notohes for the day of his adventure over Mafia Island, we called in the orderly-room olerk, who after some hesitation agreed that the date must be the 23rd of December.

The prospect was a tragic one. There had been no supplies in for weeks, there was not a drop of liquor in the place,


and we had long abandoned all hope of ever seeing a mail again.

That night we dreamt of roast turkey, Christmas pudding, iced champagne, and port, but the dawn of day brought no solution to our soul-depressing problem. Our spirits rose somewhat in the afternoon, however, when the faithful Maganga returned from a nature ramble with two fine geese, for which he said he had paid the sum of 12 rupees. By this time I knew Maganga pretty well, and immediately I had a mental picture of some poor nigger searching his fowlhouse in vain for the geese that would never return.

Just as we sat down to tea, Grant, our very able and untiring Flight-Sergeant, came in to say that an aeroplane had been sighted making this way, and as we rushed out of the mess a wire arrived, "Machine left Daresalam for yours 15 hours." Before we reached the aerodrome it had landed, and we soon identified in the pilot's seat the Old 'Un, wearing a very wide grin on his face.

"Merry Christmas, lads!" he shouted as he got out; "see what Father Christmas has brought you!" We lost no time in climbing up to the observer's cockpit, which we found to be crammed full with mysterious-looking cases and parcels, Never did aeroplane carry a more heavenly cargo. There was a huge mail, Christmas puddings, mince-pies, pâtéde-foi-gras, whisky, sherry, port, and a whole case of priceless champagne of the Old

'Un's own choosing. The Old 'Un, it appeared, had come down to take command of the Flight in the absence of CareyThomas (who had been sent down to South Africa), and a few minutes later we were celebrating his appointment in a most suitable manner.

ready by 3.30 P.M. The weather did not look too promising, but the rain rarely came on seriously until after sundown. A sandbag was procured, a short and seasonable note scribbled, and the cigarettes and all the latest papers (the latest being October) pushed in and sewn

Opening the mail was & up. thrilling operation, and ripping open the travel-stained envelopes and sorting their contents into chronological order a joyous experience. It was now two months since I had heard from England, and even the bills were good reading. Amongst the parcels was a box of nearly 6000 cigarettes sent out by the 'Daily Sketch ' for distribution amongst the troops.

As there was no present shortage of tobacco, we decided to reserve these in case we might meet some one whose need was greater than


Whether it was the smell of the champagne or not I cannot say, but immediately after our Christmas luncheon I was seized with a very bright idea, which I promptly propounded to the Old 'Un. Why shouldn't we put the parcel of cigarettes into a sandbag, fly out to Kibata, and drop them on our gallant little garrison, who for the last two months had been having a perfect hell of a time? The rain had out them off from all supplies, the Hun had shelled them without remission, and there could be no doubt as to the acceptability of the tobacco. The Old 'Un was enthusiastic, and orders were sent down to the hangars to have a machine

We left the ground at 3.45, and in spite of the clouds and heavy rainstorms, sighted the fort by 5 P.M. There was no time to lose, and in order to make certain that the bag fell in the British trenches and not the German, the Old 'Un commenced to volplane down. Thoughts of my first experience over this place rushed to my mind as the fort came nearer and nearer.


We were not more than 400 feet from the ground and 200 yards from the fort when the Old 'Un shouted for the bag which I was carrying. Swinging it olear of the fuselage, he let go, and we watched it sink swiftly earthwards, the momentum taking it with unerring accuracy towards the little white building. could see our people standing out of their trenches and waving their hands, and then suddenly run helter-skelter for cover as they caught sight of the bag falling rapidly through the air; evidently they thought that we were bombing them. They soon discovered their mistake, however, and as we turned for home we could see them enthusiastically waving their appreciation of Father Christmas in his latest disguise. On the way back the Old 'Un broke the monotony

Maganga had built, under my directions, a little grass hut. To make it water-tight I had placed on the roof the fly of an old tent. I know of nothing more cheerful than to lie on a nice soft bed and watch the lightning playing across the heavens, to hear the crash of thunder and the pelting of the rain on the ground, and to feel absolutely impervious to it all. That was how I felt that night when, olad only in silk pyjamas, I sank on to the luxurious softness of my bed and tucked in my mosquito

by indulging in numerous had crawled in for shelter. stunts, and I began to wish Feverishly feeling for my that I had not partaken of boots, I put my hand on such an excellent lunch. something wet and clammy, Things have a habit of com- which must have been a frog; ing back to one on occasions at any rate, it was too much like these. for me, and I rushed out into the storm without waiting to dress further. The rain was coming down in solid sheets, and the lightning illuminated the camp in a most terrifying manner. In my bare feet I staggered across to the mess, which, possessing a canvas awning, was moderately dry; here I found the remainder of the Flight picking the bones of the geese and drinking whiskyand-rain. We spent a cheerful night together. Next morning we found that the aerodrome had become a lake, as I had anticipated, and it was decided to set to work immediately and clear a space on the hillside. It was also decided to move our quarters into a large Arab house in the town, which was now available owing to the departure of some unit for the front. Flying would be verboten for some days at least, and we spent the time making the house as comfortable as possible. I managed to make a trip down to Kilwa Kissiwani, where I explored the island with its interesting Persian, Arabic, and Portuguese archæological remains. Presumably Kilwa was known to the ancients, for coins and pottery of great antiquity have been found here.


The rain soon commenced, and I could hear the big drops spattering on the roof. The lightning became more vivid and blue, and the thunder louder and louder. By 12.30 A.M. the whole raging elements were let loose, and the noise of the storm was terrific. I smiled gleefully as I thought of the less provident members of the Flight, whose wicked swear-words were now outvying the storm in fury. Again I congratulated myself-and then suddenly it happened: a column of icy-cold water burst forth from the darkness above my head, and fell with a horrible gurgling noise on to my thinly clad chest. Leaping out of bed, I simply shrieked in terror as I placed my foot on an enormous lizard that

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The most important personage in the Kilwa district is an old Arab gentleman known as the Liwale, and although in his younger days he enjoyed

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