Miscellaneous Appointments. Resident Commissioners of the Victualling at Plymouth and Portsmouth, respectively-Captain Richard Creyke, R.N., and Captain Henry Garrett, R.N. Clerk of the Survey, Deptford-yard-Daniel B. Dawes. Surgeon of Chatham-yard-David Rowlands, M.D. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Jan. 2. At Quebec, the lady of James Kerr, Esq. Judge of the Court of King's Bench, a son. 15. At Gibraltar, the lady of Major Thos. Fyers, royal engineers, a son. Feb. 20. At Loanhead, the lady of the late R. Riccalton, Esq. surgeon, R. N. a daughter. 26. Mrs N. W. Robertson, a daughter. - Mrs Grey, Minto-street, a son. 28. At Galashiels, Mrs Dickson, a son. At Reading, Berks, the lady of Lieutenant Colonel Wemyss, a son and heir. - At Deal, the lady of Captain M'Culloch, of his Majesty's ship Severn, a son. 29. The lady of Alexander Grant, Esq. Adamstreet, Adelphi, a son. March 1. At Edinburgh, the lady of Alexander Norman M'Leod, Esq. of Harris, a daughter. - At Teviot-bank, the Honourable Mrs Elliot, a daughter. 2. At Parkhouse, Mrs Gordon, a son. 5. At Edinburgh, the lady of Major-General the Hon. Alexander Duff, a daughter. At Ladyland, Mrs Cochran, a daughter. 8. The lady of Major Martin, Broughton-place, Edinburgh, a daughter. 9. At Dundalk, Ireland, the lady of Major Wallace, of the King's dragoon guards, a son. 10. At Paisley, the lady of Captain Tronson, 13th regiment, a son. 11. At Shandwick-place, Edinburgh, the lady of Thomas M'Kenzie, a son. 12. Mrs Yule, Broughton-place, Edinburgh, a son. 13. At Altyre, the lady of Sir William G. Gordon Cumming, of Altyre and Gordonstown, Bart. a son. ter. 14. At Ayr, Mrs Fullarton of Skeldon, a daugh 15. In Lower Grosvenor-street, London, the Rt. Hon. Lady Catherine Whyte Melville, a daughter. 16. In Edinburg-castle, the lady of Lieut. Johnstone, 26th regiment, a son. -At Perth, Mrs Latta, spouse of Dr Latta, physician there, a still-born son. 17. At Marienville, Mrs Dudgeon, a son. - At Albany-street, North Leith, Mrs Thomas Robertson, a son. - At Mungall-cottage, Stirlingshire, the wife of Lieutenant Charles Smith, R. N. a son. 18. In Great Portland-street, London, the lady of William Anderson, Esq. a son. 19. In Bedford-square, London, the lady of A. Spottiswoode, Esq. a daughter. 20. At Pilrig-house, Mrs Balfour, a son. - At Great King-street, Edinburgh, Mrs Crawfurd of Cartsburn, a son. 29. At Jamaica-street, Mrs Duncan Ballentine, a daughter. MARRIAGES. Feb. 28. At Bonnington-house, Lanarkshire, Sir Charles Macdonald Lockhart, of Lee and Carn wath, to Emilia Olivia Ross, daughter of the late General Sir Charles Ross, Bart. of Balnagowan. 29. At Edinburgh, Lieut. D. Macfarlan, late of the rifle brigade, to Jane, eldest daughter of John Drummond, Esq. March 1. At Aberdeen, the Rev. Alex. Cushnie, Strachan, to Ann, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Alexander Robertson, minister of Coull. - Lieut.-Colonel Colquhoun Grant, Forres, to Margaret, second daughter of James Brodie, Esq. 2. At Edinburgh, Major Balmain, of the Hon. East India Company's service, to Jane, third daughter of the late Forest Dewar, Esq. 5. At her brother's house, of Straloch, Aberdeenshire, Mrs William Brebner, to H. George Leslic, Esq. of Denlugas. 6. At Liverpool, Alexander Hunter, Esq. to Catharine, second daughter of William Carson, Esq. merchant. - At Edinburgh, by the Rev. John Campbell, Selkirk, James Cross, Esq. St John's, Newfoundland, to Barbara, third daughter of Mr Laidlaw, Johnston's-place, Stockbridge. - At Glasgow, Mr Dundas Smith, surgeon in Saltcoats, to Margaret Sarah, daughter of the late Robert Thomson, Esq. of Jamaica. 7. At Scotscraig-house, Captain Hugh Lyon Playfair, of the Honourable East India Company's service, to Jane, youngest daughter of William Dalgleish, Esq. of Scotscraig. 8. At Edinburgh, Captain M'Queen, of the Honourable East India Company's service, to Mary, eldest daughter of the deceased John Moir, Esq. of Hillfoot. 11. At Beaconsfield-church, the Honourable Charles Augustus Fitzroy, eldest son of LieutenantGen. Lord Charles Fitzroy, to Lady Mary Lennox, daughter of the late Duke of Richmond. 13. At Wells, Alexander Fraser, Esq. of Thavis Inn, London, to Eliza, second daughter of Robert Brooks, Esq. of Coxley, Gloucestershire. - At Greenock, Mr Thomas Boyd, Dublin, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr John Pringle, Bottlework, Greenock. -At Leith, William Henry Roberts, Esq. Albany, Surrey, to Anne, daughter of John Crawford, Esq. Leith. 14. At Taunton, Robert Grant, Esq. of the 4th light dragoons, youngest son of Sir Arch. Grant, Bart. of Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, to Charlotte, youngest daughter of the late William Walter Yea, Esq. of Pyrland-hall, in the county of Somerset. 16. At Niddry, Mid-Lothian, Mr Robert Handyside, Fisherrow, to Marion, eldest daughter of the late Mr Robert Young. 17. W. G. M'Knight, Esq. of Green-castle, Jamaica, to Eliza, youngest daughter of T. Manners, Esq. of the Crescent, Minories. At Newington, Mr William M'Candlish, to Felicite Leslie, daughter of John M'Gregor, Esq. 18. Captain Robert Anderson, 91st regiment, to Charlotte Erskine, eldest daughter of the late J. P. Wade, M. D. of the Honourable East India Company's service. 20. At Kirkeudbright, Benjamin Welsh, M. D. Haddington, to Jane Blair, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Dr Mutter, Kirkcudbright. 24. At Glasgow, Miss Eliza Cook, of Newtonhall, Northumberland. David Paterson, Esq. banker and insurancebroker in Edinburgh. - At Perth, Mr Thomas Wishart, wood-merchant On his passage from Leith to Montrose, on board the Susan, Hanton, Mr Jas. Duncan, writer, Edinburgh. At Ayr, Mr Gilbert M'Clure, merchant, aged 82. 25. At Glasgow, Mrs Coates of Baillieston. - At Park-place, Edinburgh, Miss Mary Campbell, third daughter of Lord Succoth. At Lochead, Lieutenant William K. Burton, late of the 4th garrison battalion. 26. At Knock, Banffshire, Alex. Stronach, Esq. James Watt, Esq. aged 56, many years in the service of the Honourable East India Company. At Kirkwall, William Erskine, youngest son of Alexander Peterkin, Esq. 27. At Torr-house, David Irving, Esq. surgeon. At Montrose, Captain D. Valentine, R.N. - At his house, Burntsfield-links, Mr Richard Dick, late tobacconist in Edinburgh. - At the manse of Turiff, Mrs Stuart, wife of the Rev. William Stuart, minister of that parish. 28. At Dean-park, near Edinburgh, Mrs Susan Scott, wife of Mr Andrew Gibson. - At Edinburgh, Mr William Martin, late bookseller there. -At Grange, Miss Anne Lauder, eldest daughter of the deceased Sir Andrew Lauder of Fountainhall, Bart. - At Aberdeen, Mrs Niven of Thornton. 29. At Kirkaldy, James Cruickshank Mylne, youngest son of Major Mylne, 79th regiment. - At Hillhousefield-house, Mrs Isobel Hamilton, widow of the deceased Mr Alexander Brown, merchant in Edinburgh. - At Dumfries, Mr John Dunn, minister of the Independent Church there. - At Selkirk, Mrs Mann, dame of E. Mann, Esq. March 1. At Edinburgh, the infant daughter of George Wauchope, Esq. -At Peckham, Mr William Stewart, late of the Cudbear Company, Westminster. At Leith, Mrs Janet Harper, widow of the late Thomas Hart, merchant there. At Crichton-street, Edinburgh, Mrs Gardiner, eldest daughter of the late Captain James Gardiner, royal marines. this city. Captain James Aberdour, R. N. a native of At Dumfries, James Graham, Esq. of Furthhead, late writer in Dumfries. At her house, Hope-park-end, Miss Hay. Mrs. Katherine Burd, wife of Robert Dick, writer, Edinburgh. 2. Charlotte Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr H. S. Bringloe, Nelson-street, Edinburgh, By shipwreck, on the coast of France, Mr 9. At Beverly, of typhus fever, Lieut--General Cheney. 24. At Edinburgh, Mr John Lunn, builder, to Jessic, eldest daughter of Mr Richard Fraser, Shak speare-square. Lately-At Paddington, William Lushing, Esq. of Paddington, to Miss West, only daughter of the late Captain H. West, R.N. DEATHS. April 12, 1818. At Benhampore, in the East Indies, Lieutenant Alexander Macleod, of the Madras infantry; and at Badulla, in the island of Ceylon, on the 25th May last, in consequence of over-fatigue during the Candian war, Norman Macleod, Esq. assistant-surgeon to the forces, both sons of the late Maj. Macleod of Balineanach, Isle of Skye. Aug. 17, 1819. At Fort-William, in the East Indies, H. Murray, Esq. younger of Rosemount. 26. In India, three months after his arrival, G. Anderson, Esq. surgeon, Madras establishment. Oct. 13. At Trinidad, Mr William Cunningham, late of Glasgow. Dec. 14. At Port Antonio, Jamaica, Dr Thomas Reid, eldest son of the late Mr Robert Reid, landsurveyor, Perth. - At Trinidad, Charles Melville, Esq. formerly secretary to the governor of that island. 18. At Jamaica, William Donaldson, Esq. lately of St John's, New Brunswick. Jan. 1, 1820. At Demerara, Milliken Craig, Esq. of Ballewen, late commander in the Honourable East India Company's service. 14. In St Vincents, Robert Porter, Esq. 20. At Springfield, near Forres, Neil Currie, Esq. of Springfield, late surgeon in the 78th regi ment. 24. At Naples, Cardinal Carracciolo, bishop of Palestine. 27. At his seat, Trelowarren, in Cornwall, Sir Vyall Vyvyan, Bart. Feb. 1. At the Villa Pen, near Spanish Town, Jamaica, after a protracted illness, Francis Graham, Esq. formerly a representative in Assembly for the parish of St Thomas in the Valla, in that island. 11. At Rothesay, in the 83d year of his age, John Blain, Esq. late collector of the customs there, sheriff-substitute of the county of Bute, commissary of the isles, &c. -At Crieff, Mr William Maxton. 12. At Burntsfield-links, Martha S. Simpson, eldest daughter of John Simpson, late captain in the 27th foot. 16. At Brighton, Major-General John Lindsay. 17. At Orchard-house, Paisley, Henry Bowie, Esq. of Mountblow, aged 75. At Star-bank, Thomas Simson, Esq. of Star, aged 79. 18. At Annat-lodge, near Perth, Lieut.-General Robert Stuart of Rait, of his Majesty's army in India, and also a Lieut.-General in the service of the Honourable East India Company. 19. At Largo, Archibald Goodsir, Esq. M. D. member of the Royal College of Surgeons of London, and late surgeon in the Fifeshire regiment of militia. 20. At Hillhouse, William Mackerrell, Esq. of Hillhouse. 21. At Ayr, Mr Henry Cowan, jun. writer and banker. 22. At Leslie, Tho. Inglis, Esq. of Feal, aged 69. At Melville-house, the Right Hon. Alexander, Earl of Leven and Melville, aged 70 years. His Lordship succeeded his father in the year 1802. He married, in the year 1784, Jane, the late Countess, only daughter of John Thornton, Esq. of Clapham in Surrey, and has left five sons and three daughters, of whom the eldest, Viscount Balgonie, inherits the family titles and estates. The late Earl of Leven and Melville was comptroller-general of the customs for Scotland, and one of the trustees for manufactures, &c. Among the public charities of this city, with which his Lordship was officially connected, were the Lying-in Hospital, the House of Industry, the Society for the Industrious Blind, the Deaf and Dumb Institution, and the Bible Society. 23. At Thenurst-cottage, Berks, Colonel Sheldrake, of the royal artillery. - At Daventry, Northamptonshire, LieutenantColonel David Rattray, late of the 63d regiment of foot. - At Dunkeld, Mr John Proudfoot, aged 79. Daniel Lane, jun. late of Hamburgh, aged 24. At Perth, Mr Andrew Ramsay, preacher of the gospel. 3. At Broughton-street, Edinburgh, Mrs Greig of Lethangie. 4. Mrs Sanderson, aged 89, relict of Mr Thomas Sanderson, merchant. At Rankeillor-street, Edinburgh, Miss Grace Brown, eldest daughter of the late Captain Andrew Brown, R.N. of Johnstonburn. - At Montrose, Miss Dickson, eldest daughter of the late James Dickson, Esq. merchant in Montrose. 5. At Stranraer, Miss Agnes Campbell of Airies, 6. At Burnside-cottage, Campsie, Rob. Bryson, Esq. At Irvine, David Dale, Esq. Suddenly, at Dean-hall, Stockbridge, Andrew Thomson, Esq. of the island of Trinidad, aged 45. 7. At Sharrow-head, near Sheffield, Major-Gen, Patrick Mackenzie, colonel of the 2d royal veteran battalion, after 42 years' active employment in the service of his country. 8. At Edinburgh, Mr John Torrance, baker, Hanover-street. At Bennals, Hugh Ronald, Esq. of Bennals. 9. At Torresdale, Major-General Keith Macalister of Loup. At Qucensferry, Mrs Mary Mackenzie, wife of the Rev. John Henderson, minister of that parish, 10. At his house in Newman-street, Benjamin West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy, at the advanced age of 82 years. This distinguished artist was born at Springfield, in Chester, county of Pennsylvania, on the 10th of October 1738-his parents were Quakers. At a very early age he displayed the germ of those great talents as an artist, which afterwards placed him in so elevated a station in life. Through the patronage of some American gentlemen, among whom was, we believe, the late Mr Laurence, who became afterwards a distinguished actor in the American Revolution, Mr West was sent, when he was about sixteen years of age, to Italy, where he cultivated his taste with an enthusiasm that at one period was nearly fatal to his health, by an intense study of the great works of the old masters, which then filled the Roman, Venetian, Florentine, and Bolognese schools. At Rome Mr West attracted particular attention, and was patronised in that city by a number of English gentlemen of rank. It is nearly sixty years ago since Mr West first arrived in England:-he was an early member of the Academy of Arts in St Martin's-lane, and one of the first members of the present Royal Academy. Mr West succeeded the late Mr Barry, as President of the Academy. His characteristic mildness to the students, his kind and considerate attention to all who approached him, for that information which no man was more capable of diffusing, will long endear his memory to our rising artists. There never lived a more industrious artist than Mr West. He painted upwards of 3000 pictures, many of them of very large dimensions. Our late venerable Sovereign honoured him with his patronage and friendship, and employed him at Windsor upon many works, which will long perpetuate his fame. His historical pictures are to be found in many of the principal collections in Europe and America. Several of his best are in the royal collection at Buckinghamhouse; and the venerable artist retained in his own gallery many of great value. His last great works, dedicated to the diffusion of moral and religious sentiment, and in the application of his talents to such noble purposes he was never excelled, are, Christ Healing the Sick, and the two magnificent works now in the exhibition at Pall-mall. In his manners and deportment Mr West was peculiarly mild and unassuming, and retained to the last the primitive habits and simplicity of character which mark the respectable sect to which his parents belonged. He was well known to the artists of the Continent, and was a member of all the academies of art in Europe. He retained his faculties to the last, though his state of health was of late so feeble that he could not move without assistance. Mr West has left two sons, on whom his property will devolve. This principally consists of numerous works from his own pencil, and some choice specimens of the old masters, particularly of Titian; the whole valued at upwards of £100,000. 10. At Torwoodlee, Mrs Pringle of Torwoodlee. - At Glennan, Mary, eldest daughter of the late Duncan Macdougall, Esq. Ardintrive. - At his house, Leith-walk, James Peat, Esq. collector of excise. 11. At Edinburgh, Mrs Helen Butter, widow of Mungo Fleming, Esq. Prince's-street. - At her house, in Charlotte-square, Edinburgh, Mrs Balfour, widow of John Balfour, Esq. of Balbirny. 13. At Dalkeith, George Dickson Wilson, youngest son of Mr Alexander Wilson. At Paisley, Mrs Campbell, wife of Alexander Campbell, Esq. sheriff-substitute of Paisley. -At Maxwelltown, Miss Ann Maxwell of Carruchan. At London, Mary, the only and beloved daughter of Allan Cunningham. 15. At Kirkcudbright, Sarah, wife of William Mure, Esq. of Twynholm-mains. In Sloane-street, London, General Walker, royal artillery. 16. At Edinburgh, Sarah Norcott, spouse of W. Maule, Esq. - In Queen-street, Edinburgh, Miss Grame Hepburne, youngest daughter of the late Col. Rickart Hepburne of Rickarton. At Prince's-street, Edinburgh, Edmond Livingston, Esq. aged 89. At his father's house, in Leith, Hugh Waters, aged 20. 17. At Davidstone, Miss Calder of Davidstone. 18. At St John's-hill, Edinburgh, Isabella, youngest daughter of Mr Edward Robertson, in the 10th year of her age. - In Cleveland-row, St James's, London, Maj. Gen. Hamilton, colonel of the royal waggon train. 19. At Edinburgh, at the early age of 18, Francis Alexander Gatherer, third son of John Gatherer, Esq. surveyor of taxes for Banffshire. 20. At Edinburgh, at the house of her nephew, the Rev. Dr Meiklejohn, Mrs Margaret Cree, eldest surviving daughter of the late Hugh Cree, Esq. of Saline-shaw. - At his house, Grassmarket, Edinburgh, Mr William Fife, upwards of 80 years of age. Lately-At his brother's house, in Leith, Mr W. Armstrong, aged 32. - At Connatore, near Madras, whither he was journeying to embark for England, after one day's illness of a cholera morbus, Major David Carstairs, of the 8th regiment of native infantry. Suddenly at Paris, Lady Courtenay Chichester. She was the wife of Mr Blunt, an English gentleman of respectability. In consequence of her coach having been overturned, she took a hackney-coach to pay a visit to some of her friends; and on leaving it she fell down dead, supposed to be from the effects of the fright. At Bath, in her 86th year, the relict of Dean Ogle, and mother of the late Mrs R. B. Sheridan. At his house in Great George-street, Westminster, John Hosier, Esq. aged 67. At London, John Grant, Esq. of Wallibon, in the parish of St Vincent. - At Blackheath, R. Scott, Esq. of Shincliff-hall. At Auchterarder, George Hume, vintner there, aged 64. - Mr Edward Smith of Spilsby, in Lincolnshire, one of the most singular characters in the kingdom, in the 75th year of his age. Until within a few years, it was his constant practice to ride on a bull, and instead of smoking tobacco he had his hay salted, and smoked it instead of that plant. By his will he directed that his body should be carried to the grave by poor men, who were to be paid 5s. each: That the funeral should take place early in the morning; and that none of his relatives or friends should attend, or any mourning be worn by them on his account, under a forfeiture of their respective legacies. At Maismore, near Gloucester, John Rogers, at the advanced age of 107 years. He had lived in five reigns, and enjoyed good bodily health till within about a year of his death. At Hampstead, the Hon. John Dimsdale, Baron of the Russian empire, in the 73d year of his age. At Rome, sister Fortunee Gioncarelli, of the Ursuline order, in the 109th year of her age, and 74th of her residence in the convent. At Budie-house, of the scarlet fever, Margaret Isabella Smith, eldest daughter of G. Smith, Esq. - At Bath, the Rev. T. Haweis, LL. D. and M.D. in his 87th year. He was the father of the Missionary Society, and the mission to the islands in the Pacific Ocean originated with him. At Edinburgh, Alex. Paterson, Esq. youngest son of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Paterson, late of the 22d light dragoons. At Braehouse, Edinburgh, William Butter, Esq. aged 92. 12. Suddenly, at Dalwhinnie, near Blair Athol, where he had halted on his way to his country seat in the Highlands, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, well known for his adventurous journies in the deserts of North America. - At Portobello, Mrs Susanna Harries, wife of Captain Pierie, R.N. - At Easter Moffat, Miss Jane Waddell of Easter Moffat. Oliver & Boyd, Printers, Edinburgh. |