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properly calls it, must be that which passeth knowledge, Eph. iii. 19, in our most glorious Christ, which by its kindliness exciteth love towards each other in his members. I have often thought of you, and remembered you when thought of at the best place of remembrance, the King's Court, and dear Mrs with you. It is well to mention by name the members to the Head for having given ourselves first to the Lord, it then follows that we give ourselves to each other by the will of God. 2 Cor. viii. 5. Ere long, dear Sir, we shall see Him face to face, and know, even as we are known; sweet thought to my advanced years of seventy two. Mr. L—— bath kindly consented to take this little token of acknowledgement with him on his return; and I avail myself of it to send you a copy of my Scripture Extracts; 1 beseech you to accept them for the love and good will which accompanieth them, and give them a place on your shelf, to have recourse to in a private hour. May my Lord God render their perusal useful to you and dear Mrs. when I am more. I commend you both to the Lord, and remain truly,

Yours in the Lord,


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of God in Christ; may you be much blessed with that wisdom which cometh down from above, in going in and out before the saints of the Most High, as his mouth to the people. Your people are highly favoured, we are now left destitute. Oh, what a loss, it seems to me, at times irreparable, yet I know the Lord can send one, or make a preacher, as Romaine once said, of an old stick, if it please him. I esteem it a mercy to commune with you in writing, my soul is refreshed thereby, the Lord is exalted and glorified by it. I also have reason to bless his holy name for your visit last; many found it to be a season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Our names in this place are cast out as evil for the truth's sake: this I do not regard, it is the loss of that everlasting gospel I have heard preached by you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, and was by many here received into the heart. I know you love heart-work, no other knowledge is saving what if kingdoms rise and fall, and nature return to its original, it must it shall be well with the righteous. But sometimes I view myself as the evil, unrighteous, loathsome base thing the earth bears up, and truly know what Paul said, 68 in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing." Dear brother, are we taught our own depravity that our Christ may be more precious to us! Then, I say, I will glory in my infirmity that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Oh, that that dear Comforter, Jehovah the Spirit, would cause me to feel more of the efficacy of that divine blood, and see more the glory of that immaculate obedience of the Lord the Lamb, and daily prove to me my interest there. I am still your truly affectionate

Sister in the best of Lords,


S. J.



An Old Watchman to Onesimus of Saffron

Holy Ghost and on Wilful Sins.

(Continued from pp. 262.)

their natural repentance being enlightened, and having tasted of the heavenly gift, that is, knowledge of Jesus

Walden, on the Blasphemy against the Christ, they are so much like the elect "renewed in knowof God, who are ledge, and conformed to the image of Jesus Christ," Rom. viii. 29, that Noah did not know for a time but Ham was a renewed man, neither did Lot know but his wife was a renewed woman, one of God's elect, neither could the Israel of old say, for a time, but that Balaam was a converted man, or Samuel the seer say, that king Saul was not an elect vessel, until they were left to commit wilful sins; neither did Paul know but that Demas was a regenerate man, until he committed wilful sins; and it is evident that the christian churches did not know Francis Spira was reprobate in all his enlightenings and knowledge, that is, tasting of the heavenly gift, and preaching it also, until he sinned wilfully against God's warning, and publicly signed his recantation of Bible protestantism. So he denied the

Now of persons who of old and in these days have been and will be left, after all enlightenments, to commit wilful sins, after having a knowledge of the truth, as declared by the Holy One Heb. vi. 4—8, &c, know ye that they were foreknown of God as persons in all their gifts, in nature, through time, to be apostates, who would sin wilfully, and I draw back unto perdition," Heb. x. 39, under the old testament dispensation as under the new, and since the Scriptures have been finished, as before, unto these days; nay, the Holy Ghost proves they will increase in numbers, in all their knowledge, and do wickedly.


The interpretation of the mystery, is, that first, like Ham, the son of Noah, and Lot's wife, to Balaam and others, to king Saul to Demas, and since those days to Francis Spira, and from him to Pusey, with the Puseyites, Irvingites, &c,, who had and have, through the Holy Ghost's warnings, by his immediate power, without the ministry of men, or by men, natural repentance, and a natural knowledge of God the Son, Jesus Christ, at first being enlightened, by and in which they escape the pollutions of the world, and appear outwardly, for a time, godly persons, but are not so, for after a time they "draw back to perdition," that is, they commit wilful sins against God and his commands. Gen. ix. 22, &c.

We notice that "they are partakers of the Holy Ghost," who possessing them in order that they may serve himself, the Father and Christ, one God, for a time, so they warn the wicked, and check them, as they serve for a time his righteous regenerate people, and whilst the Holy Ghost puts a restraint upon them, they in December, 1844.]

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Lord who bought him" for his natural life time. The case is the same in the present day with the Puseyites. The doctor himself and his companions, in ail their enlightenings, and tasting the heavenly gift, that is, the knowledge of God the Son, Jesus Christ, so that they seemed God's elect, renewed in the Spirit of their mind, and partakers of the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of the grace of life and adoption, as of all the blessings of the everlasting covenant to endless glory. I say, the righteous men of this nation and other nations could not say but they were as above stated, till they committed wilful sins against God the Son, by publicly denying his glorious gospel and ordinances, and wilfully resisting the Holy Ghost in the protestant church dignitaries, going over, in the working of Satan, to the pontiff of Rome, presumptuously sinning against the Father in God and the Godhead, by hearing and doing what that son of perdition, the pon

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tiff of Rome, says, instead of attending to the only begotten Son of God, as the Father commands, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him," Matt. xvii. 5. And, moreover, to prove to all peoples they are presumptuous, wilful sinners, they have not only "turned from the holy commandment delivered unto them," that is, "the law and testimony," to preach and to write from, and to commune together of, from the time of their vows and public declarations they were moved by the Holy Ghost for priests, ministers, pastors, or watchmen in the protestant church or state; but they have unitedly, presumptuously, and wilfully committed sins next unto blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, by doing despite unto the Holy Ghost as he is graciously and influentially the Spirit of grace, in his heirs, the Father's witnesses, bishops, pastors and watchmen in the national, protestant, established church, and of the protestant dissenting church, both as one. And, withal, the above stated once enlightened men, are this day labouring to seduce all peoples to sin, fighting wilfully against God the Son and his called and chosen and faithful soldiers; striving, also, in all subtle, wilful sins, to betray the Son of God, Jesus Christ, in his members in both church and state, with a kiss, into the hand of the devil and his child, the Roman pontiff, the beast and the harlot. Thus their wilful sins are as Balaam's, Ahithophel's, Judas's, Demas's, and others.

But we must come to a more particular interpretation of the portions of Scripture afore stated, in Heb. vi., and x., that the Zion of the Holy One may be assured who the wilful sinners of those days are, and who, in succeeding ages, sinning wilfully, after they have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no sacrifice for their sins.

We have before noticed, as declared, how they had natural repentance, and

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were once enlightened; how they tasted of the heavenly gifts, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost; let us then observe next, They have tasted the good of God and the pow ers of the world to come;" that is, the letter of the law and testimony, and particular texts given them by the Holy Ghost out of the law and the testimony to speak from to the peoples, or to write from. So the Holy Ghost put a word into the mouth of Balaam, Num. xxiii.5, and he rejoiced,


receiving the word with joy," Matt. xiii. 20, so for a time praising God; which joy and praise in Balaam and in other unrenewed souls, hearts and tongues, is the power of the world to come," Heb. vi. 5; and so much like all renewed people of God are all those once enlightened persons, that we who are renewed, and, in the blessing and power of the Holy Ghost, sent to preach and write the truth as it is in Jesus, can discover no more than Noah, Lot and others did discover the enlightened persons in their days; but we take them as our equals, nay guides and acquaintances; and I have had many such upon the walls of Zion with me, since the Holy Spi rit made me one of his faithful watchmen, with whom, as David says, we took sweet counsel together, and went unto the house of God in company;" that is, as David did walk with the once enlightened Ahithophel, and his companions, before they sinned wil. fully, so afterwards David said, “Let death seize on them;" when he was assured that their wilful sin was "the sin unto death." And so in the Lord am I assured.


But we now proceed to shew how these once enlightened men, before they sinned wilfully and fell away, warned and checked the wicked, and for a time blessed God and his people, by tasting the good word of God, and so enjoying, in their unrenewed souls, hearts and tongues the power of the world to come," being for a time the servants and prophets of the Holy

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Ghost, in their degrees of enlightenments, from Ham to Balaam, king Saul, Ahithophel and others, unto the present day Puseyites and others, under divine restraint, and by the Holy Ghost so subduing the evil spirit in them for a time, and bringing their natural wills to yield for a time obedience; they had another heart, Num. xxii. 12, 13, 14, &c. And they prophesied of old, as do many in these days. And in triumph Balaam said, "The Spirit of God came upon me,' and falling into a trance, but having his eyes open, he said, How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel. If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord, to do either good or bad of mine own mind; but what the Lord saith, that will I speak," Num. xxiv. 13. Now in the same line of doctrines and profession, all those once enlightened persons, which the Holy Ghost treats of by the apostle Paul, in Heb. vi. and x., unto Demas and others to this day, and to the last apostacy, a little time before God the Son, in glorified humanity, comes to judge all, with open books, all who commit wilful sins will fall away, and fight against him, his truth, and his witnesses, pastors, and churches, having upon them evident tokens of perdition; and in spite of all that the beloved author of 'Elijah the Tishbite,' with the beloved Ones imus of Saffron Walden, with others may say or write, all these wilful sinners have a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which devour the adversaries,” Heb. x. 27, and they know they are adversaries. I have known four of those enlightened persons, as the above, near my abode, having a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, after they had committed wilful sins. One of them fell into a ditch, being intoxicated, and brake his neck; the others died on their beds, as they lived for a time, in awful


assurance of eternal damnation. Isa. lxvi. 24, &c. Such is the end of the men who have forsaken the right way, as the Puseyites, Irvingites and others in these apostatizing days, who follow the way of Balaam in loving the wages of unrighteousness. These are wells without water, clouds that are carried about with a tempest, and to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. 2 Peter ii. 15-17.

Therefore, beloved Onesimus, by your erring in spirit and in doctrine, so far as to declare and publish, that for the wilful sins of those sinners whom God in his eternal fore-knowledge ordained to condemnation, as in Heb. vi. and x., and throughout the Scriptures, they have an exclusive sacrifice, and are forgiven their sins, is a most awful assertion, a dreadful error. May God render this article of an Old Watchman,' in Magazine sounds, a means of bringing you and others to understanding, and from murmuring to learn doctrine. Isaiah xxix. 24.


Moreoevr, beloved Onesimus, know ye, that your opinion and assertion that the blood of the Son of God was meritorious, or superior in merit and efficacy through the new testament dispensation, than the old, that is, after his incarnation, and is therefore an exclusive sacrifice for wilful sins, is awfully erreneous, shamefully unscriptural, and is verily with your other assertions what the Holy Ghost declares, 'divers and strange doctrines;" and the proof they are so is that the blood of the Son of God was in eternity, and in time, as it is now, and will be to the end of time, and through endless eternity, called by the Father, and the Holy Ghost, and all his prophets, apostles, and witnesses, "The blood of the covenant." Zech. ix. 11. We all testify there is no superiority from everlasting to everlasting, in the righteous, holy, immortal Saviour of sinners, the all-meritorious Son in God, and the Godhead, or his blood.

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Mark ye, that the Holy Ghost says by Paul, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever." adding, "be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines," Heb. xiii. 8, 9.

Behold, beloved Onesimus your assertion that the gospel provides a remedy for wilful, presumptuous sins, confidently challenging proof to the contrary in this nineteenth century, is a great advance towards the sin against the Holy Ghost, and approaching to the borders of sinners who have sinned wilfully and pre. sumptuously after that they have received the knowledge of the truth." Verily, your assertions either designed or undesigned, for evil, or good, are the same as the doctrine of Balaam, and the doctrine of the Nicolatains, which, God says, "I hate," Rev. ii. 14, 15. If you are not living in those sins, your doctrines encourage sinning. Oh, my brother Onesimus, I cannot refrain from speaking to you in the words of Elihu to Job, in his errors and sins, and also by the same spirit warning you, saying, "Because there is wrath, beware, lest he take thee away with his stroke," Job

xxxvi. 18.

Finally, Onesimus, I say, add thou not unto God's word, and know ye, that the apostle Paul, by and in the Holy Ghost, being in the midst of some enlightened men of his day, knowing that such men would be living unto the end of the world, he reckons himself with them as a man that could speak with tongues, and had the gift of prophecy, and understood all mysteries, that is, the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ, and of the everlasting covenant of salvation, redemption, and grace; of election and reprobation; having all knowledge, and faith to remove mountains; yet declaring if he had not grace or love to God, and to his truth, his cause, and people, he should be nothing," 1 Cor. xiii. 1—3. And so at length became

like Balaam, king Saul, Demas and other enlightened men, not endure unto the end, and be saved, Matt. x. 22; but by sinful infirmity and temptation, if destitute of grace, should commit wilful sins, and then the Holy Ghost would depart from him. as from king Saul and others, 1 Sam, xvi. 15. and then a dreadful fear of God, and of those who had the spirit of grace and truth, would fill him with a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, so prove his reprobation. These are the doctrines of God. So Paul, in the Holy Ghost, says, by way of warning, and not to encourage sin or sinners to commit wilful sins, much less testify, as Onesimus does, that the blood of the Son of God was the exclusive sacrifice for wilful sins.' It is said, "It is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted of the good word of God and the powers of the world to come; if they shall fall away, to renew them again to repentance, seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame; for as the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: but that which beareth thorns and briars (as Balaam and others, to the Puseyites and their companions) is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned," Heb. vi. 4-8. And in Heb. x. 26-21, Paul continues his subject of those wilful sinners, reckoning himself a gifted man, saying, "If we sin wilfully, after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries." Then for proofs, that the wilful sins of the new testament days exceed those of the old, Paul adds, "if he that despised Moses' law died without mercy, under two or three

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