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reserved for judgment; the shepherd's dog, to bark at the flock if they get out of the green pastures; his head is already broken, and he shall be bruised under our feet shortly. There no temptation happened to thee, but what is common to man;" and the Lord has promised with the temptation to make a way for our escape, that we may be able to bear it. Surely nothing happens to us without the permission of God; no, not a hair falls from our head without our Father's leave. The fiery trial is to try us all, that our faith may be much more precious than gold, though it be tried with fire, and shall be found unto praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Thou hast never experienced the thousandth part of my conflicts, and yet I bless God for them all, and would not for a thousand worlds have been led any other way than that which I have been led. Satan's darts are his own blasphemies, not our's ; for he cannot curse those that God has blessed with faithful Abraham. God has justified, who shall condemn? The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin," who shall lay any thing to the Lord's elect? We have an Advocate with the Father, who can accuse, and prevail against us? The Lord bless thee and keep thee.

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Ever thine in the path of tribulation,



My very dear brother "in him who is made a Surety" of a better testament, established upon better promises; even the immutable oath and promise of a faithful God; that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, the heirs of promise might have strong consolation. Oh then, beloved in the

Lord, herein consist our distinguishing privileges, in being enabled to look over our title deeds, and prove our heirship to that inheritance which is "incorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away, preserved in heaven for us who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation." Then why should we be so often cast down through the difficulties of the journey? seeing we are only going home to our Father's house. "This

is not our rest; here we have no continuing city." And indeed we desire none; for we can say with Job, We would not live always."

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You will remember, my dear brother, when I last wrote to you, I said, "I was with Jacob; when he was about to be deprived of his beloved Benjamin, saying, all these things are against me." And I will tell you wherefore. Because the providence of God appeared so contrary to his promises; and instead of keeping the eye of faith steadily fixed upon the almighty Promiser, I began to parley with a "how can these things be?" till I got into a fretful peevish discontented frame of mind, so injurious to the christian character and peace; and so beneath the dignity of a princess, that I began to look about and see where I was. Wherefore on

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looking over my register, I found I was a King's daughter;" but that I was travelling through an enemy's country, a sojourner as all my fathers were. Then I went into the sanctuary of the Lord, and began to search the ancient records; and there I found it was the track of the cloud of witnesses gone before.. And as you know I always like to go back, I went to Eve; and there I found the promise was "The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head!" And when Cain was born, she said, "I have gotten a man from the Lord;" no doubt she thought it was really the promised seed; but how disappointed must she have been, when she saw how he turned out!


When the Lord "made promise to Abraham that Sarah should have a son;" she laughed, because she could not see how it was to be accomplished; but she believed, because she judged him faithful who had promised! And again the Lord promised Abraham that he would estabtablish his covenant with Isaac, and that in Isaac should his seed be called and yet he commanded him "to take his son, his only son, and offer him for a burnt offering." Surely, when ascending the mount, he must have thought the providence of God was contrary to his promise; but we hear no questioning the Lord with a 'how can these things be?" But with the eye of faith steadily fixed upon the almighty Promiser; he ascends the mount, 66 accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead, from whence also he received him in a figure." Oh, the exploits of the faith of the ancient worthies, who thus against hope, believed in hope! How often it causes us to blush! But good old Jacob, when he said, all these things are against me," though he knew there was corn in Egypt; yet he knew not that the governor of Egypt was his beloved Joseph; and that the land of Goshen was prepared for him to dwell in. But I need not enumerate cases; suffice it therefore to say that when the sorrowing disciples were on their way to Emmaus; they knew not that it was the Redeemer of Israel that was talking with them, who appeared to them only as a stranger in Israel, when asking them what made them so sad? And they said unto him, concerning Jesus of Nazareth; a prophet mighty in deed and word before God, and all the people; and how the chief priests and rulers have crucified him, but we trusted that it had been him which shoud have delivered Israel, and besides all this to day is the third day," Besides, certain women that were early at the sepulchre said, they had


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taken away their Lord, and they knew not where they had laid him; but when their eyes were opened, and they knew that it was Jesus, then they said, "Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures?" Oh, how sweet are the joys his visits gives. this makes us often cry out, Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth where thou feedest, and where thou makest thy flocks to rest at noon; for why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions ?" Thus you see as in water face answereth to face, so Old Testament believers, and New Testament saints saints agree. Seeing then we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside. every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us," namely. the committing the two evils (the church of old was charged with) a forsaking the fountain of living waters. and hewing out unto ourselves broken cisterns which can hold no water!"

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Well, but as you were pleased to say, you are not tired of my long scribbles;' I will tell you another thing I found among the ancient records, and that is a probate of a will, wherein was the oath of the executor and names of the witnesses! From whence I can assure you I am perfectly satisfied that when of age, so as to come in full possession of the estate; there will be no debates about the will, nor of my heirship, it having been already proved in the high court and that by the Judge Advocate! Now as I know you take an interest in all that concerns me; you will be pleased to hear that the validity of this will is so far proved, that I am living upon the interest of the property, till I come of age, to take full possession of the inheritance!

However to be a little more explicit you will let patience have its perfect work, and I will tell you as briefly as I can, when this will was

made; by whom attested ; what is the purport of it; and who are the legatees. Ah, say you, Sarah is got into a large field now; therefore you must bear with me a little. Then, where and when was this will made? Evidently at the sitting of the sacred council before all worlds; before the morning stars sang for joy; or before even the mountains were brought forth! Then Jehovah in council resolved to fulfil the scheme from eternity laid in his will; when Christ was set up as the second person in the glorious Trinity, as the head of his body the church! when God the Father presented the bride, the Lamb's wife to his Son; and the Son sealed the engagement by entering into covenant transactions with his Father; unto all which God the Holy Ghost was witness.

T'was made with Jesus for his bride,
Before the children fell,
T'was signed, and sealed, and ratified,
In all things ordered well.

Salvation's scheme was fised, t'was done,
In council by the Three in One;
The Father spake, the Son replied,

The Spirit with them both complied.


This will thus made and attested, was put into the hands of the Son as a marriage settlement for his bride, in which he was bound by covenant engagement as well as by oath and promise to see the whole of its contents carried into execution. This notwithstanding he knew that his bride would deal very treacherously with him, and prove a transgressor from the womb play the harlot, and go after other lovers, and thus mar her inheritance; nevertheless he engaged to go even to prison and to death for her, thereby proving that his love was stronger than death, and thus rescue her out of the hand of law and justice! Then saith Jehovah, will make an everlasting covenant with her even the sure mercies of David, I will be their God, and they shall be my people, and I will not

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turn away from them to do them good; my covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips; once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie unto David, his seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me." Here you see, there is not only the purport of the will, but also the legatees, personated by the seed of David. The Lord's portion is his peo

ple, Jacob is the lot of his inheritance; and as the seed of the serpent never had any inheritance, therefore, they never could lose it: but this inheritance was secured to all the seed royal, then they never could lose it! What say some? Not when we fell in Adam? No, we never fell out of Christ. Go down to the potter's house, and there see the vessel, was it broken? no it was marred in the hands of the potter; so we, when we fell in Adam, we marred our inheritence. But the right of redemption belonged to our Almighty Boaz, as being our near kinsman; and he plucked off his shoe, and trod the Was not the winepress barefoot. plucking off the shoe an emblem of humility, as we see in the case of Moses and Joshua ? And thus, he who was in the bosom of his Father, thought it no robbery to be equal with him, but humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross! Moreover in his humiliation his judgment taken away; then he said I restored that which I took not away. word Jesus was made a surety of a better testament: and "he that is a surety for a stranger shall smart for it," which Jesus did, for he gave his back to the smiters, and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed! Again you know a testament is not in force while the testator liveth for where a testament is, there must of necessity be the death of the testa


In a

tor:" so Christ being made a surety, he must die to give validity to his will. And glory be to his name he has died to put the will in force, and he ever lives to see the whole executed, Hallelujah! Wherefore when Satan comes and brings a railing accusation against her, and says, this woman was taken in adultery, and she cannot be a lawful wife; then steps in Moses for a bill of divorce, but at the sight of this Judge Advocate, (with the will in his hand,) they sneak out, and leave the poor self-condemned crimi. nal at the feet of her judge; who with a look of everlasting love, says, Where are those thine accusers, doth no man condemn thee? neither do I, arise go in peace! Then she stands upon her feet, and finds Satan the accuser of the brethren cast down, and then she feels there is now no condemnation! "Then saith she, I love him, because he first loved me, and who shall lay any thing to my charge?" Seeing herself now freely justified : she sings, love was the first great moving cause, from whence salvation flows; and free-grace the channel where it runs, in one continued stream! Then she looks over her title deeds, and finds herself an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ; so that all he is, and all he has, is hers. She sees her name is engraven on the will, and so is assured in her own mind to be the rightful heir to that inheritance which is incorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for her, where neither moth nor rust can corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal. But there is besides this estate some legacies which are payable while in her minority, and which the testator bequeathed to her before his death, when he said, In the world ye shall have tribulation, but in me ye shall have peace. Ye shall be hated of all men for my sake, but marvel not that the world hate you, ye know it hated me before it hated you." "Blessed are ye when men February, 1844.]

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shall revile you, and speak all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. I will give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, aud over all the power of the enemy. Notwithstanding in this rejoice rot, but rather rejoice that your nan es are written in heaven." It is enougn then, that the disciple be as his Lord; and thus we can say with the great apostle of the Gentiles, as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, as having nothing, yet possessing all things!" Ought we not then to be content with such things as we have, and to take joyfully the spoiling of our goods knowing that we have in heaven a more enduring substance? For even now, we have the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift." And all praises to his name, for having again heard and answered prayer on your behalf, and thus far restored you to your wonted health of body, vigour of mind, and usefulness in the church. Sure I am the Lord has had mercy on us also, in the raising you up again, lest we should have sorrow upon sorrow. how our souls were all on fire at the reading of your kind epistle, last Lord's day morning. Did not our hearts burn within us with gratitude and love to our Jehovah Rophi? And again when sitting up our fresh Ebenezers, every countenance bespoke the feeling of the mind; while many responded, the Lord be praised. Bless the Lord oh our souls. Grace be with thy spirit,

I need not tell you

Your'e in gospel liberty,



Mr. W. Allen's Funeral Sermon for the late Mrs. A.

Sermon preached on the 5th of November, by Mr. Edmund Greenfield.



No. 1.-Continued from page 22.

Now although Mr. Triggs does not speak out, but only implies that the nature of Christ, or the human na. ture, was a sinful one; and if so I assert not a proper sacrifice, or could be acceptable to a holy God. This was the error Mr. Irving drank into, then into unknown tongues, then went mad and died. Mr. Editor, I tremble for Mr. Triggs while I write; but should I be spared I will give you a paper on the subject.

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Now I believe that Adam was the figure of him that was to come; for as all the human race were virtually in Adam's loins, so all the chosen family of Christ, as their covenant head, were in Him, as it is written, According as God hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world. And again: "In hope of eternal life, that God, who cannot lie, promised before the world began," Titus i. 2. Thus I have endeavoured to shew, and I trust scripturally, wherein Mr. Triggs errs greatly.




Your's, &c.


Letter 2.

I AGAIN take my pen, to notice the second thing in Mr. Triggs' letter, respecting the union of our nature with the Son of God; the words are these: He hath made in (not of or by but in) himself, of twain, one new man, so making peace; this is of twain, God and man, one Christ, Immanuel." Surely we are indebted to this great western luminary for this mystery. But I will examine it by the word of God, and let the reader judge for himself by that unerring standard of truth.

First, here is a person spoken of Himself: and this Himself did of twain

Christ made

is man, Mr. his letter to

or two, that is, of himself and man, make one Christ, Immanuel. So that, according to Mr. Trigg Christ and man (and t Triggs plainly infers, in the editors of the Gospel Magazine, for December, 1843, a sinful man) one Christ, Immanuel; and this one Christ, Immanuel, is the new man.

Now, Sir, I defy Mr. Triggs, and the Editor of the Gospel Magazine, and all the editors and publishers of all the magazines in the united kingdom, to prove, from the word of God, that the ever-blessed Jesus, as Immanuel, or, as the apostle writes, 'God manifest in the flesh," is called, in the Old or New Testaments, the new man, or, a new man. Mr. Triggs



appears to be as ignorant of the new man, as he is of the old man of sin, as stated in my former paper. Now the apostle, in 2 Cor. iv. 2, thus writes of himself and fellow labourers: But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceit. fully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending curselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. Now, Sir, I ask, hath Mr. Triggs done so, or hath he not craftily taken a portion of holy writ, without regard to what preceeded the words quoted by him, or what follows?

It is a fact, known to most readers of the Bible, that the division of the epistles, and the whole word of God, into chapters and verses, was only done a few centuries past, for the more easy referring to any part of the same. The Ephesians were gentiles, but it pleased God, of his infinite mercy, to call many of the Ephesians to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and therefore Paul, in the 1st verse of his epistle, addresses it" to the saints which are at Ephesus;" and, at the 12th verse, calls on them to remember their former state, and God's mercy, love, and goodness towards them; I will therefore transcribe the same from that verse: "At

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