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When the meeting was over, I having a desire and concern once more to visit friends in the lower counties, Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, among whom I had not travelled for near twenty years, and being now a little better in health than I had been, I set out from my home, and went to Chester, and from thence to Wil mington, and had a meeting there; and then to New. castle, where we had another; William Hammond being with me, he and I went from Newcastle to George's creek, had a meeting there; and then went to Duckcreek after having two meetings at Duck-creek, I went to Little-creek meeting, and so proceeded to the Motherkills, where I had a large, open time, in preaching the gospel to the people, which divers of them received with gladness; and there were many, not of our society, who were very sober and attentive, a door being open among them; yet, notwithstanding there may be much openness both in speakers and hearers, I have observed, with sorrow, that there are but few who retain the truth so as to be really converted; many are convinced, but few converted and come to be regenerated or born again, as our Saviour taught.

From Mother-kills I went back to Little-creek, to Timothy Hanson's, he accompanying me; and from Timothy's I went to Duck-creek, and from thence to Ap poquinamy to the burial of a friend's son, who died of the small-pox; on which occasion we had a solid meeting, the mournful relations being thankful for our company. From Appoquinamy I went to John M'Cool's, and from thence to Newcastle; whe we had a large, open meeting, to the satisfaction of divers; though I was very weakly and poorly, as to my health, so that it was hard for me to stoop to take any thing from the ground, and with difficulty I walked from the friend's house to the meeting; but being helped by grace, and carried through the service of the meeting beyond my expecta tion, was, with divers others, truly thankful to God the father, and Christ, my Lord and Saviour.

From Newcastle I went to Wilmington, had a meeting there, and from thence to Newark, to the marriage



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Alexander Seaton. The meeting was uncommonly large, and to general satisfaction.

From Newark I went back to Wilmington, and from thence to the Center monthly meeting, and so on to Kennet, where was a very large meeting. Here divers, who had professed among us, refrained coming to the public meetings for divine worship; with whom, next day, we had a meeting, wherein the evil consequence of forsaking the assembling ourselves together was spoke to, and that it would be a great hurt to the young and rising generation, and themselves also; being a bad example to them, and contrary to the advice and counsel of the holy apostle, "Not to forsake the assembling ourselves together, as the manner of some is."

From Kennet I went to Concord, to the burial of Benjamin Mendenhall, where we had a large and solid meeting, several lively testimonies being borne therein. This friend was a worthy elder, and a serviceable man in our society, and one of the first or early settlers in Pennsylvania; a man given to hospitality, and a good example to his family, and hath left divers hopeful children surviving him.

The night before this meeting I lodged at the widow Gilpin's, whose husband, Joseph Gilpin, was lately deceased. There was true christian love and friendship between us for above fifty years. When first I saw Joseph in Pennsylvania, he lived in a cave in the earth, where we enjoyed each other's company in the love and fear of God. This friend had fifteen children, whom he lived to see brought up to the states of men and women, and all but two married well, and to his mind.

From Concord I went to Wilmington, and from thence, after meeting, to Newcastle, where I, with George Hogg, went over the river Delaware into Penn'seck, and had a meeting at James Wilson's. From Penn's-neck we went to Salem, and thence to Cohansey, where I had several meetings at Greenwich, and at he head of Alloway's-creek; also at David Davis's, where the people kindly lent us the benches of their

meeting-house, and many of them came themselves, and were very attentive; after which I went to Pile'sGrove, and had a meeting there, and from thence to Woodberry-creek, and so to Gloucester, where I ferried over the Delaware, to Philadelphia, and from thence home, having travelled about five hundred miles in this journey, after which I stayed at and about home for some time.

I was at the yearly meeting at Burlington in the sev enth month; going to this meeting, my horse started, and threw me, which hurt my shoulder and hip badly, of which hurt I did not recover for above half a year.

This meeting was very large, and though I was outwardly in misery and pain, yet, in the sense of the love and goodness of God, and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I was, with many others, much comforted in spirit.

From Burlington I travelled to Shrewsbury, having several meetings by the way; as, at Bordenton, Crosswicks, Trenton, &c. This journey I rode in much pain; but the satisfaction I had in meetings through the spirit and power of the Most High, made amends for all the labor and pain I underwent, I bless the sacred

name of God, and may I do it forever! I made what haste I could home, being in pain with my fall, and tarried at home most of the winter, which was one of the longest and hardest known in these parts by some of the oldest livers here; divers people being frozen to death in several places, and many sheep and cattle perishing, and much of the winter grain killed with the frost, so that there was some apprehension of a want of bread: all which I took to be warnings of the just and righteous judgments of God for the ingratitude, pride, and other sins and iniquities of the people, the which I was divers times, and at divers places, concerned to put them in mind of. How well would it be if the people would lay the judgments of the Most High to heart; and when his judgments are abroad in the earth, that the inhabitants would learn righteousness!

After this winter, I was at a general-meeting at Germantown, and at meetings at North-Wales, Horsham,

and Bybury, and from thence, with Joseph Gilbert, went to Burlington, and was at a marriage there, and then returned home.

In the second month, I was under an inward and religous engagement in my mind to visit the meetings of friends in Gloucester and Salem counties, in West-Jersey; and the 19th of said month, I went over Delaware river, and was at Haddonfield on a first day, and third day at Chester, fourth day had a meeting at the house of Josiah Foster, and fifth day at Evesham; from which meeting I went to John Estaugh's, Ebenezer Large and Samuel Jordan being with me. In the morning we went to Woodberry-creek meeting, and next day down to Salem, in order for the yearly meeting, which began on the 26th of the second month, and was an extraordinary solid meeting, the divine presence and glory being richly manifested amongst us.

From Salem I went, in company with John Evans and Elizabeth Stevens, to Alloway's-creek and Cohansey, where we had meetings, I believe, to the satisfaction of many. Here I parted with said friends; and, not being well, I stayed at Greenwich, and they went to David Davis's, in order for Pile's-Grove meeting.

The 3d of the third month, being the first of the week, I was at Cohansey meeting, which was solid and weighty; in which the mighty works of God, and his wonderful power was set forth to the people in divers respects.

1st. As to the work of the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of man to govern in the earth, reserving to himself the government of man; to whom he gave a law, for the breach of which, he was turned out of Paradise, and brought death into the world.

2d. Notwithstanding man's fall, God had love, mercy, and compassion towards him, and promised that the seed of the woman should bruise the head of the serpent, who led them astray, which seed was Christ, whom all are commanded to hear, believe, and follow, in the practice of his holy doctrine, which is contained in his words spoken to his immediate disciples and apos

tles, and likewise made known and revealed in our hearts.

3d. That now in our day his righteous judgments are abroad in the earth, as the sword, and a threatening of famine, or want of bread; all which was spoken in the tender love and fear of God, and faith of Christ, and all were entreated to lay these things to heart, and "turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy; and to our God, and he will abundantly pardon." In this meeting God was glorified, and his name magnified, through the assistance of the spirit of his dear Son, our Lord.

From Cohansey I went to Salem, and thence to David Davis's, where we had a meeting, at which were several people of divers professions, who were satisfied and ed. ified therein; and thence we went to Pile's-Grove meeting, afterwards into Penn's-neck, and had a good open mceting at the widow Hugh's, and so to Woodberry. creek meeting, which, I hope, was serviceable; after which I went home with my friend James Lord's widow, who, with her sister Ann Cooper and Joseph Clews, went with me to Gloucester jail, where we visited one under sentence of death for stealing. I asked him if he truly repented of that sin of stealing, of which he had been so often guilty? He told me, he hoped he had, and was willing to die. He was recommended to the grace of God, and to keep in an humble frame of mind, and beg mercy of the Almighty for the sake of Christ, for all his sins. While a friend was praying by him, he

was broken into tenderness.

Here the aforesaid friends parted from me; I crossing the river Delaware to Philadelphia, and so home to Frankfort. I was at ten meetings in this journey, be sides the yearly meeting at Salem, and travelled about one hundred and fifty miles; but travelling was painful to my body: for now I more and more felt the effects of many old falls and bruises, which much disabled and hurt me in riding.

In the fourth month I was at divers meetings about or near home, as at Fair-hill, Germantown, and at a meet ing at Thomas Roberts'; also was at Philadelphia meet.

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