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outside the gates and walls of Cairo, and live on the carcasses of horses, asses, &c., which are thrown there. The Arabs, not having arrived at that pitch of western economy which terminates the utility of a beast of burden at a cheap restaurant, these masterless dogs act as scavengers, in which capacity they are accompanied by the large black and white yellowbilled carrion hawk, kites, and troops of black and grey carrion crows. Among the skeletons and scattered bones, heads, and hoofs, these dogs, about two feet in height, generally of a yellow colour, or black, or a dirty white, smooth-skinned, and mostly with erect pointed ears, may be seen in crowds, their mouths and necks bloody, snarling, snapping, fighting, tearing and gorging to repletion. The bitches scratch holes in the rubbishheaps and there bring forth their young. After the bones of the dead animals are cleared of flesh by the dogs, bundles of them are collected and carried off by women and children.


The dogs of the towns associate in bands, and each band has its district and its chief. No other dog is permitted to enter the territory without being at once assailed. however, a dog wishes to pass from one quarter of the town to another, he is said to creep along with his tail down in a humble manner, and immediately the dogs of that part come upon him, to throw himself on his back, and deprecate their attack. After due examination he is allowed to proceed, but repeats his submissive actions whenever he meets new foes, and so, after enduring repeated challenges, gains his destination. These dogs are still and quiet during the day (unless, indeed, an European comes in sight, when their vociferousness is loud and long), but at night they are very vigilant, and guard the bazaars against the nocturnal thief.

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