CONCERNING · THE TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION; AND REMARKS ON ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. BY THE LATE REVEREND JOHN JORTIN, D. D. ARCHDEACON OF LONDON, RECTOR OF ST. DUNSTAN'S IN THE EAST, VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN WHITE, FLEET-STREET, By RICHARD TAYLOR and Co. Shoe Lane. 1805. MOST REVEREND THOMAS, LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY' MY LORD, IF I accost your Grace, not with modern politeness, but with antient simplicity, the subject in which I am engaged, and the course of my studies, will, I hope, plead my excuse. I am indebted, my Lord, to an illustrious person for unsolicited favours; favours valuable in themselves, but made doubly so by the giver, by the manner, by being conferred upon one who had received few obligations of this kind, and by settling him amongst those whom he hath great reason to love and to esteem; and I appeal, not to your Grace, but to all others, whether I should be excusable, if I neglected or delayed to publish this acknowledgment, which I cannot send forth without a warm though perhaps a vain wish, that it be as lasting as it is sincere. may The discourtesies which we experience, are things too common and too insignificant to deserve a place in our memory or in our writings: it is best to bury them in eternal oblivion, and in their room to substitute the good offices of our friends, which ought to be remembered and recorded with pleaThese testimonies of our gratitude should accompany the offspring of our invention and inVOL. II. sure. a |