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At Hatfield, co. York, aged 75, George Kitson, esq. He served the office of Sheriff of York in 1789.

The lady of Sir Gilbert King, bart of Charlestown, co. Roscommon.

May 11. At Clifton, Rev. William Deane, of Great Torrington, Devon.

Aged 54, Mr. John Brown, parish clerk of Griston, near Watton, Norfolk. He discharged the various duties of his office with great fidelity.

At Edinburgh, the wife of Lieut.-col. David Rattray.

May 12. In Lower Cadogan-place, Mrs. D'Oyley, relict of the late Charles D'Oyley, esq. of Southrop, co. Gloucester.

The wife of Rev. F. A. Cox, of Hackney. At Putney, in his 55th year, John Pooley Kensington, esq. formerly banker in London, and Colonel-commandant of the Third Regiment of Loyal London Volunteers.

May 26. At her house on Heath-green, near Wakefield, Yorkshire, deeply and universally regretted, aged 59, Mary, the eldest and last surviving daughter of the late Peter Ormerod, of Ormerod, Lancashire, esq. She was endowed with every amiable quality, and uniformly displayed the most genuine and unaffected piety, with the mildest benignity of disposition; cheerfully acquiescing in all the dispensations of Providence; soothing and alleviating the sufferings of the afflicted; relieving the wants of the indigent, and zealously inculcating the purest principles of Christianity with every moral virtue in youth, whose innocent amusements she was ever ready to indulge. Her last painful and protracted illness she bore with the most exemplary fortitude and resignation; and for a considerable time before her demise, when the paroxysms of her malady permitted, or when not occupied in those devout exercises preparative to the awful change she was about to undergo, the intervals were employed in forwarding mementos to her numerous and respectable friends. She left every direction relative to her funeral; and, agreeably to her own desire, her remains were deposited in a small vault in the Churchyard of Kirkthorpe, at the spot previously fixed on by herself. The death of her sister Mrs. Monsell is noticed in our vol. LXXXVI. i. p. 72.

June 1. In Queen's-square, Bloomsbury, aged 59, William Watson, esq. F. R. S. one of the magistrates for Middlesex, chairman of the Sessions for that County, and also of the city of Westminster, serjeant-at-arms of the House of Peers, and senior common pleader of the city of London. He was very generally esteemed for his humanity and social qualities.

At Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, after a long and useful life, spent in the perform

ance of every social and religious duty, Mrs. M. Biles, aged 94; and on the 3d, Mrs. Webster, aged 81. There have died lately at the same place, Mrs. Warder, aged 72; George Heath, 76; and John Hawkins, 74.

June 2. At Windsor, in his 64th year, Jas. Cobb, esq. secretary of the East India House. A more amiable and respectable character never existed in society. He possessed every quality that could endear him to the private circle of his numerous friends, and render him a valuable servant to the publick. As a man of business, he was expert, diligent, and correct. In the performance of his public duty, no persons were ever kept in suspense, or waiting beyond the period when a decisive answer could be given to their applications. The East India Company displayed great judgment in the appointment of this gentleman. He possessed literary powers and dramatic talents, which have been displayed in productions that will always retain their rank on the stage. He had considerable knowledge and a cultivated taste in musick, and sung with judgment and effect. A more even, affable, and benevolent temper, no mortal ever possessed. His conversation was lively and intelligent, always marked by good humour, and a most respectful attention to others in company. The courtesy of his manners, the pure effect of a heart truly benevolent, excited an interest in his favour in those who were only casual witnesses of his conduct. Conscious of the high station which he held by his connexion with the greatest commercial body on earth, he lived up to the dignity of that station; and being of a hospitable turn, it is hardly possible that he can have left a suitable provision for an amiable widow; but the East India Company will, doubtless, mark their respect for his memory by some act of liberality on the occasion.

June 3. Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Ridout, of the Crescent, New Bridge-street.

June 5. At Exmouth, in his 76th year, Rt. Hon. John Leslie, Baron Lord Newark, of North Britain, many years Lieut.-colonel of the Old Buffs or 3d foot, and an aide-decamp to the King. He was a friend to the distressed, and the poor always found in him a liberal benefactor. His Lordship was the fourth direct lineal descendant from Lieut.-gen. David Leslie, who commanded the Scotch Parliamentary forces at the battle of Dunbar Sept. 3, 1650, and afterwards successfully opposed Cromwell at Stirling; accompanied his sovereign Charles II. to England, and commanded under him the Scotch forces at the battle of Worcester Sept. 1651; after the Restoration, his Majesty, in reward of his faithful and meritorious services conferred on him the title of Baron Newark, with a pension. June


June 9. At her seat at Stanmore, Mrs. Anne Heming, relict of the late George Heming, esq.

June 10. In Parliament-street, in his 35th year, Charles Bacon, esq. architect, clerk of the works in the department of Whitehall, Houses of Parliament, &c. surveyor to the county of Middlesex, &c.

June 11. In Halkin-street, Rt. Hon. Viscountess Althorp.

At Langford Court, Somerset, of a mortification in his stomach, Rt. Hon. J. Hiley Addington, late M. P. for Harwich. He had been indisposed for some time, but it was not apprehended that his dissolution would be so speedy till the day before his death. An express was then sent off to his brother Lord Sidmouth, who set off immediately, but could not arrive before the fatal event had taken place.

June 12. Of a rapid decline, in his 51st year, Thomas Farrow, esq. of Monks Eleigh, Suffolk.

At Kinsale, in Ireland, on his way from Berbice to London, for the recovery of his health, in his 19th year, James Hart Davies, esq. one of the sons of Thomas Hart Davies, esq. of Madras.

June 13. At Baldock, Herts, in her 20th year, alike respected and lamented by all who knew her real worth, Anne, eldest daughter of the Rev. J. Simpson, rector of Baldock; pious, affectionate, and interesting, she terminated a useful life under a lingering illness, which she bore with the most patient and Christian resignation, leaving her disconsolate parents and family, and many valuable relatives and acquaintance, to deplore her loss.

June 17. In Grove-road, Regent's Park, in his 81st year, James Elliot, esq. The

many virtues which shone so conspicuous in him, during a long life, will cause his memory to be cherished by all who had the happiness to be acquainted with him, and having lived a strictly religious life, and ever prepared to die, his death, though sudden, was deprived of its sting, by the consoling reflection that he is removed to a better world, and we may all truly wish, that "our latter end may be like his."

At Plumstead Common, Kent, in her 72d year, after a lingering and painful illness of eleven months, arising from a paralytic affection, Mrs. Hannah Brayley, relict of Mr. Henry Brayley, and mother to E. W. Brayley, the Historian of Westminster Abbey.

At Rochester, at the prebendal-house of the Hon. and Rev. F. Hotham, Sarah, wife of Robert Clement Sconce, esq. and the only daughter of the Rev. Dr. Vicesimus Knox. On the 12th she had been safely delivered of a son, and no alarm was entertained until the day preceding her death, when she was seized with convulsions, occasioned, it is supposed, by the unusually sultry state of the weather, which defied all human aid, and terminated her existence in the prime of her age. Possessed of sensibility, delicacy, and tenderness, an excellent understand. ing, and most aimable manners, she enjoyed the unbounded love and esteem of all around her, and her premature and melancholy end will be long and deeply deplored. Three children, the eldest not two years and a half, survive her.

June 20. At his house in Hatton-Garden, in his 62d year, Dr. Joseph Adams; of whom a Memoir in our SUPPLEMENT.

METEOROLOGICAL TABLE for June, 1818. By W. CARY, Strand. Height of Fahrenheit's Thermometer..

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Height of Fahrenheit's Thermometer.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

, 10 fair

[blocks in formation]

15 66 76


[blocks in formation]

16 67 74 63

[blocks in formation]

17 66 76 64

,74 showery

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

,69 cloudy

[blocks in formation]

,67 showery

61 09 fair

[blocks in formation]

,66 showery

5 60 75 61

, 25 fair

215668 60

, 82 cloudy

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

,70 showery

759 75 62

, 15 fair

[blocks in formation]

$80 fair

866 72 60

, 22 fair

[blocks in formation]

9 66 7461

,19 fair

[blocks in formation]

10 65 76 65

[blocks in formation]

26 66 76 67 30,02 cloudy

11 68 78 63

[blocks in formation]

BILL OF MORTALITY, from May 26, to June 23, 1818.

[blocks in formation]

AVERAGE PRICES of CORN, from the Returns ending June 20.

[blocks in formation]


98 362 257

936 1000

0 Westmor. 97

864 060 939 500 0


94 1157 6 55

536 365

7 Lancaster 86 000 000 034 155 0 Worcester 88 400 053 735 453 9 Chester 89 200 000 000 000 0 Warwick 81 400 052 934 072 8 Flint 81.000 051 231 200 0 Wilts 75 1000 040 634 867 6 Denbigh 83 400 059 032 200 0 80 400 044 235 1158 5 Anglesea 77 000 046 027 000 0


051 436 000 0 054 432 800 0 052 022 000 0

Oxford 79 300 044 035 655 0 Carnarvon 90 800 Bucks 78 600 039 032 055 11 Merioneth 94 100 Brecon 102 478 470 400 000 0 Cardigan 96 000 Montgom. 92 000 000 044 300 0 Pembroke 86 1000 055 400 000 0 Radnor 102 500 058 137 700 (0) Carmarth. 94 500 064 623 1100 0

Glamorgan 87 700 Average of England and Wales, per quarter. Gloucester 84 10 00 84 3154 3149 932 555 6 Somerset 92 000

Monm. 96 000

054 032 800 0 049 938 663 2 046 430 650 0 064 038 400 0 800 0 600 0 82 600 042 332 500 0 755 0

Average of Scotland, per quarter.
92 700 047 10 35
67 1162 3144 4130 9151 1 Cornwall 85 500 049 1027


Hants 79 300 0 43 430

PRICE OF FLOUR, per Sack, June 22, 65s. to 70s.
OATMEAL, per Boll of 140lbs. Avoirdupois, June 20, 36s. 2d.
AVERAGE PRICE of SUGAR, June 24, 49s. 84d. per cwt.

Kent Bags.......181. Os. to 20l. Os.
Sussex Ditto ..17%. Os. to 191. Os.
Kent Pockets 217. Os. to 241. 10s.

Sussex Pockets.......201.
Essex Ditto.20%.
Farnham Ditto........ 231.

Os. to 231. Os.
Os. to 231. 10s.
Os. to 281. Os.

AVERAGE PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW, June 22: St. James's, Hay 51. 12s. Od. Straw 21. 17s. 9d. Clover Ol. Os. Od.- Whitechapel, Hay 61. Os. Straw 31. Os. 6d. Clover 61. 168.--Smithfield, Hay 61. 2s. 6d. Straw 21. 19s. Clover 71. 13s. 6d.

SMITHFIELD, June 22. To sink the Offal-per stone of 8lbs. Beef................4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb.. ......6s. Od. to 7s. 4d. ...5s. Od. to 5s. 6d. ...5s. Od. to 6s. Od. .5s. Od. to 6s. Od.




Head of Cattle at Market Juve 22:
Beasts ........1,877. Calves 300.
Sheep and Lambs 14,030 Pigs 300

COALS, June 26: Newcastle 31s. to 41s. 9d. Sunderland 36s. TALLOW, per Stone, 8lb. St. James's 4s. 5d. Clare Market Os. Od. Whitechapel 4s. 44d. SOAP, Yellow 98s. Mottled 108s. Curd 1125.-CANDLES, 12s. 6d. per Doz. Moulds 14s.

- Gloucester and Berkley, 70l.THE AVERAGE PRICES of NAVIGABLE CANAL SHARES and other PROPERTY, in June 1818 (to the 25th), at the Office of Mr. Scorr, 28, New Bridge-street, London.Coventry Canal, 9601. ex half Yearly Div. 221.-Stafford and Worcestershire, 6201. ex Half Year Div. 181. - Monmouthshire, 130l. ex Div. 41. Half-Year. Grand JuncEllesmere, 65l. - Kennet and Avon, 23l. - Thames and Medway, 311.-Croydon Railway, 18l. - Surrey Iron ditto, 10l. - West India Dock, 2021. Div. 10l. per annum.London Dock, 811. Div. 31. - East Country, 201. - Globe Assurance, 130l.-Imperial - East London Water Works, 90l. Div. 3l. per annum. - West Middlesex, 521. Ditto, 81. 960/.-London ditto Ship Shares, 221. 15s. - Hope, 31. 17s. - Rock, 41. 12s. Grand Junction Ditto, 52/. - Original Gas Light, 701. - Russel Institution, 157. 15s. tion, 2311. ex Div. 4l. ditto. - Old Union, 90/.



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RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. Bank-Buildings, London.

Printed by Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red LionPassage, Fleet Street, London.

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