CONTAINING IN PARTICULAR, A REPLY TO THE OBJECTIONS AND ARGUINGS OF DR. JOHN By the late Reverend and Learned Matth. ix. 12. They that be whole, need not a Physician; but they that are sick, R. SAL. JARCHI. ..Ad Mores Natura recurrit Damnatos, fixa et mutari nescia..... ....Dociles, imitandis Turpibus et pravis omnes sumus.... ABEN EZRA. Juv, thing material throughout the Doctor's whole Book, and many things in that other Book of Dr. Taylor's, containing his Key and exposition on Romans; as also many things written in opposition to this Doctrine by some other modern Authors. And moreover, my discourse being not only intended for an Answer to Dr. TAYLOR, and other opposers of the Doctrine of Original Sin, but (as was observed above) for a general defence of that Doctrine; producing the evidence of the truth of the Doctrine, as well as answering objections made against it....considering these things, I say, I hope this attempt of mine will not be thought needless, nor be altogether useless, notwithstanding other publications on this subject. I would also hope, that the extensiveness of the plan of the following treatise will excuse the length of it. And that when it is considered, how much was absolutely requisite to the full executing of a design formed on such a plan; how much has been written against the Doctrine of Original Sin, and with what plausibility; and how strong the prejudices of many are in favor of what is said in opposition to this Doctrine; and that it cannot be expected, any thing short of a full consideration of almost every argument advanced by the main opposers, especially by this late and specious Writer, Dr. TAYLOR, will satisfy many readers; and also, how much must unavoidably be said in order to a full handling of the arguments in defence of the Doctrine; and how important the Doctrine must be, if true; I say, when such circumstances as these are considered, I trust, the length of the following discourse will not be thought to exceed what the case really required. However, this must be left to the Judgment of the intelligent and candid Reader. STOCKBRIDGE, MAY 26, 1757. CONTENTS. Universal Mortality proves Original Sin; particularly the Death of Infants, CHAPTER IV. Observing the Evidence given us, relative to the Doctrine of Concerning that Objection, That to suppose Men to be born in Sin, without their Choice, or any previous act of their own, is to suppose what is in- consistent with the Nature of Sin. And reflections, shewing the inconsist- tion subjoined, on what some have supposed, of God's imputing the CHAPTER IV. Wherein several other Objections are considered. CONCLUSION. Containing some brief Observations on certain artful Methods, used by Writ ers who are Adversaries to this Doctrine, in order to prejudice their Readers |