DOUGLAS, Dr. on the hydrocele GUICCIARDINI'S Hift. of Italy. DOVE on Inspiration new Method of placing the Golden Numbers 466 153 Cardale's at Leicester-assizes ib. TERGIVERSATION displayed Bishop of Chester's, at St. Mary- Tom Brown's complete Jester T Just Published, (Dedicated to His MAJESTY) Price Five Shillings bound in Calf and Letter'd HE ANALYSIS of INOCULATION. Comprizing the Hiftory, Theory, and Practice of it: besides an occafional Confideration of the most remarkable Symptoms in the Small-pox; with a Preface, containing some Remarks on a Dissuafive from Inoculation, printed in 1751; and on a Sermon preached againft it at Canterbury, 1753, and since printed. -Quibus hunc lenire dolorem • Possis, et magnam morbi deponere partem." By J. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. : |