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THE Truth is; I make free with Your Name on this Occafion, not so much to protect my Book, as to complete my Argument.

I HAVE ventured to criticize the Works of a very celebrated Writer, who took it into his Head to oppose the folid Wif dom of the Gospel, by the Vifions of falfe Philofophy. As His, at beft, is but the Cause of Wit and Eloquence, all the Support he could give it was only to tell us how PLATO wrote: Mine being that of Truth, and Christianity, I have the Advantage of realizing all I fay, in bidding the World take Notice how You live,

In a word; I was willing to bring the Question to a short Iffue; and fhew, by a known EXAMPLE, to what an Elevation true Christianity can exalt human Nature. Till therefore philofophic Tafte can produce a parallel Effect, Religion must bear the Palm; and CHRISTIANITY, like her Parent WISDOM, will be justified of her Children.

I am, SIR,

Your most obliged,

bumble Servant,


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