A TABLE OF THE EPISTLES AND GOSPELS FOR ALL SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. ADVENT, 1 Sund. Epist. Rom. xiii. 11, 14. Gosp. Luke xxi. 25, 34. 2 Sund. Ep. Rom. xv. 4, 13. Gosp. Matt. xi. 2, 10. Gosp. John i. 19, 28. Gosp. Luke iii. 1, 6. 3 Sund. Ep. Philip. iv. 4, 7. 4 Sund. Ep. 1 Cor. iv. 1,5. Christmas. 1 Mass. Ep. Tit. ii. 11, 15. Gosp. Luke ii. 1, 15. 2 Mass, Ep. Tit. iii. 4, 8. Gos. Luke ii. 15, 21. 3 Mass, Ep. Heb. i. 1, 12. Gosp. John i. 1, 14. St. Steph. Ep. Acts vi. and vii. 54, 59. Gosp. Matt. xxiii. 34, 39. St. John, Ep. Eccl. xv. 1, 7. Gosp. John xxi. 20, 24. II. Innocents, Ep. Apoc. xiv. 1, 6. Gosp. Matt. ii. 13, 18. Gosp. Luke ii. 21, 22, 8, 12. Gosp. Luke ii. 21. New year, Ep. Tit. ii. 11, 15. Gosp. Matt. xx. 1, 17. 2 Lent, Ep. 1 Thess. iv. 1, 8. Gosp. Matt. xvii. 1, 10. 3 Lent, Ep. Ephes. v. 1, 9. Gosp. Luke xi. 14, 29. 4 Lent, Ep. Gal. iv. 22, 31. Gosp. John vi. 1, 15. Pass. Sunday, Ep. Heb. ix. 11, 15. Gosp. John viii. 46, 59. Palm-Sunday, Ep. Phil. ii. 5, 11. Gosp. Matt. xxi. 1, 10. and chap. XXVI.-xxvii. Maundy-Thursday, Ep. 1 Cor. xi. 20, 33. Gosp. John xiii. 1, 15. Good-Friday, Ep. Exod. xii. 1, 12. Gosp. John xviii, xix. H. Saturday, Ep. Colos. iii. 1, 4. 3 Sund. Ep. 1 Pet. ii. 11, 18. A Sund. Ep. James i. 17, 21. 5 Sund. Ep. James i. 22, 27. Ascension, Ep. Acts i. 1, 11. $ Sund. Ep. 1 Pet. iv. 7, 12. vi Gosp. John xx. 19, 31. Gosp. John xvi. 16, 22. Gosp. John xiv. 23, 31. Gosp. John iii. 16, 21. 17. Gosp. John x. 1, 10. Gosp. Luke xiv. 16, 24. Gosp. Luke v. 1, 11. Whit-Sunday, Ep. Acts ii. 1, 11. Whit-Mond. Ep. Acts x. 42, 48. Whit-Tuesday, Ep. Acts viii. 14, Trinity-Sund. Ep. Rom. xi. 33, 36. Corp. Christi, Ep. 1 Cor. xi. 23, 29. 2 Sunday, Ep. 1 John iii. 13, 18. 3 Sunday, Ep. 1 Pet. v. 6, 11. 4 Sunday, Ep. Rom. viii. 18, 23. 5 Sunday, Ep. 1 Pet. iii. 8, 15. 6 Sunday, Ep. Rom. vi. 3, 11. 7 Sunday, Ep. Rom. vi. 13, 23. 8 Sunday, Ep. Rom. viii. 12, 17. → Sunday, Ep. 1 Cor. x. 6, 14. 10 Sunday, Ep. 1 Cor. xii. 2, 11. 11 Sunday, Ep. 1 Cor. xv. 1, 10. 12 Sunday, Ep. 2 Cor. iii. 4, 9. 13 Sunday, Ep. Gal. iii. 16, 22. 14 Sunday, Ep. Gal. v. 16, 24. 15 Sunday, Ep. Gal. v. 25. vi. 16 Sunday, Ep. Eph. iii. 13, 21. 17 Sunday, Ep. Eph. iv. 1, 6. 18 Sunday, Ep. 1 Cor. i. 4, 9. 19 Sunday, Ep. Eph. iv. 23, 28. 20 Sunday, Ep. Eph. v. 15, 21. 21 Sunday, Ep. Eph. vi. 10, 17. 22 Sunday, Ep. Philip. i. 6, 11. 23 Sunday, Ep. Phil. iii. 17, 21. 24 Sunday, Ep. Col. i. 9, 14. vii Gosp. Luke xvi. 1, 9. 11. Gosp. Luke vii. 11, 16. Gosp. Matt. xxii. 1, 14. TABLE OF EPISTLES AND GOSPELS. ON THE FEASTS OF THE SAINTS. ST. Andrew, Ep. Rom. x. 10, 18. Gosp. Matt. iv. 18, 22. 22. 5. viii. 22, 36. Gosp. Matt. i. 1, 16. Gosp. John xx. 24, 29. Gosp. Matt. xix. 27, 29. v. 1, 6. Gosp. John xiv. 1, 13. Conception of B. V. M. Ep. Prov. SS. Simon and Jude, Ep. Eph. iv. Gosp. Matt. xvi. 13, 19. 7, 13. Gosp. John xv. 17, 22. xxiv. 14, 16. Gosp. Luke xi. 27, 28. viii A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. : CHRIST is born at Bethlehem, Dec. 25, Luke ii. He is circumcised, Jan. 1, Luke ii. The wise men come, and adore him, Matt. ii. He is presented in the temple, Feb. 2, Luke ii. St. Joseph and the B. Virgin fly with the child Jesus into Egypt, Matt. ii. The massacre of the infants by Herod, Matt. ii. St. Joseph, with the B. Virgin and her Son, returneth from Egypt, but for fear of Archelaus, goeth and liveth at Nazareth in Galilee, Matt. ii. Jesus is found in the temple disputing with the doctors, when he was 12 years of age, Luke ii. St. John Baptist beginneth to preach and baptize, John i. Jesus himself is baptized by John. A voice from heaven declareth him the beloved son of God, the Holy Ghost cometh down like a dove, Matt. iii. Mark i. Luke iii. Christ's first miracle at Cana in Galilee, by turning water into wine, John ii. St. John Baptist is cast into prison, and after some time beheaded by Herod, Matt. iv. and xiv. Mark vi. Luke ix. Christ maketh choice of twelve of his disciples, whom he calls apostles; Peter is the first of them, Matt. x. Mark iii. Luke vii. Christ's sermon on the mountain, Matt. vi. and vii. He preacheth in Judea and Galilee, casteth out devils, and cureth all manner of diseases, Matt. xii. Luke xiv. &c. He raiseth to life the daughter of Jairus, Matt. ix. Mark v. . Luke viii. The Son of the widow of Naim, Luke vii. He calmeth the sea with his word, Matt. viii. Mark iv. Luke viii. cles, Matt. x. Mark vi. Luke ix. He maketh choice of-72 disciples, Luke x. He feedeth at one time, five thousand men with five loaves, Matt. xiv. At another time 4000 with seven loaves, Matt. xv. He restoreth sight to the man born blind: and raiseth Lazarus to life, John ix. and xi. He cometh into Jerusalem riding upon an ass, Matt. xxi. He instituteth the B. Sacrament and Sacrifice of his body and blood, Matt. xxviii. The year of the world. 4000 Year of the 8 30 31 32 33 34 |