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Hodical publication has been in existence many years, and rough several changes in its form or price during that period, pedient and proper to refer to these, in order to the infors present subscribers; and we feel ourselves called upon to time, as this publication has recently been reduced in its s price.

ve may be permitted to remind our readers, that periodical which have now obtained such a wide circulation in our are exerting such a powerful influence for evil or for good, tively of recent date. At the beginning of the last century, ent literary men commenced the publication of periodical the "Spectator;" but these were not perpetuated. Then solitary monthly magazines, like the "Gentleman's;" but circulated, almost exclusively, among the higher classes of here were no periodicals for the poor or middle classes. e there any religious periodicals, until, if we recollect esley issued his monthly magazine. Then came the "Evanch embraced all the various denominations, both churchmen rs, who held evangelical principles. With regard to the y, too, were included with the "Evangelical," until Dan shed his "General Baptist Magazine.' Then came the gazine," as the organ of the "Particular" section of the bapThese magazines the organs of the two sections—were in en the Reporter was commenced by its present Editor in 1826. n of the Editor of the Reporter was, and yet is, to furnish us class of readers in baptist churches and congregations, not afford to purchase a larger publication, with a cheap ntaining brief yet comprehensive intelligence of what was the baptists, not only in this country, but throughout the as conceived that such a publication would be acceptable in of the body, provided discussion upon subjects on which t entirely agreed were avoided, and all their proceedings fully and impartially. Another advantage of no small would, it was hoped, accrue. Such a publication, circulated ons, might serve to draw those of them nearer together who stood wide apart, and convince them that the great things hich they both agreed, were of far more importance than the especting which they differed.

d to the leading design, success crowned the attempt. The ecame extensive, and so far attracted the attention of the lic, that Dr. Campbell was led thereby, as he himself stated o propose a similar cheap publication for the Independents.


This was in 1843, and in 1844 the Witness appeared. Wi the baptists what the energetic Editor of the Witness prop the Independents, the Editor of the Reporter enlarged hi same size and price. But we could not keep p fast-going competitor. For several years we struggled ha his track and reach him, but we could not; for althoug slackened considerably in its speed, yet the Reporter was 1

Why this was we are not careful to know, but so it was; after much consideration, and to the mortification of our ve if we had any, we left off the pursuit of our young and e petitor, and returned to our former course as regarded the retained the enlarged size, and now give as many pages in the price as the better-supported Witness does.

This, then, is our present position-we are as cheap as and cheaper, for we give more pages in proportion to the ever did.

With regard to the other good result which we hoped we have reasons to believe that it has to a considerable realized. Evangelical baptists, of every shade, seem now and respect each other better than they did thirty years ourselves, we have so far succeeded in our impartiality, tha have not been careful to conceal the views we hold, w had the question put by our correspondents are you Arminian?- -an open or a free communionist?

We might have mentioned other advantages which a monthly like this offers. But we may just observe tha medium of information and correspondence to persons in whose habits and modes of thought might not qualify th contributors to our larger publications, which are usua for, and circulated among, persons of more refined manners a taste. Whilst, therefore, the Reporter interferes not with th other periodicals, it desires to cultivate its own; furnishing ren in the more humble ranks of life, not only a medium dence, but an instrument adapted to their use when they wi their views to their neighbours around them. Let none, t us or our labour. Let the rich and the learned talk and wri and read and diffuse their sentiments in their own waythat we, and our humbler contributors and readers, may be do the same.

We have deemed it needful to make these statements at

the present year. The reduction was made in April, 188 consequence was, as we expected, an enlargement of our sale now tried the experiment another year, and finding that the has been again further extended, we have to inform our sub next year we shall go on with our present price and pag adapted to the circumstances and desires of our readers; an apprehend that circumstances can again arise to induce u from this arrangement.

Having taken this brief review of our past history, permitted to say a few words to our friends on our future pr

wonderful age; and in nothing more wonderful than in the of the press, which have multiplied, and are multiplying, to definite extent. The saying of Solomon is now verified, many books there is no end." And this fact furnishes the that can be given to the question,-" Is education spreading "It is: for the existence of a more widely-extended course amongst the people, has created an insatiable demand for e faculty of reading has been created; its appetite has been its hunger for knowledge must be satisfied. Hence the of books and periodical publications of all kinds, for all ne cheapest form.

tened philanthrophist would rejoice in these facts, providing of books, and their readers, were alike influenced by the _ves. But unhappily this is not the fact. The vast power of not alone in the hands of such. There are who pervert it oses. The enemy has sowed tares among the wheat. We = vast efforts which libertines and infidels, papists and re making by means of the press, to spread their pernicious every hand.

o be done? Are we to desire the return of those days when scarce and only a select few could read them? Are we to inting had never been invented? Shall we break up our melt down our types? Because this power is abused by we refuse to use it? Nay, verily : let us rather ply it more powerfight the great battle with the enemies of truth and righteousal ground, inspired by the glorious conviction that TRUTH IS UST PREVAIL. If they write, we will write; if they print, we f they circulate, we will circulate; if they are indefatigable, r be weary in well-doing.

ur brethren who now read this remember that, as a denomiangelical christians, we are not only called upon to stand our g with others, against the common enemies of our God, our ur faith, but we have to maintain our own peculiar position ors of the institutions of the gospel. In saying this, we neither do we boast. We cheerfully allow that many of our _intain one of these institutions in its integrity and purity; stinctly affirm that the other has been perverted and superdo not affirm this from any other motive than faithful our Lord and Master, and a desire to sustain the spirituality Hom amongst men.

y long, for many ages now, have the Baptists been misrepreabused for their firm adherence to this principle-that the rofession of faith in Christ by baptism is required of all Him, in order to their admission to the privileges of His d what could possibly be more expressive of the faith of a the death and resurrection of our Lord, than his burial ? The whole service is natural, striking, and approt so the custom which is made to supersede this solemn act - worship and obedience. Originating in priestly presumpstained, not by scriptural authority, but by human power or

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In vindication of these remarks, we might refer to the observations made by various speakers at the late "German Kirchentag." With what proud scorn did some of these state-paid Lutherans refer to the Baptists, as scarcely worthy to be tolerated.

And yet, notwithstanding all that has been said and done to put us down, we yet live, and are growing in numbers and strength in all parts of the world where our doctrines have free course, and men are left free to prove them by the Divine Word.

Let us thank God and take courage. A glorious future is before us if we remain faithful to our principles, and diligently make use of all scriptural means for their propagation. We have no more doubt of this than that the sun will rise to-morrow morning. The degree of our progress will doubtless depend upon our own diligence. Of the blessing of God on our efforts we can have no doubt at all.

May we, then, exhort our friends to stand fast, and aid our humble labours in this good cause. Two things, and two only, we ask them to do. The first is, to introduce this Magazine to the notice of their neighbours as the best means of making it known, and so of extending its circulation yet wider-and the second, to us far more important, is, that they will not fail to "pray for us," that we may have wisdom from above to discharge our responsible duty with discretion.

Leicester, Dec. 1, 1853.


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