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TT is the Author's defire, that the following pages

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they exactly fait. And in order to this he informs the reader, that in general,

ZELOTES represents any zealous folifidian, who, thro' prejudice, looks upon the doctrine of Free-will as beretical

HONESTUS any zealous moralift, who thro' prejudice alfo, looks upon the doctrine of Free-grace as cnthufiaftical.

LORENZO any man of fenfe, yet unfettled in his religious principles.

CANDIDUS any unprejudiced enquirer after truth, who hates bigotry, and should be glad to fee the differences among Proteftants fettled upon rational and scriptural


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A SOLIFIDIAN is one who maintains that we are completely and eternally faved [folâ fide] by fole faith by faith alone; and who does it in fo unscrip tural a manner as to make good works unnecessary to eternal salvation; representing the law of Christ as a mere rule of life; and calling legalists, pharifees, or heretics, all those who confider that law as a rule of Judgment.

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HE Author of the Checks has promised to his readers an answer to the Rev. Mr. Top lady's piece, entitled, More Work for Mr. Wesley. His reafon for poftponing the finishing of that part of his Logica Genevenfis, was the importance of the Equat Check, which clofes the controverfy with Mr. Hill. He faw life fo uncertain, that, of two things which he was obliged to do, he thought it his duty to fet about that which appeared to him the more useful. He confidered alfo, that it was proper to have quite done with Mr. Hill, before he faced so able a writer a's Mr. Toplady. And he hoped, that to lay before the judicious a complete fyftem of truth, which, like the fun, recommends itself by its own luftre, was perhaps the best method to prove that error, which fhines only as a meteor, is nothing but a mock-fun: However he fully defigns to perform his engagement in a fhort time, if his life is fpared.

Madeley, Nov. 12,



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