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ism. Many Hindus publicly confess, while listening to the preachers of the gospel, and their arguments in favour of its being calculated to secure the salvation of sinners by believing in it, that the Hindu shastras are unworthy of credit, and that idolatry and caste are founded on human invention. The Muhammadans seem to be, equally with the Hindus, favourably disposed towards the gospel. Many of the former class admit that the Koran does not reveal any satisfactory plan of salvation, and that Mubammed was a sinful being like themselves, and seem to be glad when we expose his wickedness. At one of the villages the people have themselves built a small chapel for the use of the Mission.


Commenced in 1828.

Barisal is the principal town in the district of Bakarganj, about 185 miles east from Calcutta.

Missionary......Rev. S. Bareiro.

Three Native Preachers.

Schools. Two day-schools, one of them at Barisal, both English and Bengali, in which a small class of youths are receiving religious instruction, intended to prepare them for usefulness in connexion with the church. The other is a Bengali school at Dhandoba, attended by ten girls and twenty boys, but likely to be greatly enlarged.

Most of the members of the church live in villages at a great distance from the station.

One hundred and seventy-three persons were baptized last year, and recent accounts speak of 110 more baptized, and of much excitement and persecution.

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Commenced in 1812.

This district, 120 miles long, by an average of twenty-five in width, and including above a million of inhabitants, forms the south-east extremity of Bengal. Here the two idolatrous systems of Brahma and Budh come into contact, and the chain of caste is therefore feeble. The capital, Islamabad, is frequently called Chittagong, and there the missionaries reside. It is about 340 miles east from Calcutta. The inhabitants are a mixed race-Hindus, Muhammadans, and Arakanese or Mughs. Missionaries ...Rev. J. Johannes, Rev. J. C. Fink.

Five Native Preachers.


Present number of members, 41. bution, of scriptures, 12,000; of tracts, 15,000. Schools.-Two.

Mr. Johannes gives an encouraging account of his labours at this station. Many of the inhabitants of distant villages, never visited by our missionaries, seem to have received the gospel through the instrumentality of their heathen countrymen, who have carried them scriptures. Seven persons have been baptized this year. We have also to record the death of two, both of whom died triumphant in the faith of the gospel.


Commenced about the year 1817.

A celebrated town and fortress in the province of Behar, district of Bhaugulpur, situated on the south side of the river Ganges, and distant from Calcutta about 300 miles. The number of inhabitants has been estimated at 30,000.

Missionaries............ Rev. J. Lawrence,
Rev. J. Parsons.

Three Native Preachers.

Present number of members, 49. There are three bible classes, attended by twentytwo girls; a sabbath school, attended by ten boys; and three vernacular day-schools, attended by ninety five boys, and supported by local contributions. The gospel is preached to the heathen twice a week in the chapel, when about ninety attend, and three or four times a week in the bazar, when the attendance is somewhat less. sides which, frequent itinerating tours have been made, not only to the towns and villages within a circle of forty miles, but often to a much greater distance. In these labours our brethren are assisted by Mr. Hurter, who also bestows special attention on the Hill tribes in the vicinity.


Commenced in 1811.


Patna is situated on the northern bank of the Ganges, opposite the influx of the Gun

duck river, about 320 miles N.W. of Cal-, cutta. Its population is variously stated at from 300,000 to 400,000 souls; two-thirds being Hindus. The Muhammadan name of this city is Azimabad.

Missionary.........Rev. H. Beddy.

One Native Preacher.

Present number of members, 26. Distribution, of scriptures, 241; of tracts, 2246.

The Patna Native Female Orphan Refuge now contains forty girls. It is supported by contributions from England and by donations and subscriptions from friends in India; but the funds are very low, and the premises having recently been entered by robbers, the loss of various articles is severely felt. The gospel is preached daily either in the chapel or the bazar, or in both."


Commenced in 1817.

In compliance with the desire of the people at Chunar, both Europeans and natives, and the invitation of the baptist church, it was determined, in the course of the year, that Mr. Heinig should occupy Chunar as his sphere of labour.

The Hindustani services, which are on Sunday morning and Monday evening, and the English services, on Sunday morning and evening, and also on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, are well attended.

The natives in the city and the surrounding villages are not only very favourably disposed to hear the blessed gospel, but even delighted at having again a missionary coming amongst them. They have all, parents as well as children, often entreated Mr. Heinig to open schools, where they might be taught, and promised that they would diligently attend. He has commenced or taken up five schools, and has received for them considerable local support.


This ancient seat of Brahmanical learning or Hindu superstition, is situated on the north Commenced in 1811—recommenced in 1834. bank of the Ganges, about 430 miles N.W. from Calcutta. It includes a population of The capital of the district and province of upwards of 200,000: but during the idolatrous the same name, commodiously situated on the festivals the concourse is almost beyond cal-south-west side of the Jumna, about 800 culation: 8000 houses are said to be occupied miles north-west from Calcutta. It does not by brahmans who receive contributions, appear that any enumeration of the population though each has property of his own. The has ever been made; but the number of inMuhammadans form about a tenth of the habitants is probably about 60,000, and this population. number may be expected greatly to increase. Rev. R. Williams,

Missionaries........ Rev. G. Small, Rev. W. Smith.

One Native Preacher.


Present number of members, 20. bution, of scriptures, 1600; of tracts, 2000.

Three day-schools are attended by 250 boys. Mrs. Small also had a school, which was attended by twelve children, of whom eight were girls. Very gratifying reports have been received from our brethren, both of their schools and their ordinary mission labours.

The church at Benares now numbers twenty members, four having been baptized during the year. An efficient auxiliary at work, and our brethren are about to commence the erection of a new chapel, better adapted to the wants of this large and important city. Two additional schools are also about to be opened, and additional funds will be most welcome.

13. CHUNAR. Missionary............... Rev. H. Heinig. Present number of members, 21. Distribution, of scriptures, 4000; of tracts, 3000.

Five day-schools, attended by 230 boys, have been opened, and will, it is hoped, be supported by local contributions. There is, also, a sabbath-school, attended by upwards of thirty girls.


{Rev. J. Makepeace,nberg

Six Native Preachers.

These, and Mr. Smith, a European, are supported by the Agra Auxiliary Society.

There are two day-schools, one for girls and one for boys, which continue to prosper under the fostering care of our brother, Mr. Makepeace.

The labours of our brethren at this station are continued with much assiduity and encouragement. Forty converts have been added to the church during the year. The various operations of the Auxiliary are sustained by contributions amounting to nearly £200 a year; a sum in addition to the efforts of the church for the support of its pastor.

The church endure severe persecution from their heathen neighbours. They preserve, however, a Christian spirit in the midst of it all. The Gosain, a head-man of one of the villages, observed to Ganpat, the native pastor, that he was at liberty to make as many of the people Christians as he could; because those who had become such do not annoy him and others for money as formerly, that they are not accustomed to wrangle and quarrel among themselves as before, that they are now properly clad, as also their families, and that, whenever they have a feast or party,

they do not drink to excess, or use abusive language towards one another, as they previously did.


A celebrated city, of great antiquity, situated on the western bank of the Jumna, about thirty miles N.E. by N. from Agra, and containing a population of 50,000 inhabitants, of whom about one-eighth are Muhammadans.

Missionary.......Rev. T. Phillips.

Two Assistant Preachers.

Present number of members eight, of whom three are natives.

Distribution, of scriptures, 2270; of tracts,


The gospel is preached every morning in the city and one of the surrounding villages alternately; and six villages are visited on the six week day evenings. The melas about Muttra, and those at Maholi and Garhmukteshwar, have also been attended by Mr. Phillips. He likewise preaches in English twice a month, in places at some distance.

The Maze Pond School, so called from the church in London which has promised to support it, numbers thirty boys in attendance.


Commenced in 1818.

The ancient capital of the Great Mogul, and still nominally an imperial city under its own emperor, lies about 900 miles distant from Calcutta, to the north-west. In the reign of Auranzebe, the population was loosely estimated at two millions, and the ruins of old Dilhi even now cover the plain for nearly eight miles to the south, whilst some of the gates and mosques are tolerably entire. The present city is built on two rocky eminences, surrounded on three sides, by a stone wall of thirty feet in height, with the stream of the river Jumna on the east. The number of

inhabitants is estimated at about 150,000.

Missionary.........Rev. J. T. Thompson.
Two Native Preachers.


Present number of members, 21. bution, of scriptures, 5000; of tracts, 9000. The number of members is now twenty-one. Of the nineteen reported last year, one has departed in the faith, one the brethren have had the pain to exclude, and three have left the station with their regiment, leaving fourteen, to which six added by baptism, and one restored, make their number twenty-one; and may the Lord graciously add to them such as shall be everlastingly saved.

The distribution during the year, both in the city and at the fairs abroad, has been about 9000 tracts, and 5000 scriptures; including supplies sent to a pious officer at Lahore, at his request, and to another in one

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Though Madras has not yet had any place in our annals, we trust that the time is not far distant when we may expect to receive from it regular communications. In a very remarkable manner, the way has been providentially opened, and a loud call made to send thither a missionary. A regiment in her majesty's service, which left England in 1842, was stationed at Maulmein. One of its officers had been baptized in Jamaica, and there was in it one private soldier who was known to be a pious man. The preaching of the American baptist missionaries in Maulmein was, however, greatly blessed by the divine Spirit, and when the regiment was removed in 1845, there was in it a baptist church comprising between thirty and forty members, several of whom were officers. Being stationed at Madras, and finding no minister of their own denomination, they became desirous, both for their own sake and for the sake of others, that a missionary should be sent. Having opened a communication with the Committee, they spontaneously placed in their hands a sum of money suf ficient to maintain a missionary there for several years; and the Committee, after long continued and anxious inquiries, have accepted the services of Mr. J. C. Page, who is on the point of completing his studies at Stepney, and who, they trust, will be found well adapted for this interesting station. In the presidency there are many pious persons, chiefly connected with the army, who adhere to our views, and there are also many important and destitute districts which a missionary residing in that city might visit.

regiment have recently collected and trans-
Some private soldiers connected with the

mitted £2 4s. towards the shilling contribu



Four Stations-about twenty Sub-stations-four European Missionaries-Three Female Missionaries-Twenty-one Native Preachers, and fortythree Schoolmasters-and Forty-four Schools. The gospel is also preached in about 150 villages.

COLOMBO. The labours of Mr. Davies at Colombo have been continued throughout the year, though interrupted by occasional illness.

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In compliance with the desire of the people at Chunar, both Europeans and natives, and the invitation of the baptist church, it was determined, in the course of the year, that Mr. Heinig should occupy Chunar as his sphere of labour.

The Hindustani services, which are on Sunday morning and Monday evening, and the English services, on Sunday morning and evening, and also on Wednesday and Thurs day evenings, are well attended.

The natives in the city and the surrounding villages are not only very favourably disposed to hear the blessed gospel, but even delighted at having again a missionary coming amongst them. They have all, parents as well as children, often entreated Mr. Heinig to open schools, where they might be taught, and promised that they would diligently attend. He has commenced or taken up five schools, and has received for them considerable local support.


This ancient seat of Brahmanical learning or Hindu superstition, is situated on the north Commenced in 1811-recommenced in 1834. bank of the Ganges, about 430 miles N.W. from Calcutta. It includes a population of The capital of the district and province of upwards of 200,000: but during the idolatrous the same name, commodiously situated on the festivals the concourse is almost beyond cal-south-west side of the Jumpa, about 800 culation: 8000 houses are said to be occupied miles north-west from Calcutta. It does not by brahmans who receive contributions, appear that any enumeration of the population though each has property of his own. The has ever been made; but the number of inMuhammadans form about a tenth of the habitants is probably about 60,000, and this population. number may be expected greatly to increase. Rev. R. Williams,

Missionaries........ Rev. G. Small, Rev. W. Smith.

One Native Preacher.


Present number of members, 20. bution, of scriptures, 1600; of tracts, 2000.

Three day-schools are attended by 250 boys. Mrs. Small also had a school, which was attended by twelve children, of whom eight were girls. Very gratifying reports have been received from our brethren, both of their schools and their ordinary mission labours.

The church at Benares now numbers twenty members, four having been baptized during the year. An efficient auxiliary is at work, and our brethren are about to commence the erection of a new chapel, better adapted to the wants of this large and important city. Two additional schools are also about to be opened, and additional funds will be most welcome.


Missionary............... Rev. H. Heinig. Present number of members, 21. Distribution, of scriptures, 4000; of tracts, 3000.

Five day-schools, attended by 230 boys, have been opened, and will, it is hoped, be supported by local contributions. There is, also, a sabbath-school, attended by upwards of thirty girls.


Rev. J. Makepeace,
Rev. J. C. A. Dannenberg.
Six Native Preachers.

These, and Mr. Smith, a European, are supported by the Agra Auxiliary Society.

There are two day-schools, one for girls and one for boys, which continue to prosper under the fostering care of our brother, Mr. Makepeace.

The labours of our brethren at this station are continued with much assiduity and encouragement, Forty converts have been added to the church during the year. The various operations of the Auxiliary are sustained by contributions amounting to nearly £200 a year; a sum in addition to the efforts of the church for the support of its pastor.

The church endure severe persecution from their heathen neighbours. They preserve, however, a Christian spirit in the midst of it all. The Gosain, a head-man of one of the villages, observed to Ganpat, the native pastor, that " he was at liberty to make as many of the people Christians as he could; because those who had become such do not annoy him and others for money as formerly, that they are not accustomed to wrangle and quarrel among themselves as before, that they are now properly clad, as also their families, and that, whenever they have a feast or party,

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The ancient capital of the Great Mogul, and still nominally an imperial city under its own emperor, lies about 900 miles distant from Calcutta, to the north-west. In the reign of Auranzebe, the population was loosely estimated at two millions, and the ruins of old Dilhi even now cover the plain for nearly eight miles to the south, whilst some of the gates and mosques are tolerably entire. The present city is built on two rocky eminences, surrounded on three sides, by a stone wall of thirty feet in height, with the stream of the river Jumna on the east. The number of inhabitants is estimated at about 150,000.

Missionary.........Rev. J. T. Thompson.
Two Native Preachers.


Present number of members, 21. bution, of scriptures, 5000; of tracts, 9000.

The number of members is now twenty-one. Of the nineteen reported last year, one has departed in the faith, one the brethren have had the pain to exclude, and three have left the station with their regiment, leaving fourteen, to which six added by baptism, and one restored, make their number twenty-one; and may the Lord graciously add to them such as shall be everlastingly saved.

The distribution during the year, both in the city and at the fairs abroad, has been about 9000 tracts, and 5000 scriptures; including supplies sent to a pious officer at Lahore, at his request, and to another in one

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Though Madras has not yet had any place in our annals, we trust that the time is not far distant when we may expect to receive from it regular communications. In a very remarkable manner, the way has been providentially opened, and a loud call made to send thither a missionary. A regiment in her majesty's service, which left England in 1842, was stationed at Maulmein. One of its officers had been baptized in Jamaica, and there was in it one private soldier who was known to be a pious man. The preaching of the American baptist missionaries in Maulmein was, however, greatly blessed by the divine Spirit, and when the regiment was removed in 1845, there was in it a baptist church comprising between thirty and forty members, several of whom were officers. Being stationed at Madras, and finding no minister of their own denomination, they became desirous, both for their own sake and for the sake of others, that a missionary should be sent. Having opened a communication with the Committee, they spontaneously placed in their hands a sum of money suf ficient to maintain a missionary there for several years; and the Committee, after long continued and anxious inquiries, have accepted the services of Mr. J. C. Page, who is on the point of completing his studies at Stepney, and who, they trust, will be found well adapted for this interesting station. In the presidency there are many pious persons, chiefly connected with the army, who adhere to our views, and there are also many important and destitute districts which a missionary residing in that city might visit.

Some private soldiers connected with the regiment have recently collected and transmitted £2 4s. towards the shilling contribu tion.



Four Stations-about twenty Sub-stations-four European Missionaries-Three Female Missionaries-Twenty-one Native Preachers, and fortythree Schoolmasters-and Forty-four Schools. The gospel is also preached in about 150 villages.

COLOMBO.-The labours of Mr. Davies at Colombo have been continued throughout the year, though interrupted by occasional illness.

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