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tempt to augment the heat serves but to accelerate the vaporization.

a prophet, and another to pay the tribute money, that should show his obedience to the powers that be. From the survey of such wisdom, power, and mercy, let us learn to exercise unbounded confidence in his promise, and eagerly peruse the direct revelation of his will that we may learn what those promises are N. N.

In combination with other bodies, as in mortar and cement, water becomes more solid than ice, parting with still more of its caloric than in the frozen state; the heat given out in the making of mortar is the escape of caloric from the water. Quick lime has so remarkable an affinity to water, that it absorbs one-fourth of its own weight of the liquid, without being moistened by the addition. REFORMATION ANECDOTES. It also requires solidity in combination with various salts, many of which lose their transparency and crystalline form when deprived of it. How numerous, then, how incalculable, are the advantages we derive from this fluid,

"That chief ingredient in Heaven's various works,
Whose flexile genius sparkles in the gem,
Grows firm in oak, and fugitive in wine."


Richard II. a council was held in St. IN the year 1377, in the reign of Paul's Church, London, for the purpose of condemning the doctrines of Wickliff. Upon the day appointed, Wickliff went thither, accompanied by the Duke of Lancaster, and Lord Percy, Earl Marshall of England. A vast concourse of people had assembled, so that it was with dif While it affords one of the most use- ficulty and not without some tumult ful supports of animal life, it emi- that he and his noble protectors pently improves our health, being the could press through the crowd.great means of cleanliness and com- "When the Bishop of London (says fort. It is one of the principal agents Fuller,) saw, contrary to his expec in vegetation, and is continually em- tations, Dr. Wickliff enter the court, ployed as a solvent for numerous supported by persons of so elevated solids. It greatly conduces to the rank, and such great authority, his salubrity of our atmosphere, and, malevolent passions were highly exserving as a vehicle for vessels, opens cited, and hurried away by the ima communication between the most petuosity of angry passion, he addistant regions, and thus affords a dressed Lord Percy in terms so means of endearing mankind to each haughty and insulting, that the lofty other, the greater part of whom, other-spirit of Lancaster was provoked to wise, though the children of one answer the Bishop with a tart reply. common parent, must be inaccessible A fine dispute ensued. to each other, and as they are beyond the reach of the senses, and consequently ignorant of each others' existence, could not assist in the supply of their reciprocal wants, nor exercise those exquisite sympathies which will be increasingly manifested as genuine Christianity prevails. Nor must we forget, that in the ocean it forms, as it were, a world within itself, teeming with a countless population, the contemplation of which is calculated to fill the mind with admiration, at the omnipotence of Him, who, when on earth, perfecting his merciful intentions, could walk on its impetuous billows, and bid its waves be still, or summon its finny tribes to the nets of his disciples, or cause one of its inhabitants to preserve the life of

Bishop Courtenay. Lord Percy, if I had known what maisteries you would have kept in the church, I would have stopt you out from coming hither.

Duke of Lancaster. He shall keep such maisteries here, though you say


Lord Percy. Wickliff, sit down, for you have many things to answer to, and you need to repose yourself upon a soft seat.

Bishop Courtenay. It is unreasonable, that one cited before his ordinary should sit down during his answer, He must, and shall stand.

Duke of Lancaster. The Lord Percy his motives for Wickliff is but reasonable. And as for you, my Lord Bishop, you are grown so

proud and arrogant, I will bring down the pride not of you alone, but of all the prelacy in England. Bishop Courtenay. Do your worst,


Duke of Lancaster. Thou bearest so brag upon thy parents [his father was Earl of Devonshire] which shall not be able to help thee, they shall have enough to do to help themselves.

Bishop Courtenay. My confidence is not in my parents, nor in any man else, but only in God, in whom 1 trust, by whose assistance I will be bold to speak the truth.

Duke of Lancaster. Rather than I will take these words at his hands, I would pluck the bishop by the hair out of the church.

The latter words, spoken in a low tone, were overheard by the bye-standers, and a violent commotion ensued; the Londoners took the part of Courtenay, declaring aloud, that they would oppose even with their lives any insult offered to their bishop. The tumultuous proceedings obliged the delegates to break up the court without proceeding to the examination of Wickliff."-Fuller's Church History, book iv. cent. xiv.



cording to the situation of the spectator, and that, consequently, this eclipse will not be found exactly to correspond with the above account, excepting within a short distance of London. Nevertheless, the difference in the phase of a solar eclipse is not generally very perceptible in places comprised within the limits of this island, unless the eclipse is either very small or very great, when the distance of a few miles may in the one case make the moon disappear from the sun's disk, and thus render the eclipse invisible; and in the instance of a great eclipse, it may render such eclipse essentially different in its character.

The present eclipse, it may be observed, is the third return of the great eclipse of 1764, according to the period of eighteen years and about eleven days—a period which was first discovered by the Chaldeans, and which was probably the first resource for the computation of eclipses, as it was found to be a period that produced a certain order, of eclipses, which order seems also to be produced in every succeeding period of the same description. But the return of the solar eclipses must have been found very much to vary on account of the moon's parallax; and even the lunar eclipses would, after a long succession of years, show that the forementioned period could not afford a suitable standard for correct computation.

ON Tuesday morning, the 5th of The quantity of the eclipse of the present month, there is a visible 1764 was eleven digits and five mi eclipse of the sun; which, in the nutes at London, and it became neighbourhood of the metropolis, annular in those parts of the kingcommences at fifty-eight minutes dom where the quantity was more after five, and ends at forty-seven than eleven digits, eleven minutes, minutes after seven, according to and a half.-The first return of this apparent or solar time. The first eclipse was on the 12th of April, appearance of the eclipse will be 1782, on which day the sun set distinguished by a small notch about about five digits eclipsed.-The seone third from the lower extremity cond return was at the commenceof the sun in ascending on the right ment of the 24th of April, 1800, hand towards the top, or on that when the eclipse was invisible, the side which is next to the meridian. sun being below the horizon.The The greatest obscuration happens third return is on the 5th of the about nine minutes before seven, present month, as above stated, when the quantity of the eclipse is the new moon, or ecliptic conjunc four digits and a half. It is, how-tion, happening at 25 minutes and ever, well known, that a solar 24 seconds after seven in the morneclipse is susceptible of some variation in duration and quantify, ac


It may perhaps be interesting

to state, that the next solar eclipse visible at Greenwich will, with respect to degree, make a nearer approach to the eclipse of 1764 than any one that has occurred since that period. By a computation from Delambre's Solar Tables and Burckhardt's Lunar Tables, and by assuming the polar axis of the earth at 304, and the equatorial axis at

305, it appears that the greatest ob-
scuration at Greenwich will happen
on Thursday, September the 7th,
1820, at fifty-three minutes and
four seconds after one in the after-
noon, when the quantity of the
eclipse will be ten digits and twenty
seven minutes: and the eclipse will
be still greater on the eastern coasts
of this island.
J. F.




Late Deacon of the Baptist Church,


he would take possession of the eternal inheritance, where his holy soul is now engaged in contemplating the mysteries of that redemption, which had been his favourite and constant theme on earth for half a century. He seemed to breathe the air of heaven long before he joined its society, and as he approached the verge of mortality, he became more and more indifferent to all earthly concerns: if obliged to attend a little time to business, he was out of his clement; his pious soul seemed impatient to break from the earth, that it might ascend again to those divine contemplations, which engrossed and fixed all the energies of his soul.

MR. JOHN TUCK was born at Wells, November 30, 1751, where he constantly attended the episcopal church; but, on the removal of his friends to Frome, he left the Establishment, and united with the Dissenters, as their sentiments and mode of worship were most agree able to his own views of divine truth. He was the subject of serious impressions at a very early period of his life, which were deepened and matured under the ministry of the late Rev. John Kingdon, by whom he was baptized, October 5, 1770, and afterwards received into the church. After occupying the station of a private member nearly twenty-two years, he was called by the unanimous voice of the church to the office of deacon; and never was a man more anxious to fill that office in a becoming manner, more solicitous for the peace and prosper-wished almost to stop the wheels of ity of the church, or more tenacious of its respectability and its honour.

For many months previous to the death of this eminent saint, a rapid religious improvement was evident to all his intimate friends, which, together with an increasing debility of body, induced many of them to suppose, that it would not be long before

For some months before his death, owing to the extreme thirst with which he had been long afflicted, he was accustomed to take a very early breakfast with his family. This season was exceedingly interesting to them all: they were often surprised and delighted with his conversation; itwas wisdom,and kindness, and love, and piety, all blended together; he was often highly animated with his subject, and his wife and children

time in their course, unwilling to close a season so truly interesting.

Coming down stairs one morning, about two months previous to his decease, he asked one of his daughters, if she thought that believers before their death were ever favoured with extraordinary manifestations of divine goodness and

love? On her replying, that she thought it very probable, in order to prepare them for the solemn and trying change that awaited them, he said, "I know not whether this be my case, or not; but I have had feelings this morning which I cannot describe." Being desired to state the nature of them, he said, that he had enjoyed an uncommon view of the character of God, in his wisdom, and love, and mercy, which produced sensations that were indescribable; and though the intenseness of the feeling had then subsided, yet the serenity and pleasure which sat on his countenance, plainly showed that its effects still remaincd: it seemed as if he had made a visit to the celestial regions.

One evening, he accosted his daughter, (who was silently watching his pale and sickly countenauce) rather abruptly, inquiring whether she had ever attentively read the 8th of Romans, and added, "I have been thinking of that expression, It is Christ that died, yea, Father, that is risen again.' The 'subject of the resurrection has occupied much of my attention lately, on that all my hopes depend; for if Christ be not raised, our faith is vain, we are yet in our sins." On her repeating the declaration of our Lord, "I am the resurrection and the life," &c. his feelings overpowered him, tears filled his eyes, and when able to speak, he said, "I wish you to mind that, when I die, | if it should be thought worth while to preach a funeral sermon for such a poor unworthy creature as I am, this be the text, 'It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen 'again.""

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weeks before his death, he asked her if she thought his complaint would end in death? After expres sing her fears that it would, he said, "Well, my child, you must pray for me, and I will try to pray for you.” She observed, that he had done that many times. "Yes," said he, "I have many times mentioned your name, and when I think that those prayers of so poor and mean a creature as I am have been answered, it seems too much to believe. O! to think that the Almighty should ever so favour me, as to call any of my children by his grace-but when I think again that any of them may be lost, it almost overwhelms me."

One of his sons, on a succeeding evening, having read to him several hymns, which evidently produced the most pleasing and tender emotions, observed, that for a good man "to live was Christ, and to die gain." "How beautiful," he replied, "has Dr. Watts described the death of Moses:

Sweet was the journey to the sky, The wondrous prophet try'd: "Climb up the mount," said God, " and die :"

The prophet climb'd, and died.
Softly his fainting head he lay

Upon his Maker's breast;
His Maker kiss'd his soul away,

And laid his flesh to rest.'"

His son then remarked, that Dr. Watts, when near death, said, “I am no more afraid to die, than I am of walking out of one room into another."

"No," he answered, "and why should he? The souls of Watts and Griffith were fitted for heaven by close and intimate comSpeaking of his death one day, munion with Christ upon earth. I his daughter said to him, Would have often thought," he added, you be willing, father, to leave us, "that Dr. Watts had clearer diswere the message to come to call coveries of the glories of heaven, you home?" He replied, "Were I than any other uninspired writer; to consult my own feelings, I should and it was no wonder: such delightwish to stay a little longer for myful anticipations of glory were the family, my friends, and the church; but I am perfectly resigned to the Divine will, and I leave all in the hands of infinite wisdom. When I am wanted no longer here, I hope I shall be willing to go."

Calling her to him, about three

natural result of his great and intimate fellowship with Christ. How beautiful are those lines!

O glorious hour! O blest abode !
I shall be near and like my God;
And flesh and sin no more controul,
The sacred pleasures of the soul.'”

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| versation; his nights were sleepless, but his mind was wholly occupied with divine things, as appeared from broken sentences which he uttered, of some favourite scripture passage, or of some divine hymn.

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On the following day, a friend having called to see him, asked him if he knew her? "Yes," he replied, "I do; and I shall soon be with your father. I am going to dwell with Christ for ever and ever;" and presently after, with evident emotions of wonder and delight, he exclaim

Christ! I am going to Jesus!" On being asked, if his fears were gone? "Yes! yes!" he answered," I have nothing but happiness."

While his daughter was sitting by his side one morning, he said, "Where do you think heaven is?" She answered, that no conjectures on that head could be satisfactory.ed, "To be with Christ! to be with "But," he replied, "it is where Christ is, and that is enough." He then said, " How can we see God? for since he is a pure spirit, we can have no idea how he is to be seen.' She then repeated the sentiment of Dr. Watts: "The God shines gracious through the man." "Yes," he answered, with eager delight, "there we shall see the full blaze of the Divinity, shining through the person of Christ."

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His joys, however, were not uninterrupted; for soon after this, a thick gloom fell upon his mind, which induced him to doubt the reality of his religion. "I am almost afraid," he said to his daughter one morning, "that I am not a Christian; that I do not know what A few mornings before his death, saving faith is." She replied, "These while his daughter was serving him doubts are only the suggestions of with his breakfast, he said to her, Satan; they will last but a little "Come here, my child, sit down by while: you will not be troubled with me; I am persuaded now that I them in the hour of death." "Will shall not be long with you; I-shall it be so?" said he, "now mind, if it soon be taken from you; but I feel proves to be as you say, I will inanxious for you. May the Lord form you of it." Accordingly on the bless you, and take you under his afternoon preceding his transition protection, and direct you, and keep to the skies, as she was sitting on you all through life; may you be the bed-side, he took her hand becomfortable and happy, a respect- tween both of his, and holding them able and useful character; may you up in the attitude of prayer, with his always cultivate a meek and peace-eyes fixed upward, he said, "My able disposition; always be ready to give up your own inclination, where conscience is not concerned, for the sake of peace. Try to do good; do not forget the profession you have made; maintain it with honour. May the Lord bless you, my child, and make you a blessing. Be useful in the world, and, as far as it lies in you, be useful to the church."

poor child, all is well, all is well!" She said, "Then you are happy, father?" "O yes!" he replied, "yes! yes!" The conflict, while it lasted, was distressing; but so far was it from injuring his soul, that it gave additional glory to his victory over the powers of darkness.

Soon after this, one of his brethren in office entering his chamber, said to him, "You are almost in heaven, The last hour of this venerable and will soon obtain the crown." and pious man was now evidently His eyes immediately brightened approaching; and his friends saw with joy, and pointing upwards, he with unspeakable emotions that, in said, "Yes! yes!" and added, a little while, his spirit would be dis- "These are they who came out of missed to the invisible world. On great tribulation." Being asked, Sunday, January 25, he became whether he were in pain, he an worse, and was incapable of con-swered," Yes: but in heaven there VOL X.

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