ART. XXII. SELECT LITERARY INFORMATION. Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending information(post paid,) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the public, if consistent with its plan. Proposals are issued by Boydell and Co., Mr. Wilkie, and Mr. Burnet, for publishing by Subscription, an Engraving from the celebrated Picture of the Blind Fidler painted by Mr. Wil kie, to be engraved in the line manner by Mr. Burnet; the size to be 24 by 19 inches; it is intended to publish the Print in as short a time as the nature of such engraving will admit of, and to deliver the prints in the strict order of subscription. An English gentleman lately escaped from France has in the press a Picture of Verdun; being an interesting statement of every circumstance connected with the detention of our countrymen -this work contains an account of their arrestation, detention at Fontainbleau and Valenciennes, confinement at Verdun, incarceration at Bitsche; amusements, sufferings, indulgencies granted to some, acts of extortion and cruelty practised on others, characters of General and Madame Wiron, list of those who have been permitted to leave or who have escaped from France, occasional poetry by Mr. Concannon, Sir William Cowper, &c. and anecdotes of the principal Detenus. At press, a chronological Account of the Commerce of England from the Restoration, to 1810, distinguishing the Years of War. By George Chalmers, Esq. F. R. S. A. S. to be pasted on a board to hang up, or in a case for the pocket, 3s. 6d. A third and last volume of the Temple of Truth, is in the press, under the title of Additional Studies, and may be expected in the course of the present month. A new edition of Dr. Henry's Chemistry is in the press. As the late grand discoveries of Mr. Davy have wrought extraordinary changes in the science, the present edition will extend to two volumes, and may be considered almost as a new work. A new edition of the translation of Euler Elements of Algebra, corrected and enlarged, will appear in the course of this month. Preparing for the press (by permis. sion) and will be published in next October term, Cambridge Problems, used in the Senate-house from 1801 to 1810 inclusive; properly arranged and corrected; taken from the Cambridge University Calendar. John Turner, Esq. of the Middle Temple, is preparing a new work on Conveyancing, to consist of a collec tion of modern precedents with notes and illustrations, and a practical introduction on the language and structure of conveyances. Lord Kenyon will very shortly pub lish his Sentiments on the Roman Ca tholic Question. Speedily will be published in quarto, Philosophical Essays; by Dugald Stewart, F. R. S. Ed. Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edin burgh. Preparing for publication, the Tra. vels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, (commonly called the Persian Prince) in Asia, Africa, and Europe during the years 1799, 1800, 1801 and 1802. Written by himself in the Persian language, and translated by Charles Stewart, Esq. Mr. Michael Fryer, Secretary to the Bristol Literary and Philosophical So ciety, has issued proposals for publishing by subscription, "A General History of Mathematics from the earliest Ages till the close of the eighteenth century, extracted chiefly from Montuela, Hæstner, Bailly, Bossut, and others." It is intended to publish this work in three octavo volumes, which will be divided into five parts. 1. History of Mathematics from their origin till the destruction of the Grecian empire. 2. History of Mathematics among the Eastern nations; viz. the Arabs, the Persians, the Jews, the Indians, and the Chinese. 3. History of Mathematics among the Latin and other Western nations, until the commence ment of the seventeenth century. 4. History of Mathematics during the seventeenth century. 5. History of Mathematics during the eighteenth century. Mr. George Cumberland, of Bristol, has in the press two volumes of Original Tales. He is also preparing for publication a work with sixty plates, on the Principles of the Composition of the Ancients. Mr. George Chalmers has in the press a new edition of his Estimate of the comparative Strength of Great Britain, corrected and continued to the present times. He is also superintending a new edition of Natural and Political Observations and Conclusions upon the State and Condition of England, 1696, by Gregory King, Esq. Lancaster Herald; to which he has annexed a life of the author. Dugdale's Antiquities of Warwickshire is about to be printed in two folio volumes, illustrated by nearly two hundred engravings, Dr. Nathan Drake has in the press in four octavo volumes, the Gleaner, consisting of essays from scarce neglected periodical papers, with an introduction and notes. or Dr. Stock's Life of Dr. Beddoes is in the press. It will comprise an analytical account of the doctor's numerous writings both published and unpublished. Dr. G. H. Toulmin, of Wolverhampton, has in the press, Elements of the Practice of Medicine; in which an an attempt will be made to give that important subject the interest of a practical science. Nearly ready for publication, under the patronage of the Very Reverend the Dean of Westminster-Two highly finished Engravings of the Interior of Henry the Seventh's Chapel, combining precision of perspective representation with that species of effect most characteristic of this celebrated and interesting specimen of florid Gothic, on a scale sufficiently large to admit of much detailed architectural information; from original drawings by John Morton, Junior. The Rev. William Beloe, has put to the press the fifth volume of his Anec dotes of Literature. Joseph Harpur, LL.B. has nearly ready for publication, an Essay on the Principles of Philosophical Criticism applied to Poetry. In a few days will be published, in octavo, a new edition of an. Inquiry into the Divine Missions of John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ; so far as they can be proved from the circumstances of their Birth, and their Connexion with each other. To which are prefixed, Arguments in Proof of the Authenticity of the Births of John and Jesus, contained in the two first Chapters of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke. By William Bell, D.D. Prebendary of St. Peter's, Westmin ster. Mr. Carlisle's Topographical Dictio nary of Ireland is expected to appear in a few days. Dr. Williams has ready for the press a new and enlarged edition, in two vols. 8vo. of his Essay on Divine Equity and Sovereignty, the first edition of 1809 having been for some time out of print. Art. XXIII. LIST OF WORKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. The Life of Torquato Tasso; comprising a historical and critical account of his writings. With incidental notices of his literary contemporaries. By John Black. With portraits, 2 vols. 4to. 31. 3s. boards. The Life of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambrai; compiled, from original ma nuscripts. By M. L. F. De Bausset, formerly Bishop of Alais, &c. &c. Translated from the French, by William Mudford. Embellished with an elegant ↑ Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. 18s. boards. The Life of Fenelon, Archbishop or Cambrai, author of Telemachus, &c. post 8vo. 7s. An Introduction to the Linnæan Classification of Plants; illustrated by engravings; to which is added a Glossary, and the Latin terms of Linnæus with the corresponding English words. By Henry Wyburd. 12mo. 5s. CHEMISTRY. The Elements of Chemistry. By Thomas Thomson, M. D. F. R. S. E. 8vo. 10s. 6d. CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Greek Idioms, exhibited in select Passages from the best Authors with English notes and a parsing index. To which are added, Observations on some Idioms of the Greek Language. By the Rev. William Neilson, D. D. M. R. I. A. 8vo. 5s. EDUCATION. A Practical Grammar of English Pronunciation, on plain and recognized principles, calculated to assist in removing every objectionable Peculiarity of Utterance, arising either from foreign, provincial, or vulgar habits; or from a defective use of the organs of speech; and furnishing, to pupils of all ages, the means of systematically acquiring that nervous and graceful articulation, which is the basis of a superior delivery; together with directions to persons who stammer in their speech, comprehending some new ideas relative to English prosody. By B. H, Smart, teacher of elocution and polite literature. 8vo. 9s. Soirees d'Automne ; ou, le Vice Puni, et la Vertu Recompensée; à l'Instruction de la Jeunesse, et pour l'Usage des Ecoles. Par Mademoiselle G. Bertholet. 12mo. 4s. Ed. HISTORY. The Stream of Time, or Figurative Representation of Universal History, Chronology, and Biography brought into one Point of View. Translated from the German of Frederic Strass, and continued down to the present year, by W. Bell, Price 11. 15s. coloured and varnished on canvas and rollers. The County Annual Register, for 1809. The contents are arranged under the names of the counties to which they respectively belong, and the subjects classed under five general depart ments;-1. Public Business.-2. Criminal and Civil Jurisprudence.-3. Political Economy.-4. Chronicle.-5. Biography. royal 8vo. MEDICINE AND CHIRURGERY. The Annual Medical Review and Register for 1809, comprising a critical account of every publication relating to Medicine and Surgery which appeared during that year together with a historical sketch of the discoveries and improvements in these and the collateral sciences within the same period; à report of the general state of health and disease in the metropolis; and a variety of miscellaneous intelligence.. By a Society of Physicians, vol. II. 8vo. 12s. Observations on the Diseases of the Army in Camp and in Garrison. By Sir John Pringle, Bart. In one large volume 8vo. Price 12s. Heroical Epistle from Death to Dr. Moseley on Vaccination. With a Postscript on some collateral subjects. Price 2s. 6d. A practical Essay on Cancer, being the Substance of Observations, to which the annual prize for 1808 was adjudged by the royal college of Surgeons, London. By Christopher Turner Johnson, of Exeter, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of London, and of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. 8vo. 5s. 6d. An Attempt to vindicate the Practice of Vaccination, and to combat the Prejudices entertained against that beneficial Practice. By O. W. Barttley, Surgeon, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire. 1s. 6d. MISCELLANEOUS. Memoirs of George Barnwell. Derived from the most authentic source, and intended for the perusal and Instruction of the rising generation. By a descendant of the Barnwell Family.' foolscap 8vo. 5s. 6d. Flowers of Literature, the seventh volume, for 1808-9, embellished with portraits of the Rev. Dr. Mavor, Sir R. K. Porter, Miss Temple, Mr. Dimond, Junr. and Mr. Elphinstone : containing an interesting memoir of the Lives and Writings of the above popular authors. Also numerous Anecdotes, Narratives, Essays, &c. Calculated to amuse and enliven the imagination, Ta Tsing Leu Lee; being the fundamental laws, and a selection from the supplementary statutes, of the penal code of China; originally printed and published in Pekin, in various successive editions, under the sanction and by the authority of the several Emperors of the Ta Tsing or present Dynasty. Translated from the Chinese; and accompanied with an appendix, consisting of authentic documents, and a few occasional notes, illustrative of the subject of the work. By Sir George Staunton, Bart. F.R.S. 4to. 31. 3s. Question; with an Essay upon the hisTwo Memoirs upon the Catholic tory and effects of the coronation oath, and also an Appendix. By John Joseph Dillon, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law, 4to. 10s. 6d. An Account of the Origin, Progress, and Consequences of the late Discon tents of the Army on the Madras Es tablishment. 8vo. 8s. A Short Letter to a Friend in the Country upon the Question of Reform and the Disturbances in the Metropolis. 1s. 6d. Advice to the Whigs; with Hints to the Democrats, and Cautions to the Edinburgh Reviewers. 1s. THEOLOGY. A View of the Brahminical Religion, in its Confirmation of the Truth of the Sacred History, and its Influeuce on the Moral Character; in a series of discourses preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1809; at the Lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M. A. Canon of Salisbury. By the Rev. J. B. S. Carwithen, M. A. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Christ divided; a Sermon preached at the Triennial Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Lincoln at Grantham, in June 1809. By T. J. Middleton, D.D, Rector of Tansur in Northamptonshire and of Bytham in Lincolnshire, and Prebendary of Lincoln, 4to. 2s. The Accomplishment of Prophecy in the Character and Conduct of Jesus Christ. From the impressive treatise "on the Truth of the Christian Religion." By James Abbadie, formerly Dean of Killaloe, 12mo. 4s. The Fall of David: a Sermon on 2 Samuel, chap. xi. ver. 1. Preached at All-Saints Chapel, Bath, on Sunday the 4th of March 1810. By the Rev. Lucius Coghlan, D.D. 1s. 6d. Lectures Preparatory to Confirmation: to which is added a Sermon on the Character of Hazael; addressed to young persons. 12mo. 2s. Three Sermons on the Jubilee, preach. ed at Welbeck Chapel by the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D. D. viz. the Mosaic Jubilee, the British Jubilee, and the True or Heavenly Jubilee; second edition; also the Star in the East, containing an account of the Jubilee celebrated by the Natives of India in commemoration of the event of their receiving the Gift of the Bible. Seventh edition, 8vo. 9s. Remarks on the Version of the New Testament, lately edited by the Uni tarians, with the title of "an Improved Version upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's New Translation, with a corrected Text, and Notes critical and explanatory," being a dispassionate appeal to Christians of various denominations on some of the first and most generally received doctrines of the Bible. By the Rev. Edward Nares, M. A. Rector of Biddenham, Kent; and author of Bampton Lecture Sermons for 1805, &c. 8vo. 9s. The Works of the Rev. Thomas Townson, D.D. late Archdeacon of Richmond, one of the Rectors of Malpas, Cheshire, and some time Fellow of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford. To which is prefixed an account of the author, with an introduction to the Discourses on the Gospels, and a sermon on the Quotations in the Old Testament. By Ralph Churton, M. A. Archdeacon of St. David's, Rector of Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, and late Fellow. of Brazen-nose College, Oxford. With a portrait of the Author and two other engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. 18s. A Letter on the Subject of the Bri tish and Foreign Bible Society addressed to the Rev. Dr. Gaskin. By an old Friend of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, 2s. A Letter to the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, D. D. in Reply to his Strictures on the British and Foreign Bible Society. By Lord Teignmouth, President of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1s, A Letter addressed to the Rev. Dr. Wordsworth in Reply to his "Reasons for declining to become a Subscriber to the British and Foreign Bible Society." By William Dealtry, M. A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Bristol. 1s. 6d. A Letter to the Conductor of the Critical Review, on the Subject of Religious Toleration, with occasional Remarks on the Doctrines of the Trinity and Atonement. By Herbert Marsh, D. D. F. R. S. Margaret Professor of Divinity. 1s. 6d. The detestable Nature of Sin, the substance of a sermon preached before the Sussex Mission Society at Lewes, Sept. 27, 1809, and published at their request. By John Styles. To which is appended an Account of the Society. 8vo. 1s. The characteristic principles of the Gospel illustrated and defended; a sermon preached for the benefit of the London Female Penitentiary, at the Rev. Dr. Winter's Meeting House, New Court, Carey Street, Nov. 26, 1809. By John Styles. 8vo. 1s. TOPOGRAPHY, A Trip to Coatham; a watering place in the North Extremity of Yorkshire. By W. Hutton, F. A. S. S. embellished with engravings. 8vo. 9s. TRAVELS. A Narrative of a Three Years Residence in France, principally in the Southern Departments, from the year 1802 to 1805. Including some authentic particulars respecting the early Life of the French Emperor, and a general Inquiry into his Character. By Anne Plumptre. Embellished with a whole sheet map of the French Empire, comprehending all the post-roads. 3 vols. 8vo. 11. 11s. 6d. ERRATUM. Page 428. line 12. for Rowland, Taylor, read Rowland Taylor. N.B. To the Binder. The Title and Table of Contents for Vol. VI. Part I. will be found in the July Number; the Title and Table of Contents for Part II. will be given at the End of the Year, together with a general Index for both Parts under one Alphabet. |