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Every Man his own Cattle Doctor; being a concise and familiar Description of all the Diseases incident to Oxen, Cows, and Sheep: with the most simple and effectual Method of curing each Disorder through all its stages: - the treatment of Cows at the time of calving, as well before as after; also, of Ewes in the Lambing Season. By Francis Clater, author of every Man his own Farunbridge Wells, and its Neighbour- rier. 8vo. 10s. 6d. TOPOGRAPHY. =་ THE ECLECTIC REVIEW, For MAY, 1810. Art. I. Discourses on various Subjects, by Jeremy Taylor, D. D. Chaplain in ordinary to King Charles the First, and late Lord Bishop of Down and Caron. In 3 vols. pp. 480. 505. 338. price 1. 7. Longman and Co. Art. II. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living, and The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying, by Jeremy Taylor, D. D. 2 Vols. 8vo. Price each 7s. bds. Longman and Co. Art. III. The Golden Grove, a chosen Manual, containing what is to be believed, practised and prayed for, &c. By Jeremy Taylor, D. D. 12mo. Price 2s. 6d. bound. Longman and Co. WE have been much more tardy than we could have wished, in expressing our satisfaction at so extended a repub. lication of the works of Bishop Taylor. Since the commencement of our critical labours, we have successively had occasion to congratulate the British public on the reappearance of luminaries, who in their day drew general attention to the quarter in which they moved, and who still, in the retrospect of past times, shed a lustre on the age, of which they were the ornament and the honour. If the present republication did not excite the same feelings in us in an eminent degree, we might be charged with insensibility to learning, to genius, and to piety. For who does not feel, that as long as learning, genius, and piety are valued among men, the name of Bishop Taylor will be pronounced with veneration, and his works preserved as one of the choicest portions of our intellectual treasures? In most cases this language might be deemed hyperbolical; in the instance now before us, we have no apprehension of such a charge. We deliberately believe, that if the strictest selection were to be made of such English authors as have been distinguished by that which is emphatically termed genius, we mean, by majestic grandeur of intellect, by sublime and fully formed conceptions, and by unbounded оры Vol. VI. Gg lence of fancy, ever in readiness to furnish to those conceptions the aptest imagery and the most adequate expression,— in such a selection, Bishop Taylor would be intitled not merely to obtain a place, but to possess a high and dignified pre-eminence. We conceive this to be a point settled beyond need of argument. The most enlightened judges of later times have named four of our earlier prose writers, as affording the fullest exemplification, at once of the intellect of our country, and the capability of our language: Hooker, Barrow, Milton, and Taylor. The choice, though so very limited, has scarcely been disputed. There are many other excellent English prose writers; but a sort of general suffrage seems to have awarded, to this quaternion, a literary rank* above that of their most distinguished contemporaries. The only question then is-how we shall adjust the comparative claims of these illustrious individuals, with respect to each other. Hooker, the first of the four in point of time, on that very account excites our admiration. He seems to have advanced half a century at least, before the other authors of his day. But his absolute merit needs no foil. In reading his celebrated work, we fully feel, that his mind was largely furnished both with gifts of nature and acquirements of learning; and that whatever he possessed he would use with highest advantage to his subject. He is as profluent as he is rich; and though he rarely surprizes us by his energy, he uniformly impresses us with a sober and venerable majesty. In Barrow, we are so much occupied with a flow of moral wisdom which seems to spread without limit and pour forth without end, that we scarcely think of graces or beauties. We are so forcibly instructed, that we are willing, for the time, to forego pleasure; or, rather, are satisfied with that pleasure which the mind receives from the highest exercise of its reasoning faculty. But however amply we are gratified in *We strictly say a literary rank, for we mean no comparison between these great men and the unparallelled Bacon. To excel in English composition was not his object. He wrote not for any one country, but for the world. 6 Barrow,' says his biographer, having applied himself much to mathematics, he acquired a habit to write with exactness, to proceed directly toward his scope, and to make use of solid proofs rather than figures of rhetoric. This we conceive a just statement. But was it Barrow's happiness to contract a habit of this kind? we rather imagine it was his misfortune. By thus cherishing one faculty at the expense of anotherpreferring that which is the mere instrument of knowlege to that which is the immediate keeper of the heart,-he possibly failed in greatly engaging |