the influence of the priesthood. He then points out some of the means by which the Roman Hierarchy was humbled, and the Balance of Power substituted as another human means of national security, which he considers as the cause of diverting the people from right principles and preventing their confidence in God. He represents the policy of England, in attempting to maintain the balance of power in Europe, while the far greater part of the governments of the continent were directly opposite both in spirit and practice to the principles of the English constitution, and to the ostensible character of the government, as both injurious and antiscriptural. The Dutch,' (he says) considered the profession of the protestant religion as an indispensable duty, and regarded the doctrines of the church of Rome as a most iniquitous perversion of the word of God. Yet in the face of this profession, they had the presumption to imagine that they would be permitted to hold forth a common security, and preserve the blessings of providence by the impotent effort of arms. Though a greater antiquity in point of independence, and the conquest of the powerful monarchy of France, might seem to give a greater sanction to her pretensions, the attempt of England to hold the balance of Europe was in reality more inconsistent than that of Holland. Of all the reformed establishments none appears to have declaimed so loudly, nor denounced such heavy judgments, against the abominable corruptions of the church of Rome, as England. Let us reflect on her attempting to hold forth security to those whom she pronounced to be objects of divine vengeance, and to maintain the liberties of the people whom she considered as guilty of the greatest offences in the sight of God. Had she continued to discharge this most awful but necessary duty of admonition with the vigour which its great importance required, it would have been very difficult for her to be guilty of so manifest an inconsistency.' p. 82. Our author, in the next place, traces our failures in attempting to preserve the balance of power after the French revolution, and shews that, though Great Britain has failed in all her continental objects, Providence has wonderfully maintained, extended, and consolidated her naval influence. This he considers as the voice of mercy calling the nation to review her principles, to feel genuine repentance, and to promote immediate reformation. He laments that his country does not sufficiently perceive that she has erred in the measures she has used to deliver Europe, though taught the humiliating lesson by their uniform and total failure. After speaking of our conduct toward Austria, Russia, and Prussia, he thus comments on our treatment of Denmark. tant. The proceedings of England in regard to Denmark are far more impor In her transactions with the other powers of the continent, though the principle upon which she acted was erroneous, she took the part of those who were aggrieved; but in this she became the aggressor under circumstances truly lamentable. Had she considered the many great and brilliant victories with which she had been so conspicuously favoured as the gift of God, and looked beyond the instruments of war to that Almighty Being by whom they are alone directed, would she have felt an apprehension of danger from the resources of the Danes, and dipped her hand in blood to obtain possession of their navy? The inferences to be VOL. VI. F f drawn from this premeditated act, so conspicuous to all the world, are of the most afflicting nature.' p. 101. This anonymous author appears to be strongly attached to our national establishment: but he is unjustly severe against the principles which were opposed to the conduct of Charles Ist, and too lenient towards those of Charles Ind. The pamphlet is very deficient in distinctness of object and perspicuity of arrangement. It has no divisions with appropriate heads of subjects; the design of the writer is therefore involved, and the subjects not made prominent to the reader. The style of the pamphlet would be an object of more importance, however, if its doctrine were so perfectly sound and unexceptionable as to demand our unqualified sanction. Scarcely any task is so delicate, or requires so high an order of intellect, as a critical examination of history and politics on the principles of revelation. When shall we behold the writer, who shall unite the talents of a philosopher to the faith of a Christian! We readily admit, however, that the present work contains a great number of judicious observations.— Prefixed is a coloured chronological map of Europe from 1787 to 1808, shewing the countries conquered by France within the bounds of the ancient Roman Empire according to their proportion of territory. Art. XX. Lockie's Topography of London, giving a concise local Description of, and Direction to every Square, Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and its Environs, including the new Buildings to the present Time, upon a Plan never hitherto attempted. The whole alphabetically arranged, and comprising the Description of more than Three Thousand Places, the Names of which are not to be found upon any of the Maps of the present Year. Taken from actual Survey, by John Lockie, Inspector of Buildings to the Phoenix Fire-office. 8vo. pp. about 350. Price 8s. Nicol, Hatchard, Mawman, &c. 1810. FROM casual experiments we have reason to think this work very carefully executed, though it may scarcely be found to bear out the universal affirmative, contained in the title. It must have required great industry and perseverance in the compiler, and will most probably be found of considerable utility. Art. XXI. Illustrations of Walter Scott's Lay of the_Last Minstrel ; consisting of Twelve Views on the Rivers Bothwick, Ettrick, Yarrow, Teviot, and Tweed. Engraved by James Heath, R. A. from Designs taken on the Spot by John C. Schetky, of Oxford. With Anecdotes and Descriptions. 4to. pp. 64. Price 10s. 6d. Longman`and Co... IT is scarcely necessary to say more of this publication, than that the views are well drawn, and very tolerably engraved; that the subjects are Newark tower, Branksome Hall, the lands of Deloraine, the tower of Goldieland, Hawick, Melrose abbey, Eildon hills, Dryhope tower, St. Mary's lake, Wat of Harden's den, Hermitage castle, and Naworth castle; that the Descriptions annexed are compiled from the notes to the Lay of the Last Minstrel, and other works of Mr. Walter Scott,' who has obligingly revised the whole, and supplied several additional anecdotes; and that the letter-press is by Ballantyne, except the first and last leaves, on each of which an excellent wood-cut is finely printed by McCreery. Art. XXII. The Loyal Subject. A Sermon, delivered at the Independent Chapel, Halifax, Oct. 25, 1809, being the day on which his Majesty commenced the fiftieth year of his reign. By Joseph Cockin. Published at the request of the hearers. 8vo. pp. 26. price 1s. Crosby and Co. 1809. THE religious liberty at present enjoyed in this country contrasted with the persecutions of former ages, and the tolerant spirit by which the House of Brunswick has been distinguished from that of Stewart, form the principal topics of this discourse. The text is 1 Kings i. 47. The King's Servants came to bless our lord King David. Art. XXIII. Remarks on the present State of the established Church, and the Increase of Protestant Dissenters. 12mo. pp. 64. Price 1s. 6d. Mathews and Leigh. 1810. IF there were the slightest reason to suppose that the idea of enlarging the pale of the national church made any part of the meditations of its rulers, we should think it our duty to give a summary view of the changes which are dispassionately proposed with that view by this sensible, though not very elegant, writer. There can be no doubt of the possibility of contriving a comprehension-scheme, that would conciliate and embrace a considerable portion of orthodox dissenters. We are not aware, however, that at present this is a subject of much speculation or concern with either party. It is but just to say that the writer, whom we should presume to be a clergyman, appears a pious and candid, as well as attentive observer; that he has not ventured to publish on the subject, without looking pretty carefully at most of its important points; and that the temper he manifests is very congenial with the measures he recommends. Art. XXIV. The Age, a Poem; Moral, Political and Mataphysical. With Illustrative Annotations. In Ten Books. 8vo. pp. 316. price 78. 6d. Vernor and Co. 1810. NEITHER the poetry, the humour, nor the strain of sentiment, in this performance, intitles it to much of our attention. It is far too long; the satire is common place and indiscriminate; the verse very de ficient in point and vigour; and some of the opinions advanced extremely objectionable. Art. XXV. A Selection of Psalms, and several Hymns on particular Occasions, adapted to the Service and humbly offered for the Use of the Members of the established Church. 12mo. Price 2s. stitched. Banbury, Rusher; Crosby and Co. 1809. CLERGYMEN who are disposed to follow the example of many of the most respectable among their brethren, by introducing a selection of psalms which their congregations may sing with understanding,' will find this publication not unworthy of their notice. It is principally made up from Tate and Brady, but includes many compositions of superior writers. Such passages in general are selected, as are suitable to the purposes of Christian worship. ART. XXVI. SELECT LITERARY INFORMATION.. *Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending information (post paid,) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the public, if consistent with its plan. The Bishop of St, David's has prepared for publication, Rudiments of Hebrew Grammar; and Selecta loca ad Messiam pertinentia; both which are in the press. Analogy of Religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. In a series of letters, addressed to a Student at the University. Reliques of ancient English poetry. In the press, and speedily will be pub-consisting of old Heroic Ballads, Songs, lished, the third part of Mr. Crabb's and other pieces of our earlier poets, Preceptor and his pupils," containing together with some few of a later date, an etymological, and syntactical elucie in 3 vols, crown 8vo. is nearly ready. dation of synonymous words, in the English language, Also a new edition, of his "German and English Dialogues," and of "Extracts from the best German authors, for translating into English " Mr. Parkinson, has withdrawn the Introduction to the knowledge of fossils announced at the end of his first volume of Organic remains of a former world, considering its publication as entirely superseded, by Mr. Martin's excellent systematic outlines of the same subject. The third volume of Organic remains, is in considerable forwardness, Shortly will be published in 2 vols. 8vo. with a portrait of the author and two other engravings, the works of the Rey. Thomas Pownson, D. D. late Archdeacon of Richmond, one of the Rectors of Malpas, Cheshire, and sometime Fellow of St. Mary Magdalen Col. lege, Oxford. To which will be prefix ed, an Account of the author, with an Introduction to the Discourses on the Gospels, and a Sermon on the quotations in the Old Testament, by Ralph Churton, M. A. Archdeacon of St.David's, Rector of Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, and late Fellow of Brazen Nose College, Oxford. In a few days will be published, handsomely printed in 8 vols, with a Portrait of Chaucer, copied from an illuminated Manuscript of the Canterbury Tales, in the Possession of the Marquis of Stafford, and with Engravings of the tombs of Gower and Chaucer as they now stand, Illustrations of the Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer. By the Rev. H. J. Todd, M. A. F. S. A. - A few copies are in 4to. in a size similar to the Oxford edition of the Canterbury Tales. The Rev. Joseph Wilson is engaged en an Introduction to Bishop Butler's Mr. B. H. Smart, teacher of Elocution, is engaged on a Grammar of English pronunciation, compiled on a new plan. Mr. Edward Driver, Land Surveyor, is preparing a complete Map of the Manor of Lambeth, from actual admeasnrement, made by order of the Commissioners under an Act of Inclosure passed in 1806; it will comprise a district which extends from Westminster Bridge to Norwood Common, adjoining the Parish of Croydon, a distance of seven miles in length, including a great part of Kennington, Stockwell, Brixton, Camberwell, Hearne, and Denmark Hills, and Norwood; it will contain a complete' delineation of every person's Estate within the said Manor,distinguishing the Freehold from the Copyhold, with a com plete reference of above 2000 lines, distinguishing every House, Yard, Building and Inclosure of each person's property, and the exact quantity thereof, together with all the allotments, and also the several parcels of land which have been soid under the act, On six large sheets of fine wove paper: price three guineas. Speedily will be published printed in 4to. by James Ballantyne and Co. Edinburgh, and embellished with a Portrait of the Author, engraved by Heath. The Lady of the Lake, a Poem in six cantos, by Walter Scott, Esq. A New Edition of Maundrel's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, to which is added, Bishop Clayton's Account of a Journey from Grand Cairo to Mount Si nai, and back. Illustrated by Fifteen Plates, is nearly ready for publication. Speedily will appear, a new edition of the Theological and Miscellaneous works, of the Rev. William Jones, M. A. 8vo. A General History, and Survey of London, and Westminster, founded principally upon Strype's edition of Stowe, with introductions, notes and supplements bringing down the whole to the present time, is in the press, in a royal quarto volnie, illustrated by numerous engravings. The Rev. J. B. S. Carurthen, will publish, early in next month, a course of Lectures on the Braminical Religion, preached at the Bampton Lecture at Oxford, in 1809. The works complete of the late Rev. Joseph Milner, of Hull, are in the press, in eight octavo volumes; the whole revised, and an account of the author prefixed, by Dr. Isaac Milner, Dean of Carlisle. Wm. Sotheby, Esq. has a poem in the press in quarto, intitled Constance de Castile. Miss Lucy Aikin has in the press Epistles on the Character and Condition of Woman, in various Ages and Nations, with other Poems. Miss Jane Porter, Author of Thaddeus of Warsaw, will publish in the course of the month, the Scottish Chiefs; a ro mance in five volumes. A work will appear in the course of next month, intitled County Annual Archives, in which all published proceedings and memoirs of eminent during the men, who died year, will be classed under the name of the county to which they respectively belong, so as to furnish a regular annual history of every county in the kingdom. Mr. Marrat of Boston, has in the press a Treatise on Mechanics, chiefly designed for the use of schools and public seminaries. Mr. Donovan has been some time engaged in preparing a comprehensive work on the Natural History of the British Isles, on a popular as well as scientific plan. Mr. T. Woodfall, Assistant Secretary of the Society of Arts, &c. proposes to publish, in two octavo volumes, the whole of the valuable papers on Agriculture, which have been brought before that Society. Mr. Charles Blunt is engaged on an Essay on Mechanical Drawing, comprising an elementary course of practice in that art, illustrated by plates. Mr. Carlisle, secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, has made, considerable progress in his Topographical History of Ireland. A new edition of the Siege of Acre, a poem, by Mrs. Cowley, is about to be published in its finished state, as prepared by the authoress previous to her last illness. A new edition of the Pocket Encyclopædia, originally compiled by Mr. Guy, of the Military College, Marlow, is preparing for the press with many additional articles adapted to the improved state of science. Mr. Hey, Surgeon to the Infirmary at Leeds, will shortly publish a new edition, with considerable additions, of Prac tical Observations on Surgery, illustrated by cases and engravings. A new edition of Davidson's Virgil, considerably improved, will be published in the course of next month. In the Press in one large volume 8vo. By the Rev. Henry Fables in Verse. Rowe, L. L. B. Rector of Ringshall, SufEmbellished with 30 beautiful folk. engravings on wood. Also in one Volume with eight elegant wood-engravings, Tales, original and translated from the Spanish. Art. XXVII. LIST OF WORKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. |