love of company, indolence, and spiritual indifference. A short extract or two may convey some idea of the manner and spirit of the publication Let it not be supposed that this unvarying integrity and faithfulness, is inconsistent with a just desire to please, unwillingness to offend, prudence, and a proper consideration of circumstances in the discharge of our duty. Still less let it be supposed to justify a careless indifference, and wanton disregard of the feelings and opinions of any individual. Such disregard is generally the effect of a harsh and cruel temper, and is wholly opposite to the mild and affectionate spirit which the gospel enjoins us to cultivate. But as men often justify their vices, by associating them, in their imaginations, with some praise-worthy disposition, so sometimes, they will be found attempting to represent their coarseness of manner, and violence of conduct, as the effects of the sincerity and openness of their hearts. Disregard of the feelings of our fellow creatures, has, however, no connection with the virtues of openness and sincerity of heart. Pride, ill-humour, and vindictive passions, will, indeed,, produce a freedom of language and conduct; but this is not the freedom which conscience dictates, and a good man allows himself to exercise. A man may be violent also, without being either conscientious, faithful, or steady to his principles. And as he who talks most of his courage, is not always the boldest in the day of battle; so he who blusters loudest about independence and sincerity, is not always the firmest in resisting temptation, nor the least servile and accommodating, where his interests and passions are concerned.' pp. 76, 77. We hope the following sentences will not be read in vain. When a minister of the gospel is more animated with the desire of applause, than with the sublime desire of doing good, at a time too when the great objects of religion are before him, when the eternal in terest of his hearers should peculiarly engage his mind, and the highest affections and sentiments should animate his soul; from whatever quarter he seeks admiration, by whatever means he indulges his propensity; whether he seeks the applause of the rich or the poor, courts distinction by accommodation to any depraved taste among his hearers, or by the display of his own personal talents and accomplishments; whether he wishes to appear popular or profound, ingenious and learned, or elegant and refined, distinguished for the pathos of his description, or the force of his expression, the simplicity or the pomp of his manner, the fluency of his words, or the strict propriety of his pronunciation and tones-in whatever way he courts applause, I hesitate not to say that in such a situation and in such duties, he acts a mean and guilty part, and will never rise to the elevation and honour of him who loses every lesser consideration in the desire of the salvation of men.. His vanity also, in spite of his efforts, will inevitably appear and disgrace his best performances and, if indulged, will eat out like a poison the very heart of piety, and leave him at length only the poor empty external form, which all who approach him may discover to be light, rotten, and unsound.' pp. 49, 50. When the work is reprinted, we would suggest the propriety of arrang. ing it in the form of letters, with the addition of running titles to the va. rious sections, indicating the subjects on which they are employed. Art. XXIV. A Discourse on the Being or Existence of God (as discoverable by natural and unprejudiced Reason;) intended as a popular antidote against the pernicious influence of modern infidelity. By the Rev. Christopher Hodgson, LL. B. Rector of Marholm, Northamptonshire. Evo. pp. 23. price 1s. 6d. Rivingtons. THE author professes to regard this discourse rather as a compilation than as an entire original composition.' In this view, it is not destitute of merit. The reasoning is clear, the arrangement neat, and the language perspicuous. Art. XXV. The National Jubilee, celebrative of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Reign of George the Third, politically and morally improved. By a Magistrate. 8vo. pp. xviil. 74. Price 28. Matthews and Leigh, 1809. WE have here a Sermon of seventy-four pages, from Matt. xxii. 21. preceded by an apology' of eighteen. The general tendency of both, to promote a spirit of unanimous patriotism and scriptural piety, is intitled to our approbation. After duly considering the very peculiar style, the tone of thought, the numerous notes, and abundant quotations in English, Latin, and Greek, we were not much surprised to read the following words: "Considerable pains have been taken in a recent publication-The Temple of Truth, to demonstrate from the Oracles of God,' that nothing is Christianity but what represents it as wholly a Religion of Grace," p. 51. The author calls himself an insignificant Village Pastor,' (p. xviii.) speaks of the solitary spot' he inhabits, (p. 53.) and intimates that the substance of the discourse was preached at the parochial church of a small village in the county of Surrey.' (p. 2.) Art. XXVI. Jubilium Regis; a Discourse on the Objects and Consequences of the present Royal Jubilee; preached at Diss, Oct. 25, 1809. By the Rev. William Ward, A. M. 8vo. pp. 20. Price 1s. Button, 1809. OCCASIONS of great public notoriety (such as Jubilium Regis,' for example,) have been long observed to act like a kevy en masse among such of our fellow subjects as are able to carry pens. It would perhaps be useless to advise these local militia (for local, alas, they are, though to their sorrow) to ponder upon the objects and consequences' of taking the field of letters: and it would certainly be unfair to examine their qualifications with much critical exactness. 6 From Isaiah Ixi. 2. Mr. W. takes occasion to observe, that the Jubilee is a very remarkable time,' because it refers to the ancient Jubilee, and was particularly foretold by the British sage Merlin.' He pras ceeds to expatiate on the religious blessings of the present reign; but, with regard to civil liberty, he thinks the application of the ancient jubilee,' somewhat more difficult.' Under the next head of his dis course-the judgements implied by the jubilee on the opposers of civil and religious liberty-we are are edified with the forebodings of the pious and excellent maid of Orleans,' with the prophecy, as Mr. W. calls it, of Abp. Usher, with the prognostications of Mr. C. Love, and with the predictions of a Mr. Alex. Peddie, who, the author informe us, was an eminent presbyterian divine.' He concludes by observing, that this Jubilee can be truly enjoyed only by those who mourn for sin." We think the writer's piety is more conspicuous than his judgement. ÁRT. XXVII. *Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending information (post paid,) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the public, if consistent with its plan. SELECT LITERARY INFORMATION. The difficulty in procuring the dried specimens, which accompany Mr. Amos's Treatise on Grasses having been hitherto so great as to have confined the circulation of that valuable work merely to the original subscribers, we have to state the rethoval of such difficulty, and that a humber sufficient to meet the urgent demands of the public has been at length prepared, and will very speedily be brought forward in a new edition. The Rev. Mr. Phelps has nearly completed his Botanical Calendar; it is therefore expected very shortly to make its appearance. Mr. Cumberland's Poem on the Death of Christ, has not been to be procured for some time, but we understand that a new edition (being the seventh) is now nearly ready for delivery. Mr. Pratt has in great forwardness a poem, called the Lower World; occasioned by Lord Erskine's speech on the second reading of the bill for preventing wanton cruelty to animals. He also intends to give the public the long-promised specimens of the poetry of Joseph Blacket, with a portrait of that extraordinary young man. Dr. Latham has in the press, Facts and Opinions concerning Diabetes. A History of the Inquisition in Italy, Spain, Portugal, &c. illustrated by numerous plates, in a large quarto volume, is in the press. Mr. Hamilton's Travels in Syria and Egypt may very soon be expected. Mr. Lee, surgeon, of Shields, will shortly publish a Treatise on Mortification. A new, edition of Purchas's Pilgrims, will shortly appear, printed in quarto, uniform with the recent editions of the English Chronicles. A new editions being the thirty-third, of Tooke's Pantheon, is in considerable for wardness. The letter-press has undergone a complete revision, and the language is so far altered as not to offend the most delicate ear; and, beside other improvements, it will be illustrated by a series of engravings, in outline, from original drawings, from antique statues, &c. A Tour through the Central Counties of England, namely, Worcester, Stafford, Leicester, and Warwick, including their topo graphy and biography, will shortly appear in a royal quarto volume, embellished with twenty-four elegant plates. Benjamin Thompson, Esq. of Nottingham, has in the press a translation of M. Layesterie's Account of the Introduction of the Merino Race of Sheep into the several Countries of Europe where they are naturalized; the work is accompanied with notes relating to the mode of managing this va luable breed, which the translator's own experience has enabled him to supply. Mr. Benjamin Travers, Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Surgeon to the Honourable East India Company, has in the press and nearly ready for Publication, an experimen tal Enquiry concerning injuries to the Canal of the Intestines, illustrating the Treatment of penetrating Wounds and mor tited Hernia. Mr. Ticken intends to publish a Histori cal Atlas, ancient and modern, to consist of six select charts. Dr. Binns of Lancaster, formerly Head Master of Ackworth School, has lately finished a new English Grammar, upor which he has been engaged at intervals during many years. Dr. Smith is printing a Translation of Le Roy's Instructions for gouty and rheu matic Persons. The Author of the Refuge has in the press, a Piece on the Sufferings of Christ. Dr. Watson has nearly ready for publi cation, a theoretical and practical View of the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb; containing hints for the correction of impediments in speech; together with a vocabu lary. Illustrated by numerous copperplates, representing the most common ob jects necessary to be named. A translation of M. De Luc's Geological Travels in the North of Europe, will appear in a few weeks. The Rev. Caley Illingworth, F. A. S. will shortly publish, iù a quarto volume, illastrated by several engravings, a topographi cal Account of the Parish of Scampton, in Lincolnshire, and of the Roman 'Antiqui ties lately, discovered there. Mrs. Smith will shortly publish, the Fe on his late decision against a clergyman, for refusing to bury the child of a dissenter. With a preface addressed to the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of Eng. land. By a Clergyman. The Rev. Thomas Comber, A. B. author of Memoirs of Dr. Comber, Dean of Durham, a Visitation Sermon, &c. is preparing the History of the Parisian Massacre of St. Bartholomew, wherein all the minute circumstances of that sanguinary event are faithfully portrayed. Collected from unpublished manuscripts and other, authentic sources. Robert Steele, Esq. of the Royal Marines, has in preparation a Tour through the Atlantic, or Recollections from Madeira, the Azores, and Newfoundland, including the period of Discovery, Produce, Manders and Customs of each. With a chart. Lieut. Colonel Mark Wilks, will publish early next month, in 4to. with maps, the first volume of his Historical Sketches of of the South of India, in an attempt to trace the History of Mysoor, from the ori gin of the Hindoo Government of that State, to the Extinction of the Mohammedan Dynasty in 1799; founded chiefly on Indian Authorities, collected by the Author while officiating for several years as Political Resident at the court of Mysoor. This work will comprise a brief narrative of the military operations and political connexions of Mysoor, with its Hindoo, 'Mohammedan, and European neighbours, during the whole of that period; notices of the character and effects of the successive revolutions of the south, on the institu tions and property of the natives; with a dissertation on the nature and history of the landed property of India, from a period antecedent to the expedition of Alexander until the present day; and incidental illustrations of the doctrines, the history, and sanguinary religious persecution by Hindoos of some interesting Hindoo sects, hitherto but little known; and of the cha racter, manners, and opinions of the na tions whose transactions are described. Dr. Scott, late Oriental Professor at the Royal East India College, has in the press an edition of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, to be embellished with engravings from designs by Smirke. The last edition in 4 volumes duodecimo of the translation of Galland's French version, received considerable correction, from the pen of Mr. Gough, of Enfield. This edition Dr. Scott adopts as his basis, carefully revising and occasionally correcting it from the Arabic original. To this he has added a new volume comprising thirty-five tales, now first translated from an Arabic copy of the 1001 nights, brought into Europe by Edward Wortley Montague, Esq. and deposited in the Bodleian Library at Oxford; and also an introduction and notes illustrative of the Religion, Manners, Customs, and Domestic Habits of the Mahummedans. The life of Colonel Hutchinson by his Wife is printing in two volumes octavo, and will soon be ready for publication. Art. XXVIII. LIST OF WORKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. AGRICULTURE. General View of the Agriculture of Surrey, drawn up for the Board of Agriculture. By W. Stevenson, 8vo. 15s. ANTIQUITIES. Herculanensia; or, Archeological and Philological Dissertations, containing, a Manuscript found among the Ruins of Herculaneum; and dedicated, by permission, to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. ARCHITECTURE. Every Builder his own Surveyor, or the Builder's Vade Mecuh. By R. Jones, 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. By the Rev. William Beloe, Translator of Herodotus, &c. 8vo. vol. 4, 10s. 6d. from his Lordship's Manuscripts. By the Rev. James Stanier Clarke, F. R. S. Librarian to the Prince, and Chaplain to His Royal Highness's Household, and John Mc Arthur, Esq. LL. D. Late Secretary to Admiral Lord Viscount Hood. Illustrated by numerous Engravings and Fac-similes. 2 vols. imperial 4to. 91. 9s. A History of the Political Life of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt; including some account of the times in which he lived. By John Gifford, Esq. illustrated by two fine ly engraved Portraits of Mr. Pitt: one from the Bust executed by Mr. Flaxman, the other from the most approved original picture. 3 vols. royal 4to. 81. 8s. Ecclesiastical Biography; or, Lives of Eminent Men, connected with the History of Religion in England; from the commencement of the Reformation to the Revolution ; selected, and illustrated with notes, by Christopher Wordsworth, M. A. Dean and Rector of Bocking, and domestic The Life of Admiral Lord Nelson, K. Bi Chaplain to his Grace the Archbishop of BIOGRAPHY. Canterbury. Dedicated, by permission, to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, 6 vols. 8vo. 31. 15s. CLASSICAL LITERATURE. M. Fabii Quintilliani de Institutione O-. ratoris libri duodecimo, recisis quæ minus necessaria videbantur. Editio nova studiosorum usibus accommodata, et in plurimis locis optimorum librorum fide emendata. Curante Jacobo Ingram, S. T. B. Coll. Trin. Oxon. Soc. 8vo. 10s. 6d. CHEMISTRY. The Rudiments of Chemistry ; illustrated by Experiments, and eight copper-plate engravings of Chemical Apparatus. By Samuel Parkes, Author of the Chemical Catechism, &c. 18mo. 5s. EDUCATION. The Elements of Book-keeping by single or double entry; comprising several sets of books arranged according to the present practice. By S. Morrison, Acct. Svo. is. A new and improved Grammar of the English Tongue for the Use of Schools. By W. Hazlitt, 18mo. 2s. GEOGRAPHY. A geographical and historical View of the World; exhibiting a complete Delineation of the natural and artificial features of each Country; and a succinct Narrative of the Origin of the different Nations, their political Revolutions, and progress in Arts, Sciences, Literature, Commerce, &c. The whole comprising all that is important in the Geography of the Globe, and the History of Mankind. By John Bigland, Author of Letters on Ancient and Modern History, &c. 5 vols. 8vo. 31. 13s. 6d. HISTORY. The History of Greece. By William Mitford, Esq. vols. 7 and 8. in 8vo. to complete sets in 8vo. 18s. The Asiatic Annual Register; or a View of Hindostan, and of the Politics, Commerce, and Literature of Asia, Vol. IX. for the year 1807. 8vo. 18s. An Essay on the Study of the History of England. By Major Samuel Dales. 8vo. 7s. 6d. An Historical Chart of the Reign of his present Majesty George III. from his Accession to the Throne, Oct. 25, 1760, to the commencement of the Jubilee year, 25th of Oct. 1809. By W. Ticken, 10s. 6d. or mounted on rollers, 14s. JURISPRUDENCE. The Trial of J. Brandon for an Assault and False Imprisonment, committed on the Person of H. Clifford, Esq. By Blan chard and Ramsay. 3s, 6d. The Speech of Sir Vicary Gibbs, Knt. his Majesty's Attorney General in the Court of King's Bench, Nov. 20, 1809. 1s. 6d. The Trial of Mrs. Clarke and Messrs. Wrights the Upholsterers, for a Conspiracy against Col. Wardle, 2s. 6d. Seven Charges, given to Grand Juries, at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. 2s. 6d. MEDICINE AND CHIRURGERY. Pharmacopoeia Chirurgica, or a Manual of Chirurgical Pharmacy. With notes and observations. By J. Wilson, Surgeon, 12mo. 6s. Cursory Rema: ks on the Prevention, Causes, and Treatment of Fever; occa sioned by the recent occurrence of an Epidemic Disorder in Aylesbury, and its Neighbourhood. By David Uwins, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London; and Author of the Medical Articles in Dr. Gregory's Cyclopædia. 8vo. 3s. METAPHYSICS. An Analysis of Mr. Locke's Essay concerning Human Understanding. By Edward Oliver, D. D. Formerly Fellow of Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge.4to. 5s. MISCELLANEOUS. The Fruits of Reflection, or Moral Remembrances on various Subjects. By Mrs. Helme, 2 vols. 12mo. 9s. The Hue and Cry, Murder!. Murder! Murder! The Snake in the Grass found, or the Assassin shot to the Heart. 2s. The Examiner examined; or, Logic vindicated. By a Graduate, 2s. 6d. A Scourge for the Adulterers, Duellists, Gamesters, and Self-murderers of 1810, including occasional thoughts connected with the subjects, 8vo. 2s. Of the Education of the Poor; being the first part of a Digest of the Reports of the Society for bettering the Condition of the Poor. 8vo. 5s. Choix Historique et Litteraire sur l'Origine des Artes et des Sciences. Par N. Hamel, 12mo. 5s, 6d. The East India Vade-Mecum; or, complete Guide to Gentlemen intended for the Civil, Military, or Naval Service of the East-India Company. By Capt. Thomas Williamson, Author of the Wild Sports of |