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conclude no such address was ever made by any deputed from them, whatever any single person might do." Though Leslie replied to the work of Emlyn, in which this passage occurs, yet he makes no attempt to bolster up his improbable story-he notices not Emlyn's impeachment of the tale. Indeed, to a mind not wedded to prejudice-not cased in ignorance which no facts could pierce, this supposed holy alliance must seem perfectly preposterous. Mr. Harvie! is not your statement based upon a forgery? Inquire, I pray you, and let the public know the result.

Mr. Harvie, by way of completing his picture of Unitarian unbelief, at length affirmed, that "Unitarians came before God, without any reference to a Mediator." Really, Mr. Harvie! this is too bad. Know you not, that the Christian Unitarian joyfully believes that "there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men—the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time"? This I take to be the genuine Apostles' creed. Is it not likely to be as correct as that of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster? To this faith Unitarian Christians adhere, for they believe it to be founded on Scripture teaching. Can as much be said of that "accuser of the brethren" and his friends? They may believe in a Mediator also, but is it not a far different being from him of whom the Apostle testifies? They talk of a "God-man"-the Apostle speaks of "the man Christ Jesus;" they speak of a double nature, the divinehuman the Scriptures inculcate the truth, which Jesus himself ratified, that he was 66 a man, who hath told you the truth which I have heard of God." Might not the charge, then, be retorted on Mr. Harvie, and that, too, with Scripture to warrant it, that he and his brethren reject the Mediator?

What a contemptible opinion must Mr. Harvie have had of his audience, and how deplorably ignorant must he be of the principles of Christian Unitarianism, when he repeated, over and over again, the charge, that Unitarians believed Christ "to be nothing more than a man, feeble and peccable like ourselves"- "It is highly criminal to go to the Unitarian chapel❞—" Though full of faith, had better not go"you "You would not swallow poison, though in health""Unitarianism has proved the rock on which thousands have been shipwrecked in their passage to eternity"—"Let no sinful levity or idle curiosity

lead you to hear that man, who degrades the Son, and denies the existence of the blessed Spirit of God, and will have none of his mercies"-"Don't go and hear that man, who, in every sermon he delivers, exhibits the Saviour as nothing more than a man, feeble and peccable like ourselves."

And does the individual who uttered these exhortations, call himself a minister of Christ, and glory in the name of Protestant? Even so. But surely he has mistaken his vocation. The Catholic tells you, Go not into the synagogues of schism, for it will hurl your soul to perdition. The Church of England proclaims, Except a man do keep whole and undefiled the creed of St. Athanasius, he "shall without doubt perish everlastingly." Mr. Harvie, protesting against both, imitates the worst spirit of both. He styles himself a Dissenter, and therefore he should know, that his dissent is alone justified by the great Protestant— the Christian principle-the right of individual judgment. In solemn mockery of that right, he warns his hearers against inquiry; he says, it is criminal to hear the Unitatarians! And are his hearers such slaves as to obey his bidding? Have they no desire for information? Are they resolved to blindfold their intellect? Then, be their opinions what they may, they are not their own, they are those of their minister. They are as much under "the yoke of bondage," as the poor Catholic whom they are encouraged to despise, and Mr. Harvie is their priest.

And, truth to say, if Mr. Harvie's object be to support a party rather than principle, and Catechisms, long or short, in preference to the charity "which thinketh no evil, and which doth not behave itself unseemly," he does right to guard his congregation against either hearing or judging for themselves. Inquiry, whether as to the use of an "Organ," or to the use of reason in Religion, he well knows, does not tend to the increase or the harmony of the Relief Church, though it may give ease to oppressed conscience, and tend to heighten the feelings of devotion. His safest course would be, to say nothing on the subject. There is a feeling in human nature, which sides with those who are despitefully entreated; and it may chance, that the very means he has adopted to put down Unitarianism, may be the very causes which will accelerate its progress. It cannot be, but that in so large a congregation as Mr. Harvie's, there should be men" who know their rights,

and, knowing, dare maintain"who, even amidst the denunciations of Protestant-Popery, will hear and obey the voice of the Saviour, "Why even of your ownselves, judge ye not that which is right"? "Search the Scriptures. The blessing of God on their inquiries.



GLASGOW, February 1, 1831.

IN our 51st Number, p. 73-77, was inserted a statement by a respected correspondent, with regard to "the Charter of the Free-school" of Birmingham. We have since received an appendix of documents, in relation to the same subject. Whilst we return our thanks for these, we do not think it necessary to do more than notice their titles, conceiving these details not of general interest, their substance having been already given. They consist of Extracts from King Edward VI.'s Charter for the Free Grammar-school in Birmingham-a Notice of the Remonstrance, from the Dissenters of that town-the Official Reply, by George Barker, Esq.-Extract from the Freeschool Bill-Copy of the Third Schedule-Case of the Dissenters and others, in opposition to the clause-Extracts from Resolutions of a General Meeting of Dissenters, &c. May 24, 1930-Correspondence between J.W.Whateley and W. Wills, Esquires, on the modification, erasure, or addition of certain words in the proposed Bill Report of the Deputies sent to London, on behalf of the Dissenters of Birmingham-Unanimous Resolutions of thanks to various Noblemen and Gentlemen, who had presented petitions to Parliament, or aided in the opposition to the obnoxious measure-and a Letter from Mr. Whateley to Mr. Wills, communicating the successful result of the opposition made by the Dissenters in Birmingham, to certain parts of the Free-school Bill.

Halifax Sunday Schools. On Tuesday, Dec. 28th, was held the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Sunday Schools connected with the Unitarian Congregation at Halifax. The children, to the number of 140, having been examined and addressed by the Rev. W. Turner, Jun. the minister,

they joined in singing several choruses, and, particularly, Handel's Hallelujah Chorus, which, by the laudable exertions of the singing-master and organist, they were enabled to do in a very pleasing manner; after which, they were regaled with coffee and cake, and at 4 o'clock separated, well pleased with their entertainment.

At 5 o'clock, the teachers with their friends, assembled at tea, to the number of 120. Grace was sung, "Be present at our table, Lord," &c. after which, the Rev. W. Turner was called to the Chair. The Report of the School was read, a string of Resolutions brought forward, proposed and seconded by the teachers and other members of the Congregation, with short but animated speechesthe thanks of the meeting given to the friends and supporters of the Institution, and particularly to Mrs. Turner, for her unwearied exertions in the Girls' School, and to another lady for her handsome donation of £5. Much agreeable, and it is hoped, not unimproving conversation took place, on the state and proper management of these and similar institutions-on the means of still further increasing their efficacy and usefulness-and on the general prospects and practical influence of just and rational views of Christian truth. In these discussions, our respected visitor, the Rev. F. Howorth of Rochdale, took a leading part, delivered an excellent speech on the progress of Unitarianism, and largely contributed to the pleasure and information of the meeting. The Report presented a view of the Schools, on the whole, encouraging, both with respect to their present state, and the prospect for the future. One change, which is regarded as an improvement, has been introduced in the course of last year, by our zealous pastor, in the establishment of a Week-day Evening School, for teaching writing and arithmetic, by which means additional opportunities of improvement are afforded in these branches, and more time is attained on the Lord's day for instruction and pursuits more intimately connected with the proper business of a day sacred to religious duties.

The meeting was very interesting, and the future prospects of Unitarian Christianity in this town, is very cheering, both as regards the increase of our congregation, and the decrease of prejudice amongst those who differ with us in opinion, a few of whom requested to be admitted to our company, and when they took their departure, expressed themselves well pleased with our proceedings.

S. S. T.

Glasgow City Mission.-The Annual Meeting of this Society, was held on Tuesday, the 11th January, in Dr. Wardlaw's Chapel. The Report of the Committee presented several facts of melancholy interest. Many individuals, natives of Scotland, had been found by the preachers, who could not read, and others who had never heard of the name of Christ; and twelve families were visited in one day, in one district, who had never attended public worship. Often had the agents of the Society been invited to repeat their visits, to administer consolation, to arrange differences, and to give reproofs. Two schools had been formed for destitute objects. The Report having detailed these and other circumstances, and pointed out the difficulties and discouragements attendant on the exertions of the Institution, then stated, that "the greatest opposition experienced, was from Roman Catholics, Deists, and Unitarians." This assertion is calculated to produce a wrong impression. Occupying the place it did in the Report, it would appear to the audience, that the Unitarians were opposed to giving instruction to the poor, and consolation to the afflicted. This is not true, and the Committee know it is not true. A City Mission, as such, for the real, not merely ostensible purpose, of raising the moral condition of the poor-of ministering edification, advice, warning-of speaking peace to the mourner, and showing sympathy to the afflicted-of recovering the transgressor, and guiding the young,-we not only do not oppose, but would gladly and zealously uphold. In saying this, we are convinced we utter only the genuine feeling of every Christian Unitarian of Glasgow. The pages of the Pioneer bear evidence to our personal sentiments on this subject, to say nothing of the support individually given, it may be, to this very Society. The resolution passed by the British & Foreign Unitarian Association, and the indefatigable labours of Dr. Tuckerman of Boston, Massachusetts, the first and only clergyman, we believe, who, after resigning the charge of an intellectual and deeply-attached congregation, devotes his time and talents as "Minister at large," solely to the poor, are sufficient to vindicate the Unitarians of England and America also, from "great opposition" to City Missions. But a "City Inquisition" we shall oppose, with all the earnestness which becomes the freedmen of Christ. If its agents (we had nearly written "familiars,") be more anxious about

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