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Infcriptions that are very odd; the other is a Vow performed to Efculapius.

De incerto quodam Simulachro ac de Voto Melanthi, deque Afclepio cui nuncupatum eft votum. in 4to.


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R. Lorenzo Terranee, a Phyfician of this City, has found out new Glands in the Urethra of, Men. They are the Seat of fome Diseases, that have frequently proved incurable, for want of knowing thole Glands.

Laurentii Terranei de Glandulis univerfim & Specia tim ad urethram virilem nov. Taurini. in 8vo.

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M. HARBERT has put our the VIIth Volume of his Dogmatical and Moral Theology, for the Ule of the Seminary of Chalons upon the Marne.

Theologia Dogmatica & Moralis, ad ufum Seminarii Catalaunenfis. Tomus Septimus continens Tractatus de Ordine, de Cenfuris, de Irregularitate, & de Matrimonio. Paris 1712. in 12mo. Pagg. 903.

The Difpute about this Queftion, Whether Burgun dy-Wine be better than Champagne? that was managed fome Years ago by fome Phyficiaus with too much Heat and Gravity, has been lately revived, and treated in a manner fuited to the Subject. Two Poets are engaged in that Difpute. Mr. Grenan, who is for Burgundy, has been the Aggreffor by publishing an Ode in Defense of that Wine. Mr. Coffin, who is for Champagne," has compofed another Ode in anfwer to that. Mr.


Grenan has prefented a Petition to Dr. Fagon in Hen decafyllabick Verses, to which Mr. Coffin has oppofed a Decree of the Faculty of Phyfick of the Ine of Cos in Iambick Verfes. Mr. Du Hamel, a Norman, has entered the Lifts in Favour of Cyder. Thofe Pieces are very much approved by the best Judges of Latin Poetry.

A Confiderable Work will be fhortly published by Father Anfelme Banduri, a Benedictin of Ragufa. That Work is entituled:1

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Imperium Orientale, five Antiquitates Conftantinopo titane, in quatuor partes diftributa, que ex variis Scriptorum Græcorum operibus & præfertim ineditis adorna ta Commentaris, ac Geographicis, Topographicis, aliif que quam plurimis monumentorum ac numifmatum ta bellis illuftrantur, & ad intelligentiam cùm facre, tùm profane Hiftoria apprimè conducunt. Operâ & Studio Domni Anfelmi Banduri, Ragufini Presbyteri ac Mona chi Benedictini è Congregatione Melitenfis. Parifiis Typis & Sumptibus Joannis-Baptiste Coignard.

That State of the Ancient Empire of Conftantinople is divided into Four Parts."

The First contains Two Defcriptions of that Em pire; One of which was written by the Emperor Con Stantinus Porphyrogeneta, and the other by the Grammarian Hierocles. The Firft Defcription has been corrected from an ancient Manuscript, and tranflated by the Editor, who has added Learned Notes to his Tranflation.

The Second Part relating to the Government of that Empire, comprehends the Inftruction of ConStantinus Porphyrogeneta to his Son Prince Roman; that of Agapetus to the Emperor Juftinian; that of Bafil the Macedonian to his Son Prince Leo; that of Theophylactus, Archbishop of Bulgaria, to Prince Conftantine,

Ff 2


revised from the Manufcripts, and tranflated and illuftrated with Notes.

The Third Part concerns the Antiquities of Con ftantinople, and confifts of Eight Books, moft of which have never been printed. The Four firft Books were written by an Anonymous Author, who Dedicated this Work to the Emperor Alexius Comnenus. He gives an exact Description of that Imperial City; and as he is Three hundred and fifty Years more ancient than Codinus, he is alfo larger. Father Ban. duri has tranflated and commented that Curious Description. The Fifth Book of this Third Part contains a Chronology of an Anonymous Author, which is alfo tranflated and commented by the Learn ed Editor.

: Father Banduri gives us, in the Sixth Book, a Treatife concerning the Statues melted down by the Latins after the taking of Conftantinople, which was written by Nicetas Choniates; a Description of the Imperial Tombs, different from that which du Cange publifhed only in Greek; a Defcription of the Im perial Palace, by Georgius Pachymeres; that of the Church of the Holy Virgin built by the Emperor Bafil the Macedonian, which was compofed by Photius ; Laftly, a Supplement taken from Codinus, and from the Manufcripts of the King's Library.

The Infcriptions, that were to be seen at Conftantinople, fill up the Seventh Book. Several Catalogues of the Emperors and Patriarchs of Conftantinople, and of the Churches depending upon that Pa triarchate, make up the Eighth Book, and conclude the First Volume. All thofe Pieces have been tranflated by the Editor, except fome Epigrams of the Seventh Book.

The Second Volume is a Commentary divided into Eight Books upon the Works contained in the Firft; to which many Cuts and Maps have been


added. The Editor has inferted in his Commentaries feveral Fragments, and fome fmall Tracts of Greek Authors, never before published.



PIOUS Divine of the Church of England has lately published a Book against thofe, who being contented with the Theory of Religion, neglect the Practical Part of it. That Book is entituled,

An Effay upon true Knowledge and a found Fudg ment in Religion. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. London: Printed for R. Smith in ExeterExchange in the Strand. 1712. in 8vo. Pagg. 188.

The Author undertakes to fhew, That a Man cannot be faid to have a true Knowledge of Reli, gion, unless his Life be conformable to the Precepts of the Gofpel. He alledges many Paffages of the Holy Sceipture, and feveral Authors, to prove his Affertion, and confirms it by feveral Arguments. Befides, he answers the Objections that may be raised against it,

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DE REBUS GESTIS JOANNIS II. Lufitanorum Regis, Optimi Principis nuncupati; ad Auguftiffimum Regem PETRUM II. Auctore EMMANU ELE TELLESIO SYLVIO, Mar chione Alegretenfi, Regi a Sanctioribus Confiliis, è Primariis Cubiculario, Triumviro fifci moderatore, &c. Juxta Editionem Ulyffiponenfem. Hage Comitum, apud Adrianum Moetjens, M DCC XII.

That is,

THE HISTORY of JOHN II. King of Portugal, dedicated to His Majefty PETER II. By EMMANUEL TELLEZ DE SILVA, Marquis of ALEGRETE, &c. Reprinted from the Lisbon Edition, Hague 1712, In 4to. pagg. 279.

THIS fhort Hiftory of 30 HN II. King of Por

tugal is written in a neat and perfpicuous Stile, and interfperfed with feveral Judicious Reflexions The Matters contained in it are generally

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