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sca ada chisten adeleşlə dvond! 3Two Latin Manufcripts of Antonio Maria Gratia) ni, Bishop of Amelia one of the greateft/Wits of the XVIth Century, came into his Hands: The ond contained the Life of Cardinal Commendon, to whom Gratiani was very much addicted, the other repred fented the Misfortunes of the luftrious Men of the XVIth Century. He publifhed those two Pieces, and tranflated the Firft. Which was look'd upon as Model of Translation. 6389e? (umurad 19 bout ac

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M. Flechier, being a good Poet, a Famous Orator, an Excellent Tranflator, could not but find the French Academy difpofed, or rather very defirous to admit him into their Society. He fucceeded M. Godeau, Bishop of Vente, in 1673.

Among the Projects, that were formeds for the EA ducation of the Dauphin, it was thought neceffary! to publish for his Use the Hiftory of all the grear Princes, who profeffed Chriftianiry. M. Flechier, bea ing ordered to write The Hiftory of Theodofius, pub lifhed it in 1679. And 'tis the only one that came out. He compofed at the fame Time The Hiftorji of Cardinal Ximenes, printed in 1693. At the End of one of his Sermons, an unknown Cordelier brought him fome Memoirs for that History,sand then went away, and M. Flechier never faw him fince. M. Flechier looked upon that Adventure, as an Order from Heaven to go about that Work.

His Merit was too well known at Court to be left without Reward, under a Prince, who knows how to diftinguish Virtue, and loves O raife Virtu ous Men. The King bestowed upon him the Abbey of St. Severin, and afterwards promoted him to the Bifhoprick of Lavaur, in 1685. and then, in 1687. to the Bishoprick of Nifmes (I omit that Part of the Encomium relating to the pretended Converfion of the Proteftants in the Diocese of Nifmes.) Keeping a ftrict Order in his Houfe, and yet magnificent and


liberal, especially towards the Poor; affable; easy to be spoken to behaving-himself like a Father and a Paftor, feldom like a Superior, never like an. Enemy #aba Had ouni ama Enemyba. de BTZ modw or shy ten bus) 1. abd ar

His Inclination for the Belles Lettres was not ftifled. by the Cares attending the Epifcopal Dignity. He took care to have an Academy founded at Nifmes, of which he was the Prefident and the Soul. His Palace was another Academy, wherein he made it his Bu finefs to bring up Chriftian Orators, and fuch Wri ters as might ferve the Church, and be an Ornament to the Nation. os


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Whilft he improved and perfected other Authors, he neglected his own Works. Being follicited from all Parts to print his Sermons, he only published fome few,s that came out in 1696. His flowness in pub. lifhing his Old Pieces made every Body the more eager to get the New ones. Old Age did not weaken his Body, nor impair his Mind. One may observe in his last Pieces the fame Eligance, Delicacy,, and even a greater Strength than in the first. The Pub Fek expreffeds their Admiration for them, as foon as they came out They were printed at Paris, at Lyons, in Foreign Countries: So many Editions were hardly fufficient to fatisfy the Cutiofity of the Readers. mid wel even asido:' 14 ha67 Holst toy, ar

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LETTERS written by Mr. LENFANT, Father VOTA, and the late QUEEN of Pruffia.

I. A Letter to Mr. Le CLER C. By Mr. LENFANT:



SI was lately perufing fome Papers in my Study, I found a Letter of the Illuftrious Father Vota, Confeffor of the King of Poland, to the late Queen of Pruffia, of Glorious Memory, with the Anfwer of that incomparable Princefs. I have read again those Two Letters; and it feems to me that they ought to come out of the Duft, and to be inferted in the Bib liotheque Choifie. But in order to it, I muft inform you upon what Occafion they were written.

Father Vota came to Berlin fome Years ago: I know not what Business occafioned his Journey. That Jefuit having a great deal of Wit, a Noble Eloquence, a kind of Univerfal Learning, a Vivacity feldom to be feen in the Flower of the Age, but very extraordinary in a Man far advanced in Years; his Converfation muft needs be extremely agreeable. The Queen was very much pleafed with it. That Princefs, among other Talents, knew how to diftinguish Merit, and delighted in the Converfation of Ingenious and Learned Men. Nay, fhe might have improyed them, by her great Genius, and penetrat

ing Wit, by the Extent of her Knowledge in many Things, that are generally above the reach of the Ladies, and by an extraordinary Tafte; but above all by that Noble and Polite Behaviour, which should. be the Character of Learning.


One may eafily judge, that Controverfy was not wholly laid afide. The Queen was very well pleafed to hear fome Clergymen of both Parties difcourfe of feveral Masters, which, tho' very common, are very important. She fent for her German and French Chaplains*, one after another; that the Converfation might be free from Noife, and that Father Vota, who was alone, fhould not be overcome by the Number of his Antagonists. Thofe Converfations proved fometimes perfect Affaults, attended with Tharp Blows on both Sides; but there was no de-' cifive Battle. The Combatants being well pleased with their own Feats, parted good Friends, and were ready to renew the Attack upon the First Signal. The Queen's Chaplains ufed Father Vota with great Civility in every Thing, that concerned his Perfon But because they were unwilling to carry their Po liteness farther, or to yield any Thing in Matters, wherein il credere is not di cortefia, that Father could hardly bear any Contradiction to which he was nOC ufed.

He found himself engaged with Men of Refo lution, who boldly attacked the pretended Infallibility of the Church, and held out against the Authority of Fathers and Councils. His Zeal carried him fometimes beyond the Bounds of Moderation, as he himself owns in his Letter; but it must be confeffed that his Anger proceeded from a Noble Principle. Agréable colere ! digne reffentiment! The Goddess, who prefided over the Combat, fmiled more than

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Olli fubrifit vultu, quo cuncta Serenat.

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Father Vota excufes himself to the Queen for his zealous Flights. That Princess was pleased to communicate his Letter to one of her Chaplains; and being refolved to answer it, fhe confulted him about fome Facts, that were mentioned in the Conferences, and are proved more at large in her Anfwer. Father Vota received that Letter; and I often heard the Queen fay, he had promifed more than once to answer it. I do not question but that he has done it. "Tis pity fo good a Piece fhould have been involved in the Troubles of Poland. However it be, I thought I was obliged to publifh that Letter, out of Refpect for the Memory of a Queen, who was fo generous as to defend her Religion, and thofe Divines who maintained it in her Prefence, and by her Order. Father Vota cannot take it ill, fince it is to his Honour: Befides, there are fome Occafi ons on which one may fall into a Paffion without offending againft Decency, and good Manners. were to be wifhed the Impreffion of the Queen's Letter might help us to recover Father Vota's Reply.


I am,

Berlin, Octob. 6.


Sir, &c.

II. A LETTER of Father VOTA to the QUEEN of Pruffia.

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